Bell Ringers – Tuesday, August 13th, 2013

2nd period Child Services I

On a piece of paper, please answer the following question: Give two reasons that child care has become more popular in the past 40 years.

3rd period Parenting/Child Development

On a piece of paper, please complete the following task: Draw a picture of your family

4th period Relationships:

Please get out your “Goals for You” worksheet and be deciding why this is an important paper.

5th period Life Skills:

Please pick up a “FCCLA Step One Webquest” off of the corner of the counter (beside the hall pass).

Bell Ringers – Thursday, August 15th

2nd period Child Services I

What do you think is one good rule to have when running a child care center?

3rd period Parenting/Child Development

What do you think is the #1 reason for teenagers engaging in sexual intercourse?

4th period Relationships:

What stresses you out?

5th period Life Skills:

If you did not finish your adolescence drawing yesterday, get it out and finish it. You have five minutes.

Bell Ringers – Friday, August 16th

2nd period Child Services I

What is one of the ethical responsibilities of an ECE worker?

3rd period Parenting/Child Development

What do you think is the best type of birth control to use?

4th period Relationships:

Get out your philosophy of life. You have the first fifteen minutes of class to finish it and turn it in to the bucket.

5th period Life Skills:

Give an example of a long term goal and a short term goal.

Bell Ringers – Monday, August 19th

2nd period Child Services: Why do you think it’s important to children to hear language starting at an early age?

3rd period Parenting/Child Development: What was one thing that surprised you from your research Friday on STDs and contraceptives?

4th period Relationships: Who is the leader you are researching?

5th period Life Skills: Does Impaired Driving include only drinking and driving? If so, what else could it include?

Bell Ringers for Tuesday, August 20th

2nd period Child Services: What is one thing that shocked you about Katie’s story that we watched yesterday?

3rd period Parenting: Have you ever known someone who had trouble conceiving?

4th period Relationships: Why would someone pick you to be their role model?

5th period Life Skills: Using the decision making process, decide between going to the movies on Friday night or going to the football game.

Bell Ringers for Wednesday, August 21st

2nd period Child Services: Why do you think it is important to learn about child development theorists?

3rd period Parenting: What is one advantage of adoption over an A.R.T. method?

4th period Relationships: Why should we not get caught up in gender roles?

5th period Life Skills: What is one thing that makes you unique?

Bell Ringers for Thursday, August 22nd

2nd period Child Services: What does Erikson’s theory mean?

3rd period Parenting: How do YOU think babies are made?

4th period Relationships: What is one job that you think is primarily female and one job that is primarily male? What is a job that is unisex?

5th period Life Skills: Create a punnett square for a father that is freckled (Ff) and a mother that is freckled (Ff). What is the percentage that the child is freckled? Not freckled?

Bell Ringers for Friday, August 23rd

2nd period Child Services: Why is it important to learn about childhood development?

3rd period Parenting: List the four step process in conception.

4th period Relationships: What does it mean to be “mentally healthy?”

5th period Life Skills: Name and describe the four developmental tasks in adolescence.

Bell Ringers for Wednesday, August 28th

2nd period Child Services: What is the difference between gross and fine motor skills?

3rd period Parenting: What process does the sperm go through to be ready for ejaculation?

4th period Relationships: Create a Punnett Square for a mother with a Widow’s Peak (Ww) and a father with a Widow’s Peak (Ww). What is the likelihood their child will have a Widow’s Peak?

5th period Life Skills: Why is communication a vital part of a relationship?

Bell Ringers for Thursday, August 29

2nd period Child Services: What is a self – help skill toddlers develop?

3rd period Parenting: Name one presumptive sign and one positive sign of pregnancy.

4th period Relationships: What can you learn from genograms that you cannot learn from family trees?

5th period Life Skills: Are relationships referring only to romantic ones? Why or why not?

Bell Ringers for Friday, August 30

2nd period Child Services: What does parallel play mean?

3rd period Parenting: What are the three stages of pregnancy and how long do they last?

4th period Relationships: What causes depression?

5th period Life Skills: What are two things you can do to be safe on the Internet?

Bell Ringers for Tuesday, September 3rd

2nd period Child Services: When you hear the word “discipline” what do you think of?

3rd period Parenting: Should you begin a strenuous exercise regiment as soon as you find out you’re pregnant? Why or why not?

4th period Relationships: What are two different types of communication?

5th period Life Skills: What is the difference between love and infatuation?

Bell Ringers for Wednesday, September 4th

2nd period Child Services: What is the difference between guidance and punishment?

3rd period Parenting: Why is iceberg lettuce not a good choice for a pregnant woman to eat?

4th period Relationships: What does perception mean?

5th period Life Skills: What are the three types of abuse we discussed yesterday?

Bell Ringers for Monday, September 9th

Child Services I: What do you think is the best way to discipline a child?

Parenting/Child Development: What did you find interesting about your birth defect research?

Relationships: What do you think makes a good friend?

Life Skills: What is a consequence of having sex at a young age?

Bell Ringers for Wednesday, September 11th

Child Services I: What are three things a child care worker can do to properly supervise children?

Parenting/Child Development: What do you think a father’s role should be?

Relationships: What type of family do you live in?

Life Skills: Which funnel are boys more interested in? Which funnel are girls? Please get out your “Dangers of Intimacy Notes” and be completing the Factors that Influence section (these are your opinion).

Bell Ringers for Thursday, September 12th

Child Services I: What is a requirement for evacuations in a child care center?

Parenting/Child Development: What is the difference between Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Fetal Alcohol Effect?

