Teacher: Marquez Subject: 3rd Grade Spanish Week of: December 1, 2008

Day One
Objective / Students will be able to:
Count in unison from zero to fifteen
Count in unison from zero to 20
Write numbers zero to 20
NJCCCS / 7.1
Key Points / Numbers 0-15 in Spanish
Word of the Day / quince
/ Buenos Dias Song
Explain Absolute Excellence, Super Stars, the Happy Face Competition, and Three Strikes
El Tesoro- pick a helper to pick the word of the day out of the Treasure Box
What do you think “quince” means?? Give clues: here are cinco stars, here are diez stars.
Guided Practice
Explore / Review: write numeric symbols for numbers 1-15 on the board. Ask for students to volunteer the numbers in Spanish. As they remember them, write them up on the board, spelling out loud for the students. Have them copy and translate on a translation sheet.
New Material: Write numeric symbols for numbers 16-20 up on the board. Have students rhythmically repeat each new word. Spell up on the board. Have students copy onto their translation sheet.
Have students count from 1- 15, then from 1-20. Repeat as necessary for correct pronunciation and comfort with the material.
Discussion: Ask for students to share their observations and questions about the material we just learned. If no one volunteers it, guide students toward the observation that numbers from 16-19 use the word “diez” (ten) plus the same words used for one through nine.
Elaborate / Have students practice counting out loud from zero to twenty in unison.
Check for pronunciation. Repeat as necessary.
Guided practice should take most of the class as this is a fairly discussion-intensive introduction.
Should time allow, begin to teach students how to play Number Ball.
Number ball:
Call out a number in Spanish, toss a ball to students. They catch the ball, call out the number in English
Evaluate / Participation:
Does the student utlilize the learned Spanish vocabulary? Does the student participate in the discussion? Yes=Virtuoso
Integration of Technology
Closing / Have class count from zero to twenty-nine in Spanish.

Teacher: Marquez Subject: 3rd Grade Spanish Week of: 12-01-08

Day Two
Objective / Students will be able to:
Count in unison from zero to fifteen
Count in unison from zero to 20
Write numbers zero to 20
NJCCCS / 7.1
Key Points / Numbers 0-15 in Spanish
Word of the Day / diesinueve
/ Buenos Dias Song
Explain Absolute Excellence, Super Stars, the Happy Face Competition, and Three Strikes
El Tesoro- pick a helper to pick the word of the day out of the Treasure Box
Does anyone remember what “diesinueve” means?? Give clues: here are diez stars, here are nueve stars.
Guided Practice
Explore / Have students count out loud from zero to twenty in Spanish.
Write the numeric symbols for numbers 0-20 on the board. Ask for volunteers to spell each number for the class using their translation sheets from last class. Write what the students say on the board, ask the class to provide any corrections to spelling.
Elaborate / Number ball:
Call out a number in Spanish, toss a ball to students. They catch the ball, call out the number in English
Evaluate / V= student correctly translates the number without prompting
M= student correctly translates the number with one or two prompts
A= students needs three or more prompts
N= student cannot translate the number even with many prompts or refuses to participate
Integration of Technology
Closing / Have students count in unison from zero to twenty in Spanish