Keiraville Public School
Wed 11th August, 2010
Dear Parents,
Week 6 is “SHOW WEEK” and yes it is coming upon us fast. All the hard work from parents making costumes and the students rehearsing will finally pay off.
WEDNESDAY 25th August, is the next Combined Dance rehearsal at Wollongong Entertainment Centre. We need to be at the WEC half an hour before our first dance and remain till the end of our item. Again, we will be requiring parents to provide private transport or organise a lift for their own child with another parent both ways. Private transport will be necessary for all rehearsals in SHOW WEEK. Please read dates and times carefully and organise your own child’s transport.
*** Our meeting spot will be the on the Eastern side of the WEC (Back of the brewery on concrete)***
Combined Rehearsal: Wednesday 25th August - WEC–10:30am – 5.00pm
Arrive at WEC NO LATER than 10:30am
Pick UP at meeting spot NO LATER than 5pm
Technical Rehearsal: Thursday 26th August - WEC - 8.00am – 5.00pm
(Dress Rehearsal) Arrive at WEC NO LATER than 8:00am
Pick UP at meeting spot NO LATER than 5pm
Performances: Friday 27th August- Schools Matinee – 10:00am Start
Arrive at WEC NO LATER than 9:00am
Pick UP at meeting spot NO LATER than 1:00pm
*** Students may go home after this performance before the evening performance ***
Friday 27th August - Evening -7.30pm
Arrive at WEC NO LATER than 6.30pm
Pick UP at meeting spot NO LATER than 10.15pm
Saturday 28th August- Matinee - 2.00 pm
Arrive at WEC NO LATER than 1.00pm
Pick UP at meeting spot NO LATER than 4:45pm
** Students will need to go home for dinner or somewhere for break between shows with parents. There will be NO SUPERVISION at the WEC **
Saturday 28th August - Evening - 7.30pm
Arrive at WEC NO LATER than 6.30pm
Pick UP at meeting spot NO LATER than 10.15pm
Parents are asked to please be on time to DROP OFF and PICK UP students at each performance. As some rehearsals are whole day activities, the children will need to bring their recess, lunch and drink. Similar dress requirements to our last rehearsal will apply where all Keiraville children have to wear either their Southern stars t-shirt or their gold sports shirt and may wear tights, bike pants or dance pants. Please complete the permission note below and clearly indicate your transport arrangements.
Return to Miss Pigram NO LATER than Friday 20th August.
Thankyou for your support and cooperation with transport arrangements.
Yours in Dance
Michelle Pigram Sherylee Carroll
Dance CoordinatorPrincipal
My child ______Class ______has permission to attend the following rehearsals for Southern Stars Dance to be held at the Wollongong Entertainment Centre on 25th, 26th, 27th & 28th August.
- My child will be travelling to the WEC on Wednesday 25th August at 10:30am with ______(parent name)
- My child will be travelling from the WEC on Wednesday 25th August at 5:00pm with ______(parent name)
- My child will be travelling to the WEC on Thursday 26th August at 8:00am with ______(parent name)
- My child will be travelling from the WEC on Thursday 26th August at 5:00pm with ______(parent name)
- My child will be travelling to the WEC on Friday 27thAugust at 9:00am with ______(parent name) & 6:30pm ______(parent name)
- My child will be travelling from the WEC on Friday 27th August at 1:00pm with ______(parent name) & 10:15pm ______(parent name)
- My child will be travelling to the WEC on Saturday 28thAugust 1.00pm with ______(parent name) & 6:30pm ______(parent name)
- My child will be travelling from the WEC on Saturday 28th August at 4:45pm with ______(parent name) & 10:315pm ______(parent name)
My child has permission to go home early on the FRIDAY after the Matinee Performance with ______(parent name)
Parents name: ______
Signed ______Date ______