Theme: “Cage the Wildcats!”



1. Window Rock High School shall not be held responsible for any injuries, damages, theft or loss of any properties of any person before, during and after the parade.

2. No Refunds of any parade entry fees – No exceptions.

3.An entry constitutes one (1) vehicle or one (1) float, unless your organization name suggests it. For example: Motorcycle Club or Car Club. Maximum allowed height is 12 feet and maximum length is 75 feet for all entries.

4. Place your entry number on the right (passenger) side of your entry. Only one (1) number will be assigned and must be on the entry to be judged. All entries will be required to complete the parade route.

5. Line-up begins at1:30 p.m. on Bonita Drive in front of the old PHS Hospital.You must be there by 2:30 p.m., no later. Late entries will not be allowed or issued a number.

6. Parade will step off promptly at 3:00 p.m. and continue to and end in the parking lot on the east side of the Veterans Memorial Fieldhouse. Total distance: 1.12 miles.

7. Please maintain a consistent pace: Do not allow major gaps in front of your entry. Dancing groups must keep up with the entry in front of them so as not to slow the parade down.

8. Please do not throw items at the audience if you are on a moving entry. Persons walking alongside your entry may hand out items to adhere to environmental and safety reasons. Entries not in compliance with this will be disqualified from judging.

9.No negative campaigning or personal attacks will be allowed in any way shape or form.

Includes calls to action will not be permitted in the parade. Groups, political entries, and businesses may share information about themselves in their description or through their decorations and signage, but may not actively tell people that they should vote for them, or join their organization. The parade is to show support for WRHS and the Scouts.

10. For equestrian entries: All horses must be under control of the rider at all times. Equestrian entries must furnish waste collectors with wheelbarrows and shovels.

11.All motorized vehicles, including ATV’s, must be driven by a licensed driver. No double riders and no inexperienced riders on horseback or on motorcycles.

10. Unwrapped candies will not be allowed to be given out.

11. Safety chains are required on trailer hitches. Fire extinguishers must be visible and easily accessible.

14. WRHS Class Floats will be judged on Class Spirit, Theme, Presentation, and Originality & Creativity. Costumes are encouraged! Winners of the Class Float Competition will be announced during Halftime of the Homecoming Game.

16. Non-school entries will be judged on Best Commercial Float, Most Original and Judges Favorite. Winners will receive a certificate at a later ceremony.

For more information or if you have any questions, please contact

Melissa Martinez at 928-729-7002 ext: 2762 or

To avoid any potential problems, double-check your equipment and establish and observe all safeguards for your entry and personnel.



2017 Window Rock High School Homecoming

October 13, 2017

Parade entry information:

Political - $100.00

Non school affiliation - $30.00

School affiliation - $10.00


  • Cash
  • Money orders only. NO CHECKS!
  • Payable to WRHS HOSA


  • Most Original
  • Judges Favorite
  • Best Commercial
  • Class Competition