DRAFT Minutes BCC Meeting 9/21/16

Attendees: Tom Gray, Sandy Price, Andrea Franklin, Barbara Kulzyck, Riley

Hudson, Nancy Jones

Absent: Ed Wendell, Monique Priestley

Minutes of 9/7 were approved as written

Finances Tom presented the following bills to be paid

Payable to: / Amount: / For: / From: / Status:
Nancy Jones / $85.42 / 3 signs “No Motorized Vehicles” / FOWM Fund / Approved
Copies & More / $12.99 / Photo Paper / Budget (supplies) / Approved


Wilderness Trail Update

  • Riley and his Hypertherm Crew, with John Taylor, completed the work on the trail on 9/9
  • Monique, Andrea & Nancy will blaze the trail and GPS it on 9/24; Nancy will then get distance to Gary to incorporate into trail markers and will get GPS Unit to Andy Boyce at UVLT to get the new trail onto a new map

Conditions at the Cabin

  • Ben Rubinfeld & Amanda Narowski cut and stacked the wood near the cabin this week.
  • Discussion about Rain Gutter and Rain Barrel – Nancy checked at Oakes Bros re cost of materials; Blue plastic barrels are available for purchase from Gary Bicknell; Costs, including barrel, spigot, rain gutter & down spout will be about $75; Tom will visit the cabin to check on possibility of installing a rain gutter.

Grand Opening/Foliage Hike


  • Barbara suggested announcing at Bird Diva presentation
  • Listserves, Facebook; UVTA, UVLT; posters

Parking– Tabled until next meeting

Bus– Cindy has reserved River Bend Bus and will park it at the bottom of Rube’s Route on Route 25 to take hikers back to WM Trailhead


Change letters on outdoor sign after 9/27 Presentation - Barbara

Repair Chipman Bench - Tom

Install No Motorized Vehicles Signs - Tom

Install Hiking Trail sign at Bottom of Rube’s Route- Tom

Paint Blazes on Wilderness Trail – Nancy, Monique, Andrea

Install "Wilderness Trail" markers - Tom

GPS Wilderness Trail – Nancy


Library Bank Update & Action – Sandy has arranged with Brown’s Nursery to plant the hydrangeas; is looking into getting topsoil for the planting site; is checking with JM Landscaping & Longacres for $59 tree to plant at top of bank (crab or ornamental pear)


Bridget Butler

Need greeter for Bridget – Nancy or Monique

Need greeters to man the donation basket – Sandy & John

Need someone to introduce Bridget- Barbara

1st Monday of the Month Movie 10/3 "Elemental"

AVCCSummit - still have one free slot to attend & have $$ in Budget for others to attend


Meeting adjourned at 7:35

Respectfully submitted, Nancy Jones, Acting Secretary