Resource Value Team Leaders Meeting

Nov 30, 2004, 10:30-12:00 noon


Nancy Densmore, Shannon Berch, Mike Curran, Peter Tschaplinski, Richard Thompson, John Crooks, Peter Bradford, Frank Barber


  1. status of data collection
  2. status of data base development
  3. status of data entry
  4. RVTL data analysis and reporting
  5. post mortem workshop (summary of results, checklist reviews, changes to checklists, operational roll out etc.)
  1. status of data collection:
  • Data collection wrap up Nov 30, 2004
  • ACTION: Frank to phone all district participants to prompt sending in completed checklists starting on Dec 1, 2004.
  1. status of data based development
  • Thomas has created an Access 97 data base for riparian, recreation and stand level biodiversity (SLBD)
  • The soils Access 97 data base still to be created. ACTION: Mike, Shannon, Peter and Thomas to discuss the soils data base in a conference call today.
  • ACTION: Frank to put the resource value checklists on the FTP site by Dec 3, 2004. Frank to send out the site address to attendees on conference call
  • ACTION: Complete the riparian, SLBD and soils access data bases by Dec 10, 2004.
  1. status of data entry
  • the recreation template is now being used to enter 148 completed checklists. This will be a lot of work…a potential contract to do this work is being considered
  • Thomas has started the data entry on the riparian checklist yesterday. He may get Debbie Krastel to assist in this data entry
  • Data entry on the SLBD has also been started
  • It should hopefully only take 2 weeks to get this data entered and cleaned
  • ACTION: Thomas to have the SLBD and riparian data entered by Dec 13, 2004.
  • ACTION: Thomas to have the soils data entered by Dec 20, 2004
  1. RVTL data analysis and reporting
  • ACTION: The SLBD and riparian data analysis will be finished by January 30, 2005
  • ACTION: The soils data analysis will be finished by Feb 7, 2005.
  • We are looking for brief summaries not detailed analysis for the Post Mortem meeting in February. It may be possible to get contractor help in preparing summary tables for these checklist data sets
  • ACTION: Thomas/Peter/Frank to have the Access97 data base and data for the soils checklist to Shannon and Mike by Dec 13, 2004.
  1. Post Mortem

The proposed date for the Post Mortem is Feb 22/23/05 in Richmond

ACTION: Peter/Frank to draft the workshop, the dates and the agenda by Dec 17, 2004.

Based on discussion today, the agenda/approach will be based on the following:

The objectives of the Post Mortem are to:

  • Have district input/critical feedback on the checklists/training/data elements on checklists
  • RVTLs to report out on the data collected by the checklists to demonstrate a value to district participants and solicit feedback from participants
  • Develop a strategy to roll out the “checklist model” approach operationally in 2005. (e.g. rolling out the checklists developed, trained, refined and implemented under the Pilot)

Break-out sessions:

Day 1:

  • Summary of checklist data sessions (3 checklists)
  • Breakout of training – discussion (what worked? What didn’t? how to improve?)
  • Data collection – field (field forms, protocol, sampling protocol – what worked? What didn’t work?)
  • Data input and analysis – data input; outputs (summary tables) – what met expectations? What didn’t?
  • It was noted that a lot of this information may be summarized from the Dec 8th debriefing conference call with district staff. We may have potential solutions at this Post Mortem for the issues that were raised on the Dec 8th call.

Day 2:

Priorities – what to continue working on

  • Roll out of piloted checklists operationally in 2005
  • Designing and testing the “checklist model” approach to RSM Program
  • What new pilot checklists to develop, training, test, debrief, revise and roll out in 05/06
  • Budget for this pilot program in 05/06
  • ACTION: Frank to send out the post field testing checklist/data questionnaire and the feedback summary of the checklist training sessions (compiled by FORREX) to RVTLs by Nov 30, 2004.
  • ACTION: In the Dec 8th conference call announcement to participants inform them that this conference call replaces the Dec 21st RSMP Pilot conference call.
  • ACTION: All RVTLs will receive a package of the original 34 priority resource value questions. Each RVTL will review their original questions to: confirm, replace, update or propose new questions for resubmission and ranking. These new questions will be due Jan 31, 2005.
  1. Budget:
  • There is roughly $670K proposed in the 2005/06 budget. A budget submission has already been made by FREP and has been received favourably by Ralph Archibald and the former Chief Forester. Brian Nyberg and Frank Barber will be making a presentation to the new Chief (Jim Snetzinger) this Thursday, Dec 2.
  • Peter T. mentioned that he had made it by the first round for FIA funding. With the $59K from FIA, $20K from FREP and perhaps another $10K from WLAP he will be able to roll out an extensive fish/riparian checklist next fiscal
  • Mike C. also mentioned that Stephane Dube has made it past the first round on a soils initiative.
  1. Hand held data equipment
  • A brief discussion was held about the use of the handhelds in Chilliwack. There are great merits to this form of data capture. A few issues will have to be addressed to streamline and simplify data capture in the field.
  • Mike C. mentioned that there may be other data capture systems developed by the Ministry that could be looked at (GDC).