Homework #1: Definition of Current and Resistance.

1. In a particular television picture tube, the measured beam current is 60.0 μA. How many electrons strike the screen every second?

2. A lightbulb has a resistance of 240 Ω when operating at a voltage of 120 V. What is the current in the bulb?

3. A 1.00-V potential difference is maintained across a 10.0-Ω resistor for a period of 20.0 s. What total charge passes through the wire in this time interval?

4. What is the resistance of a toaster if 120 V produces a current of 4.2 A?

5. What voltage will produce 0.25 A of current through a resistor?

6. A bird stands on a dc electric transmission line carrying 2800 A. The line has resistance per meter, and the bird’s feet are 4.0 cm apart. What is the potential difference between the bird’s feet?

Homework #2: Resistivity.

7. Calculate the diameter of a 2.0-cm length of

tungsten filament in a small lightbulb if its

resistance is 0.050 Ω.

8. Eighteen-gauge wire has a diameter of

1.024 mm. Calculate the resistance of 15 m

of 18-gauge copper wire at 20°C.

9. A potential difference of 12 V is found to

produce a current of 0.40 A in a 3.2-m length

of wire with a uniform radius of 0.40 cm.

What is (a) the resistance of the wire?

(b) the resistivity of the wire?

10. A wire 50.0 m long and 2.00 mm in

diameter is connected to a source with a

potential difference of 9.11 V, and the

current is found to be 36.0 A. Assume a

temperature of 20°C, and, using Table 17.1,

identify the metal out of which the wire is made.

11. A wire of initial length L0 and radius r0 has

a measured resistance of 1.0 Ω. The wire is

drawn under tensile stress to a new uniform

radius of r = 0.25r0. What is the new resistance

of the wire?

12. Suppose that you wish to fabricate a uniform wire out of 1.00 g of copper. If the wire is to have a resistance R= 0.500 Ω, and if all of the copper is to be used, what will be (a) the length and (b) the diameter of the wire? Hint: The density of copper is 8.92 g/cm3, and the volume of the copper does not change.

Homework #3: Temperature Dependence.

13. A certain lightbulb has a tungsten filament with a resistance of 19 Ω when cold and 140 Ω when hot. Assume that can be used over the large temperature range involved here, and find the temperature of the filament when it is hot. Assume an initial temperature of 20°C.

14. At 20°C, the carbon resistor in an electric circuit connected to a 5.0-V battery has a resistance of 200 Ω. What is the current in the circuit when the temperature of the carbon rises to 80°C?

15. A 100-cm-long copper wire of radius 0.50 cm has a potential difference across it sufficient to produce a current of 3.0 A at 20°C. (a) What is the potential difference? (b) If the temperature of the wire is increased to 200°C, what potential difference is now required to produce a current of 3.0 A?

Homework #4: Power.

16. A toaster is rated at 600 W when connected to a 120-V source. What current does the toaster carry, and what is its resistance?

17. If electrical energy costs 12 cents, or $0.12, per kilowatt-hour, how much does it cost to (a) burn a

100-W lightbulb for 24 h? (b) operate an electric oven for 5.0 h if it carries a current of 20.0 A at 220 V?

18. A high-voltage transmission line with a resistance of 0.31 Ω/km carries a current of 1,000 A. The line is at a potential of 700 kV at the power station and carries the current to a city located 160 km from the station. (a) What is the power loss due to resistance in the line?

{Hint: Use for the power loss to the wire.}

(b) What fraction of the transmitted power does this loss represent?

{Hint: Use for the power delivered to the city.}

19. The heating element of a coffeemaker operates at 120 V and carries a current of 2.00 A. Assuming that the water absorbs all of the energy converted by the resistor, calculate how long it takes to heat 0.500 kg of water from room temperature (23.0°C) to the boiling point.

20. What is the required resistance of an immersion heater that will increase the temperature of 1.50 kg of water from 10.0°C to 50.0°C in 10.0 min while operating at 120 V?

21. A small motor draws a current of 1.75 A from a 120-V line. The output power of the motor is 0.20 hp. (a) At a rate of $0.060/kWh, what is the cost of operating the motor for 4.0 h? (b) What is the efficiency of the motor? 1 horsepower = 746 W

22. It has been estimated that there are 270 million plug-in electric clocks in the United States, approximately one clock for each person. The clocks convert energy at the average rate of 2.50 W. To supply this energy, how many metric tons of coal are burned per hour in coal-fired electric generating plants that are, on average, 25.0% efficient? The heat of combustion for coal is 33.0 MJ/kg.

23. A steam iron draws 6.0 A from a 120-V line. (a) How many joules of internal energy are produced in 20 min? (b) How much does it cost, at $0.080/kWh, to run the steam iron for 20 min?


1. and the number of electrons is


3. The current is . Thus, the change that passes is , giving



6. Find the potential difference from the resistance and the current.

7. From , we obtain , or


9. (a)

(b)From, ,

10. The resistance is , so the resistivity of the metal is

Thus, the metal is seen to be .

11. The volume of material, , in the wire is constant. Thus, as the wire is stretched to decrease its radius, the length increases such that giving

The new resistance is then

12. The volume of the copper is

Since, , this gives (1)

(a)From , we find that

Inserting this expression for A into equation (1) gives
, which yields

(b)From equation (1), , or

13. Solving for the final temperature gives

14. At 80°C,


15. (a)At 20°C, the resistance of this copper wire is and the potential difference required to produce a current of is


(b)At , the potential difference required to maintain the same current in the copper wire is



17. (a)The energy used by a 100-W bulb in 24 h is

and the cost of this energy, at a rate of $0.12 per kilowatt-hour is

(b)The energy used by the oven in 5.0 h is

and the cost of this energy, at a rate of $0.12 per kilowatt-hour is

18. (a)The power loss in the line is

(b)The total power transmitted is

Thus, the fraction of the total transmitted power represented by the line losses is

19. The energy required to bring the water to the boiling point is

The power input by the heating element is

Therefore, the time required is

20. The energy input required is

and, if this is to be added in , the power input needed is

The power input to the heater may be expressed as , so the needed resistance is

21. (a)The power input to the motor is

At a rate of $0.06/kWh, the cost of operating this motor for 4.0 h is

(b)The efficiency is

22. The total power converted by the clocks is

and the energy used in one hour is

The energy input required from the coal is

The required mass of coal is thus


23. (a)The power required by the iron is

and the energy transformed in 20 minutes is

(b)The cost of operating the iron for 20 minutes is