Faculty of Law

Council’s Decision No. 1T-11

30 April 2017


Methodological guidELINES for PREPARATION AND DEFENCE of the finAL THESIS

I. General provisions

1.  Methodological guidelines for preparation and defence of the final thesis (hereinafter – the Guidelines) of Mykolas Romeris University (hereinafter – the University) Faculty of Law (hereinafter – the Faculty) establish the requirements for the final bachelor and master thesis (hereinafter – the final thesis), their preparation and defence procedure, as well as evaluation criteria and principles.

2.  The Guidelines apply to all students, who are preparing the final thesis in the Faculty:

2.1.  on the topics provided by the Faculty’s Study Programme Committees (hereinafter – the Committee);

2.2.  on their own topics, which were approved by the relative Committee and the Committee constituted that the topic meets the set requirements for the final thesis.

3.  The Guidelines shall be applied in their entirety to both, bachelor and master thesis, except:

3.1.  where it is clearly expressed that such provisions shall be applied only to the bachelor thesis;

3.2.  where it is clearly expressed that such provisions shall be applied only to the master thesis.

4.  The Guidelines are prepared according to the internal acts of the University regarding procedure of the Studies.

5.  In the course of preparation of final thesis, students may also use other scientific, methodical, educational publications, setting details for the preparation of the final thesis, however, only to the extent that such publications do not contradict with the Guidelines.


Objectives of the Final Thesis

6.  Bachelor thesis shall be dedicated to the development of the following abilities:

6.1.  to recognize and analyse new problems of law, apply knowledge and understanding while dealing with quantitative and qualitative legal and managerial issues, also to provide solutions to solve problems while selecting appropriate methods;

6.2.  to convey knowledge of studies and legal activities for target groups (specialists, other learners, etc.);

6.3.  to plan and perform a small-scale research, collect and analyse data (in the area of law science), which is necessary for solving important scientific and professional problems, for cultural and artistic creation, while using fundamental and applied scientific research achievements and methods;

6.4.  to raise legal research problems, to set precise research objectives and goals that might be implemented in practice, to achieve them while performing methodically reasoned research;

6.5.  to apply integrated professional and theoretical knowledge in interdisciplinary environment of studies or professional activities.

7.  Master thesis shall be dedicated to the development of the following abilities:

7.1.  to contemplate systematically and to identify problems, to analyse problems and evaluate them in a complex manner while applying acquired theoretical knowledge, also to provide solutions for problems while selecting appropriate ways and methods;

7.2.  to take advantage of scientific research knowledge, to acquire research experience, also to acquire systematic and strategic thinking skills for independent professional activity and scientific research work;

7.3.  to apply acquired knowledge and to prepare on their basis new measures, which are necessary for scientific research, studies or innovations;

7.4.  to evaluate critically and systematically problems arising in the sphere of law and give suggestions based on theoretical knowledge and interdisciplinary practice;

7.5.  to gain sufficient professional knowledge to assess legal problems, choose alternative solutions, prepare evaluations and conclusions.

Relevance and Scientific Novelty of the Final Thesis and Overview of the Research on the Selected Topic

8.  The problem analysed in the final thesis must be relevant. Relevance means that there is a specific need to explore a chosen problem, i.e. the research performed is significant to society or a part of it.

9.  The final thesis shall be considered to be relevant when:

9.1.  there is a lack of scientific knowledge about an object of social and legal cognition or its separate aspects;

9.2.  there are inconsistencies or contradictions between knowledge, current situation and activities or methods and measures for implementing specific activities are unknown (for example, a new, complicated legal act has been adopted, there is no existing case-law and practical application is confusing, case-law is inconsistent, etc.);

9.3.  there is a need for new approaches or adaptation of legal acts due to past or ongoing social changes;

9.4.  certain social legal phenomenon or process have raised concerns for individuals, society or the state (for example, security of an individual), have caused a conflict of interests of social groups (for example, legal status and social guarantees are not harmonized with the requirements and tasks carried out by the institution);

9.5.  perception of law has changed, a new paradigm of thinking is emerging, etc.

10.  The relevance of the final thesis shall be formulated in raising a question and trying to answer whether it is necessary to discuss the problem, and if so, why it is necessary to discuss the problem now.

11.  The problem analysed in the final thesis must be new and one has to specify to what extent the problem has already been analysed. Provisions 12 to 14 shall not be applied to the bachelor thesis.

12.  Final thesis, which is based on already conducted research, must provide something new for theory and practice of a particular branch (institute) of science.

13.  Scientific novelty can be revealed in several ways:

13.1.  the chosen research problem is poorly investigated or not investigated at all;

13.2.  the chosen research problem is further analysed employing specific research methods and a part of the problem or the problem, which was previously addressed only fragmentary, is being examined; new approach to the previously comprehensively analysed problem is presented;

13.3.  new methods are being used for analysis of the problem, new research data, which can confirm, deny or detail already known statements, are being described.

14.  While defining to what extent the problem has been examined, a student must indicate in short whether in Lithuania (or, depending on the topic, in other countries or in general) the chosen problem was researched and if so, to what extent, which main aspects were covered and which were not. While indicating the extent of the analysis on the issue, main scientific literature or main ideas of scholars, which will be used in current research, should be presented. A short detailed summary on already undertaken research should be done. Already undertaken research might be grouped according to the significance, point of view to be supported, nature of questions analysed, etc.

Significance of the Final Thesis

15.  The significance of the final thesis means the importance of the scientific research for theory and/or practice and specific area of the science in the field of law.

16.  While explaining significance of the thesis, social and notional context of the final thesis should be described, also it should be presented how the results of the research could be implemented (for example, how conclusions and recommendations could help to a legislator to improve existing regulation or assist courts and other institutions in interpretation and application of the legal provisions analysed in the thesis, significance to other scholars, who could use the results of the research for further researches, etc.).

