Attachment 1 – 1B Post Appeal EIA

Equalities Impact Assessment – following Single Status review

Summary of Statistics – 19 grades at 2010 pay rates

(2009 employee data and figures rounded to nearest whole number)

Workforce Analysis:

(data as at September 10 – does NOT include April 2011 increments)

  • 10627 people within the review in 1096 posts
  • Of the 10627 staff: 87% (9282) are female and 13% (1345) are male (7:1 F to M)
  • These figures include Premises and Learning Support Services staff.

Impact Analysis (Basic Pay):

Overall Outcome

  • overall outcome from Single Status: 55% (5828) are Green, 26% (2802) are Red and 19% (1997) are White.
    74% gain or do not lose at all in basic pay salary.

Losers and Gainers Analysis

  • a total of 5828 (55%) would gain, of this, 4187(72%) would gain more than 10%. (39% of whole workforce)

a total of 2802 (26%) would lose, of this, 1537 (55%) would lose more than 10%. (14% of whole workforce)

Gainers Breakdown

  • a total of 1641staff would gain, between 0.1% and 10% from £0 to £5,576 pa.

a total of 3168staff would gain, between 10% and 20% from £1,544 to £8,087 pa.

a total of 1019 staff would gain, over 20%from £2,588 to £18,622 pa.

Losers Breakdown

  • a total of 1265 staff would lose, between 0.1% and < 10% from £177 to £4,391 pa.

a total of 911 staff would lose, between 10% and 20% from £1,791 to £11,245 pa.

a total of 626 staff would lose, over 20% from £3,413 to £20,945 pa.


  • Average Basic Pay comparison:

Average Basic Pay Salary FTE £s / 14.09.10 / New Pay Model / Change (%)
Female / £17147 / £18508 / 1361 (8%)
Male / £22527 / £23514 / 987 (4%)
  • Numbers & average gains/losses in Green / Red / Whites by gender as a subset of the whole population:

Female / Females as % of Female Total / Male / Males as a % of Male Total / Average
Green / Number / 5047 (47%) / 54% / 781 (7%) / 58%
Average of Green Gain / £2284 / £2718 / £2342
Red / Numbers / 2467 (23%) / 27% / 335 (3%) / 25%
Average of Red Losses / £2968 / £3403 / £3020
White / Numbers / 1768 (17%) / 19% / 229 (2%) / 17%
Total / 9282 (87%) / 100% / 1345 (13%) / 100%


  • 27% (2467) of females are Reds, compared to 25% (335) of males.
  • Proportionately more males are Green than females, 58% (781) compared to 54% (5047).
  • 54% of females are Green, who will all get a gain in salary.
  • The average salary for females has increased by 8% while the average salary for males has increased by 4%.

