Performance Suggestions

1) Check Free Disk Space on the C:\ disk drive and the disk drive where the design file and raster image are located. (Go into Windows Explorer – My Computer – click the right mouse button on disk drive you want to check the free disk drive space – Properties – General tab.)

2) Exit MicroStation and do Start -> Control Panel -> System -> Advanced -> Environment Variables -> System Variables -> New -> Variable Name: -> MS_RASTER_LOADMODE -> Variable Value: -> 3

3) Exit MicroStation, create a folder on a disk drive with a lot of free space for example C:\HmrTemp or D:\HmrTemp and do Start -> Control Panel -> System -> Advanced -> Environment Variables -> System Variables -> New -> Variable Name: -> HmrTempDirectory -> Variable Value: -> <Path> (Use the disk drive and folder that your created for example D:\HmrTemp for the Path. The folder name can be anything you want to call it. Substitute the D:\HmrTemp for <Path> for the Variable Value)

4) In MicroStation do Workspace > Configuration and check if you have MS_RASTER_SHARING in the View/modify all configuration variables listing. If you find MS_RASTER_SHARING in the list click on it and check if it is set to 1. If it is set to 0 then click edit and change it to 1. If the MS_RASTER_SHARING does not show in the list then click New and set the variable value to MS_RASTER_SHARING and set the New Value to 1. After the MS_RASTER_SHARING environment variable has been set to 1 then exit MicroStation and then go back into your file.



Manages the automatic creation of .sharing.tmp files required for the concurrent access of the same raster file by various instances of the MicroStation application.

If undefined or set to 0, .sharing.tmp files are always generated.

If set to 1, .sharing.tmp file generation is disabled.

The concurrence support takes some time especially if your files are on a network for example.



Sets how memory management for raster will be handled.






AUTO – Internet files are loaded with the cache mode. For all other file types, if there is enough memory space, the RAM mode is used. Otherwise the STANDARD mode is used.

CACHE – Generates a cache for all file dimensions and types.

RAM – Loads the raster in RAM

STANDARD – Loads the images like Active Image would do (other set of rules).

THRESHOLD – Loads the raster in RAM or generates a cache according to the size of the file.



Manages the location where raster cache files (.CTIFF) are created. The raster cache files make raster display faster when you go into MicroStation once they have been created. Sometimes the raster cache files become corrupt and must be deleted. The HmrTempDirectory specifies one location that the user can go to find their raster cache files and allows the user to specify a disk drive which contains a lot of free space for raster cache files creation, which can sometimes become large depending on the raster format and size.