Student Government Meeting


/ January 27th, 2017
Friday / 1:00:00 PM / Student Life Lobby

Meeting called by

/ Katelyn Hummel

Type of meeting

/ Student Government Meeting


/ Katelyn Hummel

Note taker

/ Gerardo Tamayo


/ Gerardo Tamayo


/ President: Katelyn H. | Vice-President: Jacob S. | Administrative Senator: Gerardo T. |
Legislative Senator: Zoe S. | Engagement Senator: Candice N. |
Clubs and Organization Senator: Allyson-Marie S. | Cultural Affairs Senator: Tamara F. |

Meeting Agenda

Time End: 1:00 PM
Call to order
/ Katelyn Hummel
Time End: 1:00 PM
Pledge of Allegiance
Time End: 1:00 PM
Roll Call
/ Gerardo Tamayo


/ Katelyn H. ✔ | Jacob S. ✔ | Gerardo T. ✔ | Zoe S. ✔ | Candice N. ✔ | Allyson-Marie S. ✔ | Tamara F. ✔
Time End: 1:01 PM
Establishment of quorum
/ Gerardo Tamayo


/ There are seven voting members present


/ Quorum established
Time End: 1:01 PM
Approval of minutes
/ Katelyn Hummel


/ Approving Minutes from the Student Government meeting of 1/13/17


/ 7 yays | 0 nays | 0 abstain


/ Approved ✔ Denied  Moved 
Time End: 1:06 PM
ASPCFS President Report
/ Katelyn Hummel


/ Food Pantry Progress: From January 9th through the 20th, we held a competition between the departments of the campus to collect donations for the food pantry. It was a huge success. So many departments came out and participated and we collected hundreds of donated items. I want to thank the many faculty and students who took the initiative to get involved. I now ask for people to keep in mind that as long as there is a need among our students for this food resource, there will always be a need for donations. The collection of donated items does not stop with the last competition. In using the pantry, we ask that all students be courteous and mindful that the pantry is primarily a resource for students who have a great need.
Legislative Session: Our team participated in Advocacy Day. This event held in Olympia allowed student leaders to learn about state legislative processes and gave them the opportunity to meet with legislators. In these meetings, students spoke to raise awareness of issues facing our students and the community and technical college system. Our hope since this event is to engage more students in our legislature. Students are a huge voice in Olympia. It is the student perspective that our legislators want to hear from the most. I encourage anyone here who wants to be that voice in our colleges to meet with us and find out how you can make that difference.
Student Voice: As your representatives, we want to hear your voice. We encourage students to come forward with suggestions, ideas, concerns, and even complaints, as they should arise. Today we are holding an open forum at the end of our meeting. At that point, we will ask members in the audience to present questions or comments to our panel. You may also contact our team via phone, email of during our office hours.
Time End: 1:09 PM
ASPCFS Vice-President Report
/ Jacob Smith


/ I am very happy to report that the food pantry has continued to be a success, as a result of the contributions of the Pierce College community. I want to specifically point out the efforts of Lee Ann in our office, as well as her front desk staff for their continued help and support. Additionally, the success of the pantry would not have happened without the efforts of our Legislative senator Zoe Sundberg and the guidance of our president Kate Hummel. Having said all of that, this is a transition phase, and the vice president position, my position is going to be taking over the everyday responsibilities of the pantry. It is my hope that with the support of my team and the college community that the food pantry will serve as a legacy, for future teams and students. This is good work, and work students and staff can and should be proud of. Colin Powell once said, “A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.” Let’s keep this dream alive.
Time End: 1:11 PM

Administrative Senator Report

/ Gerardo Tamayo


/ I have been helping Allyson-Marie with the clubs.

Time End: 1:13 PM


Legislative Senator Report

/ Zoe Sundberg


/ Yesterday, Kate Hummel and I attended the WACTCSA Legislative Advocacy Day. I am pleased to announce that it was a success. CTC’s from across the state joined together to attend over 80 meetings with Legislators at the capitol. We met with the Legislative Assistants of Steve O’Ban and Senator Zeiger. I am also in the process of scheduling more meetings for the future to continue the relationship Pierce College has with it’s surrounding districts.
I am also working on my upcoming event, Connecting to Community. I have solidified my purchase requests for Lancers and have also invited 10 non-profit organizations from our surrounding community to attend our volunteer fair. There will also be a letter writing campaign for students to write to their local legislators to express the importance of supporting the SBCTC budget request.
I have been working in close relation with our VP Jacob Smith to transfer over job duties associated with the food pantry. So far everything has been going smoothly with a few minor hiccups to be expected.

Time End: 1:15 PM


Clubs & Organization Senator Report

/ Allyson-Marie SHoemaker


/ I have been working hard to get Clubs Rush running smoothly. Thank everyone that came and supported our many different clubs this quarter!! It really is the students that make this school work! So thank you!