Relationships: What is the difference between an extended family and a blended family?

Life Skills: Why is abstinence the best method of contraception?

Bell Ringers for Friday, September 13th

Child Services I: Who can pick a child up from a child care facility?

Parenting/Child Development: What would be a source of tension between a stepparent and stepchild?

Relationships: Draw the family life cycle.

Life Skills: Besides abstinence, which type of birth control method is best to use?

Bell Ringers for Monday, September 16th

Child Services I: Who can pick a child up from a child care facility?

Parenting/Child Development: What would be a source of tension between a stepparent and stepchild?

Relationships: Draw the family life cycle.

Life Skills: What are the steps the female reproductive system goes through to make and have a baby?

Bell Ringers for Tuesday, September 17th

Child Services I: When should you get out your supplies when diapering a baby?

Parenting/Child Development: What is the difference between a midwife and a doula?

Relationships: What was the reason for the big changes in families in the 19th century?

Life Skills: What is the four – step process of conception?

Bell Ringers for Tuesday, September 17th

Child Services I: What would you say to a preschooler to let them know the importance of hand washing? You will need to talk with me today about your hand washing presentation. We will begin presentations tomorrow!

Parenting/Child Development: What are two major differences from deliveries in the 1800s to deliveries now?

Relationships: What do you think are three characteristics of a good family?

Life Skills: What is the difference between verbal and nonverbal communication?

Bell Ringers for Wednesday, September 25th

Child Services I: Presentations today! Get ready!

Parenting/Child Development: What are the three stages of labor?

Relationships: What are the three types of boundary systems?

Life Skills: Name something you need and something you want.

Bell Ringers for Thursday, September 26th

Child Services I: Presentations today! Get ready!

Parenting/Child Development: Which type of birthing position do you think would be best?

Relationships: What is the difference between physical abuse & neglect?

Life Skills: What is a right? What is a responsibility?

Bell Ringers for Monday, October 7, 2013


Child Services I: What is the name of the vaccine for chicken pox? GET OUT YOUR CHILDHOOD ILLNESSES CHART, PLEASE.

Parenting/Child Development: Which type of anesthesia do you think you would like to have during birth (if any). PLEASE GET OUT YOUR LABOR AND DELIVERY PACKET.

Relationships: What is one thing to keep in mind when trying to connect with older people? WE WILL BE GOING TO THE COMPUTER LAB.

Life Skills: Give an example of the heartstrings advertising technique. BEGIN WORKING ON RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES SCENARIO WORKSHEET.

Bell Ringers for Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Child Services I:Read the literature on pro – vaccinations or anti – vaccinations that is on your table. What is your opinion? Back up your opinion with at least three justifications. Your response must be at least six sentences long. Please turn this in when finished! You have until 9:30 to complete this.

Parenting/Child Development: Begin writing down your three questions on pregnancy, labor, delivery, etc.

Relationships: What was one interesting thing you found out yesterday about the differences in culture in regards to death?

Life Skills: What is an advertisement that you’ve seen in the last few days? What type of ad technique did it use?

Bell Ringers for Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Child Services I:What is a healthy meal you would provide for a four year old?

Child Care Professional Book page 262

#1, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13

Parenting/Child Development: Be sitting in your seats, quiet, electronic devices put away, and ready for our guest speaker.

Relationships: How do you think you would feel is someone close to you passed away?

Life Skills: What’s the difference between net income and gross income?

Bell Ringers for Thursday, October 10, 2013

Child Services I:Get out your packet from yesterday and worksheet. Then, get out a Child Care Professional Book (on the back counter beside the microwave). Turn to page 262 and begin answering #1, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13

Parenting/Child Development: What is another name for SIDS?

Relationships: Take 5 minutes to study for your test!

Life Skills: Give an example of a fixed expense and a variable expense.

Bell Ringers for Friday, October 11, 2013

Child Services I:What would you do if a child told you they were being abused at home?

Parenting/Child Development: Why is shaking a baby a bad thing?

Relationships: What do you think is the purpose of dating?

Life Skills: How can you find the best deal for something you are buying?

Bell Ringers for Monday, October 14, 2013

Child Services I:What is another name for shaken baby syndrome?

Parenting/Child Development: What steps does the male reproductive system go through to produce sperm? STUDY FOR YOUR TEST!

Relationships: What are two things to keep in mind when going on a date?

Life Skills: Your items at Wal Mart subtotal to $16.28. Add in sales tax. What would your total be?

Bell Ringers for Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Child Services I:What is the difference between neglect and physical abuse? Get out a Child Care Professional book. Read about Child Abuse beginning on page 216. Answer Reviewing the Facts on page 222 #11, 12, 13 and Thinking Critically #3 & 4

Parenting/Child Development: STUDY FOR YOUR RETEST! Afterwards, we will be going to the computer lab to work on Welcome to Parenthood Project

Relationships: How do you know if you are in love with someone?

Life Skills: You find a pair of boots that are originally $73.49, but are 40% off with coupon! What will the sales price be? ______

Now, add in tax! ______

Bell Ringers for Wednesday, October 16th


When you hear the word “routine,” what do you think of?

Parenting/Child Development:What do you know about circumcision?

Relationships: Which love language do you relate to? How can it apply to your life?

Life Skills:Find the property tax using the following information…

Market value: $150,000

Assessed value: $170,000

Property tax rate: 1.2%

Bell Ringers for Thursday, October 17th

Child Services I:What is an example of a transition?

Parenting/Child Development:What is circumcision?

Relationships:What is the difference between love and infatuation?

Life Skills:If you get income, what can you do with it?