National Archives of Australia

National Archives of Australia

Section 1: Entity overview and resources

1.1 Strategic direction statement

The primary functions of the National Archives of Australia (the Archives) are to:

•  identify the archival resources of the Commonwealth

•  preserve and make publicly available the archival resources of the Commonwealth

•  oversee Commonwealth record-keeping, by determining standards and providing advice to Commonwealth institutions

•  impose record-keeping obligations in respect of Commonwealth records.

The Archives’ outcome is ‘to promote the creation, management and preservation of authentic, reliable and usable Commonwealth records and to facilitate Australians’ access to the archival resources of the Commonwealth’. To achieve its outcome, the Archives will:

•  respond to changes in the information environment, including moving and guiding Commonwealth entities towards comprehensive digital information and records management, building capability, meeting whole-of-government requirements, and promoting accountability in information and records management

•  monitor and, as appropriate, expand its capability to transfer, preserve, digitise and make records available for public access. The Archives will continue to oversee the delivery of additional preservation and storage capacity, working with entities to improve business efficiency across government by enhancing the ability to retrieve and reuse information and reducing stockpiles of paper records

•  foster effective relationships with entities and strategic stakeholders, including the information and communication technology and cultural sectors. The Archives will work closely with other key information and security entities across government to ensure that digital records management issues are addressed through information strategies, standards and policies

•  provide access to, promote, interpret and communicate the collection and foster engagement with Australians in cities and regional areas through its national network of reading rooms, reference services, and education and public programs. The Archives’ websites and the national digitisation service will enhance the accessibility of the collection by increasing the number of record pages and interactive experiences available online.

1.2 Entity resource statement

Table 1.1 shows the total funding from all sources available to the Archives for its operations and to deliver programs and services on behalf of the government.

Table 1.1 is prepared on a resourcing (appropriations and cash available) basis, while the outcome expenses table in section 2 and the financial statements in section 3 are prepared on an accrual basis.

Table 1.1: Entity resource statement—Budget estimates for 2016–17 as at Budget May 2016

2015–16 Estimated actual
$’000 / 2016–17 Estimate
Annual appropriations—ordinary annual services(a)
Prior year appropriations available / 21,222 / 21,222
Departmental appropriation / 58,297 / 71,023
s 74 retained revenue receipts(b) / 2,290 / 2,324
Departmental capital budget(c) / 5,066 / 4,653
Annual appropriations—other services—non-operating(d)
Equity injection / – / 150
Total net resourcing for entity / 86,875 / 99,372
2015–16 / 2016–17
Average staffing level (number) / 395 / 390

Prepared on a resourcing (appropriations and cash available) basis.

Note: All figures are GST exclusive and may not match figures in the cash flow statement.

(a) Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2016–17.

(b) Estimated retained revenue receipts under section 74 of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013.

(c) Departmental capital budgets are not separately identified in Appropriation Bill (No.1) and form part of ordinary annual services items. See Table 3.5 for further details. For accounting purposes, this amount is designated as ‘contributions by owners’.

(d) Appropriation Bill (No. 2) 2016–17.

1.3 Budget measures

Budget measures announced since the 2015–16 Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) relating to the Archives are detailed in Budget Paper No.2 and are summarised in Part1 of Table1.2. MYEFO measures and other measures not previously reported in a portfolio statement are summarised in Part2.

Table 1.2: Entity 2016–17 Budget measures

Part 1: Measures announced since the 2015–16 MYEFO

Program / 2015–16 $’000 / 2016–17 $’000 / 2017–18 $’000 / 2018–19 $’000 / 2019–20 $’000
Capital measures
Trans-Pacific Partnership—implementation(a) / 1.1
Departmental capital / – / 150 / – / – / –
Total capital measures / – / 150 / – / – / –

Prepared on a Government Finance Statistics (fiscal) basis. Figures displayed as a negative represent a decrease in funds, and figures displayed as a positive represent an increase in funds.

(a) This is a cross-portfolio measure. The lead entity is the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Part 2: MYEFO measures and other measures not previously reported in a portfolio statement

Program / 2015–16 $’000 / 2016–17 $’000 / 2017–18 $’000 / 2018–19 $’000 / 2019–20 $’000
Expense measures
Attorney-General’s—one-off efficiency savings to specific agencies / 1.1
Departmental expenses / (1,655) / (1,655) / (1,654) / (1,654) / (1,654)
Public Sector Superannuation Accumulation Plan administration fees(a) / 1.1
Departmental expenses / (26) / (26) / (26) / (26) / (26)
Total expense measures / (1,681) / (1,681) / (1,680) / (1,680) / (1,680)

Prepared on a Government Finance Statistics (fiscal) basis. Figures displayed as a negative represent a decrease in funds, and figures displayed as a positive represent an increase in funds.

(a) This is a cross-portfolio measure that was published in the 2014–15 MYEFO. The lead entity is the Department of Finance.

