Job Title / Learning and Teaching Development Manager
Scale / A39 (£38,750)
Workload / Full Time (to include a 0.4 teaching load)
HR management provided by / Head of Quality
Main purpose / To provide leadership and management in learning, teaching and assessment to ensure continuous improvement and successful outcomes in internal and external quality assurance activities
1 / Contribute to the updating of the College learning and teaching strategy and College observation of teaching, learning and assessment policy.2 / Manage the College graded observation of learning, assessment and progress (GOLAP) system to provide robust evidence of standards and improvement for internal and external purposes.
3 / Lead and manage the cross College GOLAP team to ensure they operate consistently, effectively and efficiently.
4 / Operationally manage Learning Coaches and liaise with Heads of Department/Sixth Form managers to ensure they are effectively deployed.
5 / Lead and manage the College learning walkthrough process to ensure it supports continuous quality improvement.
6 / Develop and manage a focussed and coherent staff development programme to continually improve standards of teaching, learning and assessment across the College.
7 / Work with individuals and groups of staff on specific ways of improving learning, teaching and assessment.
8 / Research and disseminate up to date knowledge of effective learning, teaching and assessment methods with a particular focus on effective use of learning technology.
9 / Write and present appropriate reports for internal and external purposes.
10 / Maintain currency of practice and deliver learning, teaching and assessment as timetabled.
1 /- Actively contribute to regular updates of the College learning and teaching strategy and College observation of teaching, learning and assessment policy to ensure they drive a culture of continuous improvement.
2 /
- Ensure all staff in scope are observed in line with the observation policy and that observations are timely and appropriate to College and student needs (i.e. a risk assessed approach).
- Maintain close links with heads of curriculum departments and HR (where appropriate) to ensure support/actions are in place where significant needs/risks are identified.
- Provide 1-1 support for staff whose sessions are graded ‘less than good’ and ensure robust records are maintained; including collation of records to inform performance management processes.
- Ensure ProObserve is utilised effectively and all records are accurate and in line with the College policy.
- Lead and manage appeal panels as appropriate.
3 /
- Train and mentor new members of the GOLAP team to ensure they rapidly become an effective team member and provide 1-1 support for all team members.
- Organise and lead standardisation and update meetings.
- Timetable and allocate initial GOLAPs, in Cycles, throughout the academic year.
- Timetable and allocate re-observations and ensure comprehensive records of support are maintained.
4 /
- Train and mentor Learning Coaches to ensure they rapidly become an effective team member and provide 1-1 support for all team members.
- Organise and lead half termly meetings to include sharing of best practice.
- Deploy Learning Coaches, in agreement with Heads of Department/Sixth Form Managers, to provide support for new curriculum staff and those who need to make rapid and significant improvement in their standards of teaching, learning and assessment.
- Lead and coordinate Learning Coach contribution to the curriculum staff development programme including Learning Squares and the Learning Fair.
- Maintain accurate records to reflect Learning Coach activity and impact.
5 /
- Train and mentor Heads of Department/Sixth Form Managers/Programme Area Leaders to ensure they understand, and can deliver, their responsibilities for monitoring and improving standards of learning, teaching and assessing through Learning Walkthroughs.
- Collate and store timely records.
6 /
- Identify College and team areas for improvement arising from observation activity and utilise outcomes to develop sharply focused and impactful learning, teaching and assessment development sessions for the All curriculum staff days in August and February each year and the published ongoing staff development programme.
- Lead and manage the Learning Square process.
7 /
- Work in a focused, constructive and timely manner with identified individuals and groups of staff to continuously improve standards of learning, teaching and assessment.
8 /
- Maintain up to date knowledge of Ofsted and other external quality assurance frameworks and work closely with the Head of Quality to ensure successful outcomes in monitoring activity relating to learning, teaching and assessment.
- Manage the Learning, Teaching and Assessment staff gateway site to ensure comprehensive and current material is available in an accessible way.
- Develop and distribute a minimum of 6 Think Learning newsletters per year.
- Contribute to driving the effective use of learning technology in learning, teaching and assessment to include championing flipped learning and other innovative/creative approaches to e-learning.
9 /
- Analyse ProObserve and other data to identify strengths and areas for development, including those due to differences between different groups.
- Utilise outcomes to inform learning, teaching and assessment development programmes.
- Write reports as appropriate for internal and external purposes.
10 / Deliver learning, teaching and assessment as timetabled to include appropriate:
- Planning
- Delivery
- Assessment
- Internal verification/moderation
11 / Equality and Diversity – actively support and implement the College’s Equal Opportunities policies.
12 / Safeguarding – work to promote and apply the college’s safeguarding and safe recruitment policies
The post holder will be required, as a minimum, to contribute to college effectiveness as a member of the following teams
- Quality
- Staff development
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Signed: …………………………………………………………………………
Dated: ………………………………………………………………………