
Called to Order 6:05


  • Introductions of attendees/clubs – sign in sheet sent around
  • CYLA consisted of 31 clubs, 260 teams during the 2009 season
  • Last season $8400 received in sponsorships (Del Taco, Mammoth)
  • Each team last year played 8-10 games
  • Referee assignment and payment process was revamped eliminating payment of referees on the field process (assigning and payment)
  • The CYLA website was integrated with the scheduling software
  • New scheduling software was implemented.


  • Referee assessments were billed to each club using 2 separate invoices for each half of the season. Invoice format was “fill in the blank” for each club’s number of teams and games
  • We have $33,559 in our bank account with $2640 still outstanding from Club obligations from last year.
  • Discussion of CYLA wanting to build up an operating budget for upcoming years, Suggested goal of having 2 years of operating expenses on hand. Executive committee to come up with a recommended guideline.
  • League team fees have not been calculated for the 2010 season as yet. Currently estimated to be $100 to $120 per team. Fees are being calculated to incorporate contractor fees and other league expenses. Contractor positions and fees are being reviewed.
  • Question – How much was the net in/out on Referee fees?
  • Answer: Loss ($500)
  • Question – What was the purpose of the Referee Field Supervisor?
  • The Referee Field Supervisor was tasked with randomly attending game sites to evaluate referee performance and reported to Head Referee.
  • Question – Was there any residual money in either the CJLA or CLL left over from the merger?
  • Answer: CJLA still has approximately $25-$30K remaining. CJLA funds were used to pay for the US Lacrosse Level I training provided in 2009, some scholarships for post season teams, CLF grant requests, the PCA clinic, and providing the operating expenses for the website. Most of the CLL funds went to the merger.


  • CYLA By-Laws indicate that Officers terms are 2 years. We have had Co-Presidents for 2 years now.
  • President, Secretary and Treasurer positions need to be elected for the next 2 year term
  • Floor opened for nominations. The President indicated that we could delay and both accept nominations and vote via email by end of October, prior to the next scheduled meeting (early November).
  • A Motion was made to nominate and vote tonight. Motion seconded and passed by majority vote
  • Discussion – Rob Gormley (DLC. Co-President) will likely be stepping down from the Exec. Committee. He is interested in scheduling contractor position. Remaining on the Committee would be a conflict of interest.
  • Steve Herda (Cougars) is stepping down from the Executive Committee
  • A call for officer nominations was made. No nominations were received. Existing Officers all indicated an interest in continuing for another term. The Treasurer indicated that he would like to have an assistant during the next term to provide a smooth transition.
  • A Motion was made to retain the existing officers. The Motion was seconded and passed by majority vote
  • A call was made for nominations of additional Executive Committee members. Executive committee can have as many as 10 members, including officers according to By-Laws. Rich Morgan (Panthers), Tom Thomas (Spartans) and Justin Jagodzinski (Hawks) were nominated.
  • A Motion was made to accept the three nominated volunteers. The motion was seconded and passed by majority vote
  • Voting Issues – According to the By Laws, each club has one vote and each member of the executive committee also has a vote. This creates the potential for a club to have multiple votes by having someone on the Executive Committee. It was suggested that only Exec Board members or officers that are NOT affiliated with any club have vote. Clause needs to be added to the By Laws
  • Careful wording of this clause is needed to ensure that each club only has 1 vote. The point of the issue and discussion is to avoid a club having two votes, 1 from the club rep and another resulting from a member of that club being on the Executive board. Conversely, there are members of the Executive Committee that are not affiliated with any club but should have voting rights.
  • A Motion was made for two unaffiliated members of the Executive Committee (Chris Clark and Chandler Lippett) to have voting rights at this meeting and until the bylaws are updated. The Motion was seconded and passed by a majority vote
  • It was determined that 18 voting club members were in attendance
  • Question – What are the qualification requirements for members of the Executive Committee?
  • Answer: None. The Bylaws only indicate that Executive Committee Members must be voted in by majority vote of clubs in attendance. Executive Committee members must only be over 18 yrs of age and can be completely unaffiliated with the CJLA or any member club.
  • Question – Doesn’t the President normally break tie votes?
  • Answer: In many organizations, that is the case. However, the CYLA Bylaws do not indicate that at this time.