Section 2: Outcomes and planned performance

Government outcomes are the intended results, impacts or consequences of actions by the government on the Australian community. Commonwealth programs are the primary vehicle by which government entities achieve the intended results of their outcome statements. Entities are required to identify the programs that contribute to government outcomes over the budget and forward years.

The Archives’ outcome is described below together with its related program.

Note: From 1 July 2015, performance reporting requirements in the Portfolio Budget Statements sit alongside the requirements under the enhanced Commonwealth performance framework. It is anticipated that the performance criteria described in Portfolio Budget Statements will be read with broader information provided in an entity’s corporate plans and annual performance statements—included in annual reports from October 2016—to provide the entity’s complete performance story.

2.1 Budgeted expenses and performance for Outcome 1

Outcome 1: To promote the creation, management and preservation of authentic, reliable and usable Commonwealth records and to facilitate Australians’ access to the archival resources of the Commonwealth
Budgeted expenses for Outcome 1

Table 2.1 shows how much the Archives intends to spend (on an accrual basis) on achieving Outcome 1, broken down by program and by departmental funding sources.

Table 2.1: Budgeted expenses for Outcome 1

2015–16 Estimated actual
$’000 / 2016–17
$’000 / 2017–18 Forward estimate
$’000 / 2018–19 Forward estimate
$’000 / 2019–20
Forward estimate
Program 1.1: National Archives of Australia
Departmental expenses
Departmental appropriation / 58,297 / 71,023 / 64,532 / 63,972 / 69,039
s 74 retained revenue receipts(a) / 2,290 / 2,324 / 2,340 / 2,356 / 2,356
Expenses not requiring appropriation in the budget year(b) / 12,819 / 12,819 / 12,819 / 12,819 / 12,820
Total expenses for Outcome 1 / 73,406 / 86,166 / 79,691 / 79,147 / 84,215
2015–16 / 2016–17
Average staffing level (number) / 395 / 390

Note: Departmental appropriation splits and totals are indicative estimates and may change in the course of the budget year as government priorities change.

(a) Estimated retained revenue receipts under section 74 of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013.

(b) Expenses not requiring appropriation in the budget year are made up of depreciation and amortisation expenses, make-good expenses, finance costs, losses from asset sales and audit fees.

Performance criteria for Outcome 1

Table 2.2 details the performance criteria for the program associated with Outcome1. It also summarises how the program is delivered.

Table 2.2: Performance criteria for Outcome 1

Outcome 1: To promote the creation, management and preservation of authentic, reliable and usable Commonwealth records and to facilitate Australians’ access to the archival resources of the Commonwealth
Program 1.1: National Archives of Australia
The Archives seeks to promote the creation, management and preservation of authentic, reliable and usable Commonwealth records and to facilitate Australians’ access to the archival resources of the Commonwealth by:
•  guiding entities in building their digital records and information management capability to better equip them to manage their business requirements and meet their obligations under the Archives Act 1983 in an appropriate, contemporary and cost-effective way
•  identifying and protecting records of national archival value by transferring them from entities to appropriate custody for secure storage, description and preservation to support continued use by the Australian Government and the public
•  providing access to, promoting and interpreting the collection
•  developing archival initiatives that will strengthen Australia’s ties with other countries.
Delivery / Develop best practice records and information management standards, policies, guidance and services appropriate for government entities in a contemporary information environment.
Allow Australians to engage with and explore the Archives by preserving and providing access to the national archival collection through archival storage and management, research, reading rooms, exhibitions, public and education programs, events and online services.
Performance information
Year / Performance criteria / Targets
2015–16 / Satisfaction rating on information and records management products, services and advice / 100%
Percentage of entities involved in Archives’ information management training and events / 75%
Percentage of entities reporting against Check-up Digital (annually) / 98%
Percentage of the total collection described at item level / 33%
Total number of visitors to the Archives / 550,000
Percentage of visitors who are satisfied with their experience / 96%
Total number of onsite and online visits by students as part of an organised educational group / 125,000
Total number of visitors participating in public and outreach programs / 80,000
Percentage of visitors and participants in public program activities who report an increased awareness and understanding of the Archives and Australia’s heritage and democracy / 90%
Number of records accessed online through RecordSearch / 9,300,000
Total number of visits to the Archives’ websites / 4,400,000
Number of page views on the Archives’ websites / 34,000,000
Program 1.1: National Archives of Australia (continued)
Performance information
Year / Performance criteria / Targets
2016–17 / Percentage of entities reporting against the Archives’ annual survey / 95%
Percentage of entities engaging with information management training, events and services / 75%
Number of identified at-risk items provided with preservation treatment / 150,000
Total number of visits to the Archives’ online and onsite programs and services / 5,205,000
Number of records accessed / 11,500,000
Number of record pages added to RecordSearch / 1,500,000
2017–18 and beyond / Same as for 2016–17. / Same as for
Purpose / The purpose of the Archives is outlined in the Archives Act 1983, which identifies the entity’s key roles and responsibilities. In particular, the objects of the Archives Act are:
•  to provide for a National Archives of Australia, whose functions include:
–  identifying the archival resources of the Commonwealth
–  preserving and making publicly available the archival resources of the Commonwealth
–  overseeing Commonwealth record-keeping, by determining standards and providing advice to Commonwealth institutions
•  to impose record-keeping obligations in respect of Commonwealth records.

