Ashleigh Burgess The ability of 3-5 year olds to use self-report scales to assess pain and other physical experiences.

Genevieve Pfeiffer Predictors of pain and functional outcomes after discharge following day surgery.

Brandon Wong The trajectory of pain and functional outcomes after children go home following day surgery.

Natasja Lammers (University of Groningen, The Netherlands) A population cohort study of iron deficiency and associations with multi-regional pain and Restless Legs Syndrome.


Yuxi Chen Primary Dysmenorrhea in adolescents and young adults: Genetic influence and associations with Common Primary Pain Disorders, Restless Legs Syndrome, Iron deficiency, Anxiety and Depression

Mathushinee Mohanachandran Self-report measures of pain intensity for 3- to 6-year-old children.

Brendan Treloar Paediatric attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD):

associations with primary pain disorders, iron deficiency, restless legs syndrome, anxiety and depression, and autism spectrum disorder in a twin family case-control study.


David Chan Parent cognitions and behaviour after paediatric tonsillectomy post discharge from hospital.

Alexandra Powell Parent cognitions and behaviour after paediatric appendicectomy post discharge from hospital.

Andrew Yang Adolescent chronic pain trajectory and response to an online education program.

Tessa Beerstra (University of Groningen, The Netherlands)

The heritability and associations of back pain in adolescents. (2013-14)


Henry Vo (Hons.) The heritability of parent reported iron deficiency and its association with the common pain disorders of childhood.

Elisa Phipps Childhood chronic pain: The sibling experience.

Nadiah Jaffar Paediatric recurrent abdominal pain: A twin family case-control study of heritability and associations with functional pain syndromes, psychological conditions, and iron deficiency.

Kavita Ravendran Migraine and other functional pain syndromes in children and adolescents: A twin family case-control study.

ShiWei Lim Somatosensory testing in children and adolescents with chronic pain.

Rianne Koffman (University of Groningen, The Netherlands)

The heritability and associations of regional pain disorders in adolescents.


Annabel Barton Paediatric Recurrent abdominal pain: A twin family case-control study of heritability and associations.

Nancy Jia How do parental beliefs and behaviours influence child outcomes and each other? A cross-sectional study using a cognitive behavioural framework within the chronic paediatric pain setting.

Amy Chan The heritability and comorbidities of low back pain in adolescents: A twin family case-control study.

Yodithya Gunaratane Somatosensory testing in paediatric chronic pain patients: a cross-sectional study correlating sensory abnormalities with psychological and pain measures.

Janny Germs (University of Groningen, The Netherlands) Low back pain in adolescents: Heritability, individual and family comorbidities


Alies Coenders (University of Groningen, The Netherlands)

Clinical case-control and twin family survey studies on functional pain syndromes.

Doanna Png Parental psychosocial factors and the experiences of children and adolescents with chronic pain: A cross-sectional association study.

Shreya Mehta Somatosensory testing in children and adolescents with chronic pain: A cross-sectional study, with controls, of correlations with psychological and pain measures.

Penny Lee Growing pains: A twin family case-control study of genetic influence and associations including restless legs syndrome.

Shamini Gunalan Migraine, non-migraine headache and other functional pain syndromes in children and adolescents: A twin-family case control study.


Evelyne de Cluiver (University of Groningen, The Netherlands) Sedation practices in children in Australian nuclear medicine departments and twin study on genetics of needle pain and its influences.

Paridhi Garg Enhancing the procedural experiences of children, families and staff - a quality review of practices to minimise pain and distress in children having procedures.

Nivethi Chandramohan The differentiate impact of disgust and fear in venipuncture procedures in adolescents and adults: an observational study.

Peiwen Lim Parent education in the paediatric chronic pain clinic.

ManWai Wong Twin family case control study on growing pains and functional pain disorders.

Kate Findeisen Twin family case control study on migraine, non-migraine headaches and associated disorders.


Tiina Jaaniste (PhD) Attentional coping strategies in the management of pain in children.

Patricia Hannaford The influence of early childhood and familial factors in adolescent chronic pain: a case-control study.

Jessica Bispham The impact of parent-child interaction and coping in adolescent chronic pain.

Jananie Balendran A common sleep disorder in pregnancy: Restless legs syndrome and its predictors.

Carla Flynn What is this malady called "growing pains"?

Amelia Taylor The heritability of growing pains.

Jessica Bisham The impact of parent-child interaction and coping in adolescent chronic pain.

Lotte W. de Groot (University of Groningen, The Netherlands) Retrospective survey of outcomes for children presenting at Sydney Children's Hospital with suspected acute appendicitis


Siyao Du The differential impact of parental disgust and fear in venipuncture procedures in children: an observational study.

Inge van den Brand (The Netherlands) Somatosensory and psychosocial correlates of pain outcomes in children with chronic regional pain disorders.


Shanthi Pathirana (Hons.) An investigation into the nature of growing pains.

Emily Yu A behavioural guidance sheet for parents to reduce pain and distress in infants and preschool children receiving immunization: a randomized controlled trial.