2-Do You Remember? - Exam #2 – Ch. 5,6,7 & 8

Ch. 5 – Developing person

•What were Piaget’s stages of development?

•What did the Harlow monkey studies tell us abut body contact?

•Can you give an example of imprinting?

What helps to make a child more sociable?

•What types of parenting are there? What one produces the most self-confident children?

•What were Kohlberg’s stages of moral development? Can you give an example of each?

•What were Erikson’s eight stages of psychosocial development?

•What is the difference between crystallized and fluid intelligence?

•Can you give an example?

•What are the symptoms of Alzheimer’s?

•How does the “social clock” effect you?

•According to Gottman, what is the best predictor of marital satisfaction?

Ch. 6 - Sensation and Perception

How does selective attention relate to the figure and ground effect?

What are the four ways your mind groups information to help make sense of it?

What is the visual cliff? What does it tell us about depth perception?

What is the Gestalt perspective?

What are some examples of linear perspective?

What two things help you see movement when none exists?

What is the ponzo illusion?

What is retinal disparity? Can you give a demonstration of it?

What is the Muller-Lyer illusion?

What is perceptual set? How does it effect what we perceive?

What is the context effect? Can you give an example?

What is an example of something human factor psychologists would study?

Why might a police department not want to use a person with ESP to solve a crime?

Ch. 7 - Learning

•Who developed classical conditioning?

•How can you condition a cat to come when it is time to eat?

•What is the UCS, UCR, CS, and CR

•What is generalization?

•Who developed operant conditioning?

•How does operant conditioning differ from classical conditioning?

•What is an example of positive and negative reinforcement?

•What is an an example of five reinforcement schedules?

•What is an example of shaping?

•What do you do because of internal motivation?

•What do you do because of external motivation?

•How does cognitive processes (thinking) effect rewarded behavior?

•What did you learn with observational behavior?

Ch. 8 –Memory

What types of encoding are there to help you remember?

What two things did we learn from the Ebbinghaus retention curve to help you remember?

What are flashbulb memories?

If you list your advantages on a resume, where do you put your most important ones you want remembered?

How could you use the peg word system?

How does priming relate to retrieval cues?

What causes you to forget?

What is proactive and retroactive memory interference?

If Sally is falsely told, usually repeatedly and in detail, that she was abused as a child; might she begin to remember abuse that never happened?

If someone says, ”I remember this, but I forgot where I heard it”. What happened?

Can guided imagery, hypnosis and drugs be used to recover reliable memories?