Time End: 1:17 PM


Student & cultural affair senator report

/ Tamara Fox


/ As the cultural affairs senator, I have been working hard trying to schedule facilitators for MLI. I am also working hard to prepare for black history month next month where I will be teaming up with Sara Aea on her events.

Time End: 1:18 PM


Engagement Senator Report

/ Candice Niu


/ I am Candice Niu, the Engagement Senator. Emerging Leaders Academy complete the first workshop with Katee Keen. We discussed about “Civic Leadership” and “Civic Engagement” and it was quite successful. I would like to announce two ELA intensive opportunity for this quarter. Develop your skill and connect with your community which you can learn from! We do provide transportation. Join us as we partner with FISH Food Banks of Pierce County and remove invasive species at Puyallup.
Student Representatives and staff member for S&A and Tech Fee committees will be ratified today. If you miss this opportunity, don’t worry. We are still accepting committee application. Please email me if you have any question.

Time End: 1:21 PM


Activities Board Reports

/ Ivy Forrey


/ Ivy Forrey- Outreach coordinator
I have been working on prep for my next events in February and March such as gift-a-bear happening on February 14, and family movie night, showing moana, on feb. 17. I have helped with Hogwarts express last week.
Daniel Dino-Slofer – Communications Coordinator
I have been working with IT to restore the CWIS screens across campus, which are now starting to come back online in some buildings. I have also helped with the recent Hogwarts Express event, and will look forward to more advertising and assistance of events within Student Life and across the campus.
Joey Fish- promotions coordinator
I’ve been working on promotions as well as helping with a few events. I had my Harry Potter event, which had was received well. Now I am working on more promotions and beginning to work on the Spring Calendar.
John Euler- entertainment &rec coordinator
I’ve completed the Magnificent 7 college movie night event and An Afternoon with Hilary Corna.
I am currently working to complete our MTG event as well as our Valentine’s Day event featuring the return of the XLOVERS.
Sherie Daley- special events coordinator
I helped out with Josephine’s Hogwarts Express event and Allyson-Marie’s two-day Clubs Rush event. I’m continuing to plan more events for Spring Quarter.
Sarah Aea- issues and awareness
-Beginning the set-up for “Beyond Color” art exhibit
-Beginning set-up for guest speaker, Antonio Edwards
-working on future calendar events

Time End: 1:22 PM


Ratify carly haddon as faculty staff representative

/ Candice Niu


/ To ratify Carly Haddon as the faculty staff representative for S & A Tech Fee budget committee.


/ 7 yays | 0 nays | 0 abstain

action item

Action Item 1617-038
Motioned by: Allyson-Marie Shoemaker
Seconded by: Tamara Fox


/ Approved ✔ Denied * Moved *

Time End: 1:24 PM


Ratify Linh Nguyen as a student representative

/ Candice Niu


/ To ratify Linh Nguyen as a student representative for S & A Tech Fee budget committee.


/ 7 yays | 0 nays | 0 abstain

action item

Action Item 1617-039
Motioned by: Jacob Smith
Seconded by: Candice Niu


/ Approved ✔ Denied * Moved *

Time End: 1:26 PM


Ratify Ching suet chan as a student representative

/ Candice Niu


/ To ratify Ching Suet Chan as a student representative for S & A Tech Fee budget committee.


/ 7 yays | 0 nays | 0 abstain

action item

Action Item 1617-040
Motioned by: Jacob Smith
Seconded by: Zoe Sundberg


/ Approved ✔ Denied * Moved *

Time End: 1:27 PM


Ratify Nhu Y la as a student representative

/ Candice Niu


/ To ratify Nhu Y La as a student representative for S & A Tech Fee budget committee.


/ 7 yays | 0 nays | 0 abstain

action item

Action Item 1617-041
Motioned by: Allyson-Marie Shoemaker
Seconded by: Candice Niu


/ Approved ✔ Denied * Moved *

Time End: 1:40 PM


Request for $4132.52 in tech fee to replace laptops for stat stations

/ Kandee Nelson


/ Funds will be used to purchase replacement laptops for the STATS team.


/ 7 yays | 0 nays | 0 abstain

action item

Action Item 1617-037
Motioned by: Gerardo Tamayo
Seconded by: Allyson-Marie Shoemaker


/ Approved * Denied * Moved ✔ to 2/3/2017

Time End: 1:XX PM


Old Business

/ Katelyn Hummel


/ NA


/ NA

Time End: 1:40 PM


Open Forum

/ Katelyn Hummel

Time End: 1:42 PM





/ Magic the Gathering Tournament at the Performance/Fireside Lounge from 11 AM- 1 PM on 1/31/17
Spoken Word event at Performance Lounge from 12 PM- 1 PM on 2/2/17
Clubs Council at CAS 528 from 3 PM- 4PM on 2/2/17
Student Government Meeting next week from 1 PM- 2 PM

Time End: 1:42 PM



/ Katelyn Hummel