Section 3: Budgeted financial statements

This section presents budgeted financial statements that provide a comprehensive snapshot of entity finances for the 2016–17 budget year, including the impact of budget measures and resourcing.

3.1 Differences between entity resourcing and financial statements

There is no material difference between the entity resourcing and financial statements.

3.2 Analysis of budgeted financial statements

Comprehensive income statement

After adjusting for depreciation and amortisation expenses, the Archives is budgeting for a surplus of $9.440m, representing revenue recognised from the intake of records of national archival value from government agencies net of withdrawal and destruction of collection items.

Other revenue is estimated to remain steady in the budget and forward years, and is directly related to the estimated intake of collection items. Revenue from the sale of goods and rendering of services and rental income is estimated to remain steady.

In 2016–17, revenue from government increases by $12.726m, primarily due to funding provided in the 2011–12 Budget for the National Archives Preservation Facility to cover additional rent and other costs associated with the new facility. In 2017–18, revenue from government reduces by $6.491m as only the ongoing net additional rent for the new facility is funded.

Budgeted departmental balance sheet

Equity is estimated at $1.504b at 30 June 2017, reflecting the net effect of the operating result and contributions by owners for asset replacement.

The estimated increase in equity over the forward estimates period is primarily a result of the increase in value of heritage and cultural assets due to the intake of new collection items. At 30 June 2017, total assets are estimated at $1.522b, of which 96% is heritage and cultural assets. Budgeted liabilities total $18.338m, which comprises payables of $3.366m and provisions of $14.972m.

3.3 Budgeted financial statements tables

Table 3.1: Comprehensive income statement (showing net cost of services)
for the period ended 30June

2015–16 Estimated actual $’000 / 2016–17 Budget $’000 / 2017–18 Forward estimate $’000 / 2018–19 Forward estimate $’000 / 2019–20 Forward estimate $’000
Employee benefits / 38,838 / 37,892 / 38,118 / 37,812 / 37,809
Suppliers / 21,785 / 35,491 / 28,790 / 28,552 / 33,663
Grants / 40 / 40 / 40 / 40 / –
Depreciation and amortisation / 12,183 / 12,183 / 12,183 / 12,183 / 12,183
Finance costs / 60 / 60 / 60 / 60 / 60
Losses from asset sales / 500 / 500 / 500 / 500 / 500
Total expenses / 73,406 / 86,166 / 79,691 / 79,147 / 84,215
Own-source revenue
Sale of goods and rendering of services / 2,166 / 2,198 / 2,211 / 2,224 / 2,224
Rental income / 124 / 126 / 129 / 132 / 132
Other / 10,000 / 10,000 / 10,000 / 10,000 / 10,000
Total own-source revenue / 12,290 / 12,324 / 12,340 / 12,356 / 12,356
Other / 76 / 76 / 76 / 76 / 77
Total gains / 76 / 76 / 76 / 76 / 77
Total own-source income / 12,366 / 12,400 / 12,416 / 12,432 / 12,433
Net cost of (contribution by) services / 61,040 / 73,766 / 67,275 / 66,715 / 71,782
Revenue from government / 58,297 / 71,023 / 64,532 / 63,972 / 69,039
Surplus (deficit) attributable to the Australian Government / (2,743) / (2,743) / (2,743) / (2,743) / (2,743)
Changes in asset revaluation surplus / – / – / – / – / –
Total other comprehensive income / – / – / – / – / –
Total comprehensive income (loss) / (2,743) / (2,743) / (2,743) / (2,743) / (2,743)
Total comprehensive income (loss) attributable to the Australian Government / (2,743) / (2,743) / (2,743) / (2,743) / (2,743)
Note: Impact of net cash appropriation arrangements
2015–16 $’000 / 2016–17 $’000 / 2017–18 $’000 / 2018–19 $’000 / 2019–20 $’000
Total comprehensive income (loss) excluding depreciation/amortisation expenses previously funded through revenue appropriations / 9,440 / 9,440 / 9,440 / 9,440 / 9,440
Less depreciation/amortisation expenses previously funded through revenue appropriations / 12,183 / 12,183 / 12,183 / 12,183 / 12,183
Total comprehensive income (loss) as per the statement of comprehensive income / (2,743) / (2,743) / (2,743) / (2,743) / (2,743)

Prepared on Australian Accounting Standards basis.