Comparison / Facts / Comment
Gainers and Losers
Males / Females 2 : 1 gainers to losers
Males 2: 1 gainers to losers / For every 1 Female loser, there will be 2 female gainers.
For every 1 Male loser, there will be 2 male gainers.
Overall average salary increases (Basic Pay FTE) / Females: £18,508, 8% increase
Males: £23,514, 4% increase
All Employees: £19,141 / Average Salary has increased by 4% more for females than for males.
New salaries
Old salaries / Average new basic pay:
Females now 79% of Males pay
Average old basic pay:
Females was 76% of Males pay / The salary gap between all Females and Males has shrunk by 3%.
Before Single Status the average female pay was 76% of male pay. This profile is caused by historical demographics within the workforce. After single status, average female pay will increase to 79% of male pay. In line with EOC guidance, we are aiming to achieve 95% or higher and will monitor progress on this initially 6 monthly and then annually.
Comparison / Facts / Comment
76.62% White – British
21.28% no data
0.16% undeclared
1.94% other ethnic groups (208 employees)compared to 3% in the Cumbria population / These figures rely on self declaration however, under the council’s equality for all strategy, work is underway to provide a safe environment which encourages self declaration. In the meantime, we believe that the 208 figure is understated.
Average Basic Salary / BME / Average / % gap
F (160) / £19159 / £18,508 / -1.2%
M (47) / £24734 / £23,514 / -5.2%
All Staff (207) / £20446 / £19,141 / -6.8%
/ Average salary for Female BME groups is higher than average for both white British female workforce and whole workforce.
The average salary for Male BME groups is higher than the average salary for the white British male workforce and the whole workforce.
The gap between the male and female BME groups and the male and female staff average is negligible.
Comparison / Facts / Comment
1.10% (117) employeeshave declared a Disability.
(65.30% do not class themselves as having a disability and there is no data for the remaining 33.60%) against 16% of the Cumbrian working age population. / These figures rely on self declaration however, under the council’s equality for all strategy, work is underway to provide a safe environment which encourages self declaration.
Average Basic Salary / 78 Female: £21122
39 Males: £23527
117 Total £21924 / Average salary for employees declaring a disability is higher than whole workforce average salary.
Average salary for Females declaring a disability is higher than female workforce average salary.
Average salary for Males declaring a disability is slightly higher than male workforce average salary.
Within proposed grades / Female / Male / Total / %
Green / 44 / 26 / 70 / 60
Red / 25 / 8 / 33 / 28
White / 9 / 5 / 14 / 12
Total / 78 / 39 / 117 / 100
/ 72% of those having declared a disability gain or do not lose in basic salary. This compare to 74% of the whole workforce.
28% of those declaring a disability lose in basic salary. This compares to 26% of the whole workforce.
This underlines the need to improve the recording of disability declarations and then to make disability the focus of further specific analysis 6 months from implementation.
Comparison / Fact / Comment
88% (9304) No Religion / Undeclared
11% (1207) Christian
1% (116) All other Religions / These figures rely on self declaration however, under the council’s equality for all strategy, work is underway to provide a safe environment which encourages self declaration.
Average Basic Salary / No Religion / undeclared: £18938
Christian: £20492
All other Religions: £21359
Comparison / Fact / Comment
0.14% (15) employees have declared Bisexual or Gay / Lesbian
Average Basic salary / £26038 / Average salary for employees who have declared Bisexual or Gay / Lesbian is higher than the average salary for the whole workforce.
Comparison / Fact / Comment
70% of workforce is aged between 41 and 65.
Of these 88% are female and 12% male. / The average salary for Females and Males peaks in the 56 -60 age band.
HR policies are being revised to maximise succession planning opportunities and the benefits to be achieved from new initiatives such as flexible retirement.
There are 156 employees aged 65+.
Within proposed grades / See Below / Distribution by age of males and females is different but is not even. Across all ages and for both genders, greens outweigh reds, so no immediate action is required. However, the situation will be monitored.
Female / Male
Age Band / Total No. / Total Average Salary £ / Female
No. / Female Average Salary £ / Greens (winners)
No / Reds
No / White
No / Male No. / Male average Salary £ / Greens
No / Reds (Losers)
No / White
Under 22 / 149 / £15740 / 124 / £15766 / 74 / 28 / 22 / 25 / £15626 / 17 / 0 / 8
22-25 / 329 / £16939 / 291 / £16918 / 189 / 61 / 41 / 38 / £17100 / 23 / 5 / 10
26-30 / 628 / £18730 / 557 / £18493 / 349 / 114 / 94 / 71 / £20582 / 48 / 5 / 18
31-35 / 676 / £19294 / 584 / £18827 / 302 / 195 / 87 / 92 / £22258 / 61 / 14 / 17
36-40 / 1225 / £19082 / 1069 / £18431 / 523 / 315 / 231 / 156 / £23543 / 99 / 44 / 13
41-45 / 1759 / £19197 / 1580 / £18600 / 835 / 450 / 295 / 179 / £24731 / 100 / 58 / 21
46-50 / 1898 / £19317 / 1682 / £18617 / 877 / 467 / 338 / 216 / £24769 / 136 / 56 / 24
51-55 / 1721 / £19334 / 1526 / £18620 / 834 / 406 / 286 / 195 / £24917 / 104 / 49 / 42
56-60 / 1306 / £19857 / 1116 / £18945 / 619 / 265 / 232 / 190 / £25212 / 106 / 54 / 30
61-65 / 728 / £18840 / 600 / £18344 / 357 / 132 / 111 / 128 / £21164 / 70 / 35 / 23
65+ Above / 156 / £16719 / 119 / £16781 / 68 / 27 / 24 / 37 / £16520 / 11 / 5 / 21

52 people unknown date of birth


  • There are a slightly higher proportion of males gaining than females.
  • Aslightly higher proportion of females losing than males.
  • Average pay gap between females’and males has narrowed.
  • Average pay for females is rising at a higher proportion than males and we will continue to monitor this in line with previous EOC guidance.

Pay & Reward Team Page 1 Updated July 2011