Originality and Self-Sufficiency of the Final Thesis

17.  Every thesis must be original and written independently. If the thesis does not meet these requirements, it should not be considered as final thesis as it does not correspond to the concept of final thesis.

18.  Originality of thesis means that thesis must be a work, expressed as a result of personal intellectual, creative and scientific activity of student. Originality of thesis is closely linked with novelty of thesis. Originality is usually determined by novelty and vice versa. However, novelty of thesis is a criterion basically applied on the chosen topic of research and on chosen tools and methods of research. Meanwhile the criterion of originality of thesis is applied on thesis itself, on the results of research. It could happen that there has been an intention to carry out a scientific research in a new area applying innovative methods of research, however, the accomplished research itself is not original, i.e. there is no author’s contribution to the research and ideas of other authors are mainly cited without making any authentic and independent evaluation of the problem.

19.  Thesis written by the students independently, but already used previously for any subject at Mykolas Romeris University, as well as any other university will be considered as non-original thesis. Thesis will not be considered as already used if it contains no more than 20 percent of materials from the previous thesis and detailed references to former work are provided (self-citation is required). All other personal works (for example, publications, etc.) that have never been used for any subject at Mykolas Romeris University as well as any other university, may be used by student in his/her thesis, however, it must be indicated in references what particular parts were taken from previous works.

20.  Final thesis must be written independently. Any involvement of any person to the process of writing final thesis is strongly prohibited, excluding the cases when other persons assist in data collection (for example, to carry out a wide range survey) or processing collected data (for example, by applying specialized tools for data analysis – programs). In such cases supporting persons and extent of support must be indicated in the final thesis.

21.  Plagiarism in preparation of the final thesis is prohibited. Final thesis shall be deemed plagiarism if:

21.1. final thesis or its parts have been written by verbatim rewriting of another author’s text without specifying the source or specifying it without putting the rewritten text in inverted commas. Such final thesis shall be deemed plagiarism if text constitutes more than half a page in the thesis, i.e. 900 characters with spaces;

21.2. final thesis or its parts have been rewritten by paraphrasing the other author’s text without specifying the source. Such final thesis shall be deemed plagiarism if text constitutes more than one page in the thesis, i.e. 1800 characters with spaces;

21.3. data in the text, tables or pictures of the final thesis are provided without specifying their source (except where the data have been collected by the author of the final thesis);

21.4. final thesis had been already submitted and defended in this or another educational establishment in Lithuania or abroad.

22. Final thesis must be written following the requirements of research ethics. The following activities will be considered as a violation of such requirements: falsification of or manipulation by the data of empirical survey; intentional veiling of data repugnant to defeated propositions; deliberate submission of false information on methodology of research; cases of plagiarism and other similar cases.

Extent of the Final Thesis

23. The minimum extent of the bachelor thesis – 2 (two) quires (1 (one) quire consists of 40000 characters with spaces). The maximum extent of the bachelor thesis should not exceed 3 (three) quires.

24. The minimum extent of the master thesis – 4 (four) quires. The maximum extent of the master thesis should not exceed 5 (five) quires.

25. The introduction, body text, conclusions and recommendations are included while calculating the extent of bachelor or master thesis.

Language of the Final Thesis

26. Final thesis shall be written and defended in the same language as the study programme is provided.

27. Where the study programme is provided in Lithuanian, the Committee may allow the student to write and defend thesis in a foreign language if there is a possibility to ensure efficient process of supervision and defence of the final thesis in a foreign language.


Selection of the Topic of the Final Thesis

28. Students are required to select topics for the final thesis in accordance with the time limits indicated in the Procedure for the Assessment of Learning Outcomes at Mykolas Romeris University (hereinafter – Procedure for the Assessment of Learning Outcomes). For this purpose the Committees provide to the students the list of final thesis topics, supervisors and consultants.

29. It is recommended for the student while selecting the topic to consult with the supervisor and consultant (if the consultant is appointed).

30. If the student wishes to select the topic not from the list suggested by his/her Study programme Committee, he/she is required to submit a request along with the important reasons and to acquire the consents from the Chairman of his/her Study programme Committee and from the Chairman of the Study programme Committee that suggested the selected final thesis topic.

31. Responsible selection of the topic first of all leads to the preconditions for the successful writing of the final thesis. By dedicating time to select the topic of the final thesis student saves much more time that could be lost in performing the research under the irresponsibly chosen topic. It should be noted that student is entitled to propose the topic for the final thesis himself/herself rather than select the topic from the lists suggested by the Committees.

32. It is recommended that students would propose their own topics. It is desirable that the student would be personally interested in the topic and it would be beneficial for his/her further career. In addition, it is recommended that students would propose the topics, on which conducted research could be later published as scientific articles or other publications. Relevant problems are selected and the defended statements (thesis) are most commonly proposed by those students who are writing final thesis in the field relevant for them.

33. Students who wish to write the final thesis on the topic proposed by them may consult with the Chairman of the Committee. After confirming the compliance of the topic with the requirements applicable to the final thesis, the Committee appoints the supervisor of the final thesis. At the end of the selection period the Committees publicly announce the lists of students who are allowed to prepare final thesis, the selected topics, appointed supervisors and consultants.

34. Students wishing to change the topic of the final thesis may consult with the Chairman of Committee and submit a request to the Committee along with the important reasons indicated. After consenting to the important reasons and having confirmed the compliance of the topic with the requirements applicable to the final thesis, the Committee appoints the supervisor of the final thesis. New supervisor is entitled to apply all requirements regarding the subject-matter and calendar planning of the research over again.