Town of Waterville
Council Minutes
AUGUST 6, 2012
Regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Royal J. DeVaney at 7:34 p.m. All Council members were present with the exception of Councilmember Olin. A moment of silence was observed followed by The Pledge of Allegiance.
· Minutes of the July 16, 2012 regular Council meeting were approved on a motion by Huber and seconded by Munson. Unanimously approved.
· July 2012 Payroll for $35,990.24 (Wts. #5709 – 5730) and Accounts Payable for $37,440.13 (Wts. #14081 – 14109) were approved for payment on a motion by Huber and seconded by Munson. Unanimously approved.
Policing Report
Douglas County Sheriff Harvey Gjesdal highlighted activity for the Policing Report for July 2012. Man hours were up to 259 compared to 236 for June.
Humane Society Report
Officer Jodi White filled Council in on animal control activity for the second quarter, noting 3 citations for unlicensed dogs, and an incident involving a dog at large and neighboring chickens.
Project Engineer Eric Smith from Erlandsen informed Council that paving may begin August 7th starting with the sidewalks, progressing to the main avenue, and followed by a number of approaches from adjoining side streets.
Selland Construction submitted an estimate for Change Order No. 1 for $40,875.00 which included removal of a tree in the street right-of-way and removal/replacement of bollards at the west end of the Waterville School parking lot. The removal, replacement, and addition of supporting materials for damaged stormwater pipes were included in the estimate as well.
Change Order No. 2 estimated at $44,004.25 for removal and installation of storm piping on Walnut Street will be paid for by the Town, as TIB considered this element to be out of the scope of the original Chelan Avenue Reconstruction Project.
Smith stated that firm numbers for both change orders will appear in Pay Estimate No. 2 from Selland Construction.
Clerk-Treasurer Marsha Peterson proposed the corrected 2013 Budget Timeline as follows:
Present Revenue Estimates September 4, 2012
Council Workshop September 19, 2012
Public Hearing: Ad Valorem Tax & October 1, 2012
Ordinance w/Estimated Revenue
Public Hearing: Preliminary Budget October 15, 2012
Public Hearing: Final Budget Hearing November 19, 2012
Eric Smith, Project Engineer from Erlandsen, informed Council that Anderson Perry has requested an extension in submitting an engineering plan for the Town Wastewater Project to Department of Ecology. The new plan will feature three funding scenarios: lagoon system improvements, collection system replacements/improvements, and a combination of lagoon and collection system improvements.
Due to an increasing number of bank foreclosures, the Town has been forced to write off several large utility bills. Town Attorney Steve Smith advised Council that accounts may be turned over to collection rather than filing liens against the property owners as a means of recovering past due utility bills without added legal fees.
Mayor DeVaney called Council into executive session at 8:25 p.m. announcing that Council would reconvene at approximately 8:35 p.m.
Council reconvened at 8:35 p.m. for regular session.
· Snyder moved to disconnect and decommission Well No. 1 from the Town water system sometime after August 27th. Koenig seconded. Unanimous vote.
· Huber made a motion to start the process of vacating Third Street from Monroe St. to the eastern boundary of the NCW Fairgrounds retaining an easement for utilities. Koenig seconded. Unanimous vote.
Joyce Huber, Link Board Representative, relayed that the new E-bus will begin operation with service as early as September. Operators have begun training in anticipation that the new longer-life batteries will be delivered soon. Huber stated the system is doing well despite a decrease in ridership.
……A retirement party honoring Ron Draggoo, former Director of Countywide Solid Waste, will be held Thursday, August 9, 2012 at the Douglas County Public Services Building, 140 19th St. NW, East Wenatchee from 2:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
……The swim pool will close for the season, Sunday, August 19, 2012.
……The NCW Fair will be held August 23 – 26.
· The meeting was adjourned at 8:56 p.m. on a motion from Huber and a second from Koenig. Unanimous vote.
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