  • Last year the CYLA added 1 club.
  • 5 clubs are requesting membership:
  • Sharpshooters (Colorado Springs)
  • Bear Creek
  • Windsor Copper Heads
  • High Prairie (Brighton)
  • Cherry Creek Youth Sports
  • Ground rules for club admission
  • According to CYLA By-Laws, new clubs must be approved by a 2/3 vote and there must be a quorum. Based on attendance tonight, 13 votes are required for approval of a new club.
  • Each club will provide a 5 minute presentation
  • After each presentation there will be a 5 minute question/response time
  • Following discussion by existing clubs in attendance, a vote will be taken
  • CYLA wants to grow the sport the sport of lacrosse. New clubs help grow the sport provided it is not disruptive to existing clubs. There have been cases in the past with negative factors and politics that did not benefit the kids and the club was rejected. Member clubs were reminded to consider what the benefits are for the kids. If there’s no benefit, it is counterproductive to this organization.
  • If a club has less than 3 teams, they do not have voting rights. No non-voting clubs were in attendance.
  • For new clubs, it was recommended that if they have less than 3 teams, they should seek “sponsorship” under an existing club until they can field 3. This is just a suggestion/recommendation and NOT required in the bylaws. Should a club seek sponsorship, however, they would be called by the sponsoring club name.
  • Information needed from new clubs seeking membership:
  • Number of teams and grade levels, number of fields, administration/administrators and area(s) where your players/coaches will be coming from.
  • Presentation – Mike Burke, Bear Creek Junior Sports Association. Club sponsors football, baseball basketball, soccer, volleyball, flag football. Approximately 2000 members in BCJSA sports. Most players from 6 local elementary schools, generally regulated by Bear Creek HS boundaries. Drawing players from their existing player population and not looking to take players from other local clubs.
  • Comment – Columbine regarding fields. They use several of the same elementary school fields. Discussion regarding football players from Bear Creek playing with Columbine.
  • Questions and discussion regarding affiliating with another club, coaches, administrator with lacrosse experience and Bear Creek HS not currently having lacrosse program.
  • Discussion – concern for lacrosse experience in the organization.
  • Motion to approve, seconded. Vote – 13 for, none opposed.
  • Club approved.
  • Anticipate 4-8 teams. Club name - Windsor Copperheads. They have fields. Players would be from Greeley and Windsor. Other Windsor team (Raptors) believed to have moved on to HS. Already have experienced coaches including a former Redhawks coach. Kids will move on to play for Windsor HS. Colors - Copper and black
  • Discussion – None
  • Motion to approve, seconded. Vote 13 for, none opposed; Club approved
  • Presentation - Derrick Snyder, Brighton Henderson area. Been with Mtn lax for several years. Club formed to feed Prairie View and Brighton HS. 3 fields identified. 3-4 teams at elementary school level, 1 at middle school. 4 coaches identified. Colors - Royal Blue and Black
  • Boulder had no issue, Broomfield also has no issue
  • Motion to approve, seconded. Vote 13 for, none opposed
  • Club approved
  • Presentation - Chris Waterhouse. Pikes Peak Lacrosse. Established board and non-profit status. Recently registered approximately 40 kids from grades 2-5, new to lacrosse. Expect 2 elementary level teams and 1 middle school. Fields from downtown Colorado Springs area and UCCS. Formerly with Tigers. Attempted to merge with Tigers but unable to reach agreement. Two former lax players on board. 3 coaches identified from UCC. Colors Blue and Yellow
  • Discussion – Tigers lacrosse: 2 of 3 Tigers teams going to sharpshooters. Discussion of differences with Tigers, why kids would move to sharpshooters. Lengthy discussion on both sides of the issues.
  • Motion to approve, seconded. Vote 16 for, 2 opposed, 2 abstain
  • Club approved
  • Fields from existing Bruins (baseball). Experienced coaches.
  • Discussion – Field issues, player, team and coach impact to Bandits.
  • Motion to approve, seconded. Vote 18 for, no opposed 2 abstain
  • Club approved


Unfortunately facility time constraints forced the meeting to end early. The following topics were mentioned very briefly.

  • New website proposal
  • Email will be sent on website details. Proposed will be that all clubs will be required to have a League Athletics webpage. CYLA has negotiated a deal with League Athletics and will subsidize the cost to clubs. Cost per club $150.
  • Contactor positions are under review and will be put out for bid again this year.
  • Scheduling and Dates – Currently, spring break schedules will provide for the season to begin on April 3, 2010.

NEXT MEETING: Scheduled for November 11, 2009 at the Bick Recreation Center at 7:00 pm.