9:30Worship Service
中文主日学Chinese Sunday School
11:00Worship Service
4:00Prime Time @ RiverCross Mission
6:30JWalkers (High School Youth)
7:30 中文查经班At the Feng’s 977-2194
9:00Hope Mission (RiverCross Mission)
5:00Trunk or Treat (RiverCross Mission)
9:30Staff Meeting
6:30Worship Ministry Appreciation Supper
8:30Christmas Choir
11:00Friendly Fellowship (RiverCross Mission)
9:00Hope Mission (RiverCross Mission)
7:00英文查经班At the Home of Juliet Zhu 607-1326
8:00祷告会At the Tongs 652-8282
8:00青年团契At the Tongs 652-8282
RiverCross Church BulletinOctober 29, 2017
61 Forbes Drive E2K 0H7 642-8060
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Welcome to RiverCross Church. We’re glad you’ve joined us today.We are a group of people from different nations and nationalities, various social and economic backgrounds as well as many different places on our journey of faith.We call ourselves a “beautiful community.”We hope you feel welcome today, and we hope you have the opportunity to connect with several people before leaving.Please feel free to stop by the Welcome Centre for more information.
I’m New!If you are new to RiverCross we’d love for you to stop by our table, below the “I’m New” sign in the foyer, and receive a gift. We’d love it if you would provide your contact information as well, so we could have the privilege of following up with you. We feel so privileged that you have visited today. Please drop by and say hello!
Trunk or Treat is this Tuesday night. RiverCross Mission will host this event. It's one important way we share friendship with the folks who call the Old North End and Crescent Valley home - by providing a safe place where children can go to receive lots of chocolates, candy, and other treats. It's a whole lot of fun and is now a "family tradition" for many. We can expect up to 200 children to show up on Tuesday, October 31st. So please give generously, and fill Pastor John's office with Halloween goodies! Thanks!
RiverCross clothing is now available to order! Pullover and zip hoodies, toques and RiverKids t-shirts can be ordered until November 12. See Blair in the lobby.
Friendly Fellowship will take place this Thursday at 11:00 am at RiverCross Mission. All seniors are welcome.
Once again, the Chinese Sunday School class is having a home-made egg roll sale, to raise money for our church Christmas Outreach ministries. We are making the egg rolls using Grandma Tong’s secret recipe. We will be taking orders for the eggrolls today after both services in the foyer. Our supplies are very limited. Please place your order early. Thank you so much for your support.
On Sunday, November 12th, we will be taking a Love Offering for Shane Salkey who is a student from Kingswood University. Shane has been doing his internship here at RiverCross Church this fall in our Worship Ministries. He has been working full time hours and doing a great job, but hasn’t been receiving any salary from the Church. This is our opportunity to support him and his family in their ministry endeavours, cover the many expenses that he has had in being here, and thank him for a job well done. Please come prepared on November 12th to bless Shane and his family with a financial gift. You can give through your church envelopes or use the special offering envelopes found in the seat pocket in front of you. Please mark it “Love Offering – Shane”. Thanks in advance for supporting Shane in this way, and our student internship program.
New To RiverCross We’d love to meet with you! We’re serving a lunch following the 11am service on today to get to know you more and to tell you a little more about RiverCross Church. To sign up, please contact Jan Cameron at .
Two-for-One Christmas Dinner: Just a heads-up that RiverCross Mission's annual Two-for-One Christmas dinner is happening on Saturday, November 18th at 5 PM. The cost of a ticket is $12, and tickets will go on sale Sunday, October 29th. This dinner kicks-off our Christmas Ministries for the year, and all money raised through it will go towards the cost of the Mission's Community Christmas Dinner on Friday, December 8th. The Mission team always prepares a delicious turkey dinner for Two-for-One. It's well worth coming to enjoy! So please plan to attend and, by doing so, support a great community event in December.
We would like to remind everyone to keep the left side of the worship centre scent free seating. There will be signs posted to show the scent free area. Thank you.
RiverCross Staff
Rob NylenSenior Pastor
/ John Knight
Outreach Pastor
Joe Page
Worship Pastor
/ Matt Snow
Next Generation Pastor
Jan Cameron
Hospitality Coordinator
/ Rob Parent
Marlee Beale
Administrative Assistant
/ Brandy Colwill
Children’s Ministry Mobilizer
Attendance Last Week: Worship:599 Small groups: 173
Giving for: Last Week Weekly Budget
Regular Giving $12,890
Capital $1,871
Total $14,761 15,727
Missions $946 1,255
Thanksgiving $9,355