Examination Name: Fourth Semester MBA Examination April 2018

Admission Year: 2016

Academic Year: 2017-2018

No: 130Date: 01-03-2018

It is hereby notified that the IV SemesterMBA Examinations April2018 are scheduled to be held from 05-04-2018. Students who want to register for supplementary examination have to logon to the student portal through the College website ( /KnowledgePro/StudentLogin.do) and follow the instructions provided to complete the online registration process. Username and password to login will be same as that of previous examinations.The candidates have to download the Chalan for fee payment and pay the required fee in the college office (aided programmes)/Society (SF programmes). After fee payment, application shall be downloaded and submitted in the College Office. SC/ST/OEC candidates eligible for fee concession have to pay only the registration fee of Rs.100/-. Registered candidates can download hall tickets on dates specified below. Any difficulty/Complaint regarding registration or downloading the hall tickets shall be informed in the CE office sufficiently earlier. No such complaint will be entertained on the date of commencement of the examination.

examination fee
`100/- for each theory+150/- Viva-voce/Project`500/- for CV camp fee + `50 for mark list + Registration fee: `100/- (Total -1550)

The deadlines for registration process are given below.

Steps for registration / Dates scheduled
From / To
Date of commencement of examination / 05-04-2018 / -
Dates scheduled for fee payment without fine / 12-03-2018 / 15-03-2018
Date scheduled for fee payment with fine Rs. 50/- / 16-03-2018
Date scheduled for fee payment with super fine Rs. 500/- / 17-03-2018 / -
Dates scheduled for downloading application form / Same day of fee remittance
Dates scheduled for submitting duly counter signed application form along with chalan in the office of HoD / 19-03-2018
Last date scheduled for submitting duly signed application form along with chalan in the College office / 19-03-2018 / -
Dates scheduled for submitting application forms in CE office from the college office / 22-03-2018 / -
Dates scheduled for downloading hall ticket / 29-03-2018 / 04-04-2018

The fee remittance after the dates stipulated above cannot be entertained.


  1. The Principal and Vice Principals Sd/-
  2. HODs and Notice board Controller of Examinations