Course Expectations

Campbell Adult and Community Education

High School GED Preparation Class

Monday-Friday12pm – 3pm

Three (3) Days Weekly

Instructors:Deborah Muscari, MA. Ed., Email:

Course Description:

This course is designed for those students who plan to get aGED certificate.

For the students who plan to take the GED, this course is designed as a self-paced, hybrid course incorporating both independent learning and direct instruction as the delivery method for the course content of all five areas of the GED examination: Reading, Writing, Mathematics, Social Studies, and Science.

Course Objectives:

Students will prepare to complete the credits needed to complete their high school diploma or complete part of all of the GED examination subjects. To facilitate a successful independent learning experience, students will also learn:

  • classroom and computer lab expectations
  • time management skills
  • self-motivation techniques
  • goal setting
  • test strategies
  • study aids
  • responsibility
  • the ability to manage change

Student Learning Outcomes:

Students will also be tested in the CASAS Reading and Math subject areas. Increasing their CASAS scores at least five (5) points will be a benchmark for student success.

Students will be pre-and post-assessed in any/all of the five (5) GED subject areas: Reading, Writing, Mathematics, Social Studies, and Science.Students’ progress will be monitored and subject testing will be encouraged at the instructor’s discretion once the student achieves a passing (410) score on the Official GED Practice Tests. Students are expected to complete at least one (1) GED Subject Test per session. Students will also be tested in the CASAS Reading and Math subject areas. Increasing their CASAS scores at least five (5) points will be a benchmark for student success.


High school textbooks in all academic areas assigned to each individual student, PLATO, GED/Pre-GED test preparation books, hand-outs, tests, and activity packets as assigned.

Class Activities:

Active learning is encouraged and stressed at all times. Students are expected to be actively engaged and participating in the learning process. Students will work on various activities independently, in a small group setting, and in a lecture environment to complete assignments. To facilitate team building, small group activities will be assigned daily.

Seating will be teacher-directed by subject area. The subject being studied will determine grouping. All students are expected to participate in small group instruction.


Students are expected to attend every day. If excessive absences occur, students can be dropped for non-attendance. Students are expected to attend class 80% (12 hours) weekly. Three tardies count as one absence. Attendance will be tracked on a weekly basis. After 2 verbal warnings by an instructor, student with excessive absences shall be referred to the counselor. After the 2nd referral, student will be dropped. If dropped, the student will not be allowed to re-enter the program and will be referred back to the District

Verbal and one written warning will be given before student is dropped. It is the student’s responsibility to call in or notify the teacher in advance if s/he cannot come to class. The instructor’s phone number is 408.626.3402 ext. 4700. Excused absences are those which can be verified by a written document such as a court notice to appear or a doctor’s note

There are four (4) sessions offered each school year. Students enrolled through the school districts are exempt from registration fees until the age of 18.

Distance Learning

Students will have the ability to continue to study GED materials online with an interactive website (PLATO Learning Environment). Students will have an opportunity to receive subject assignments from the teacher who will direct the student learning and assessment.

Student Policies:

ALCOHOL/DRUG USE/TOBACCO POLICIES – The policies of the Campbell Union High School District regarding the use of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs will be strictly enforced on the campus.

ANIMALS – Students are prohibited to bring their personal pets to the school campus (including parking lots/cars).

BADGES – Students will be issues identification and are expected to carry it with them at all times. Due to the proximity of Del Mar High School, students who are unable to show affiliation to CACE and are off campus during break may be picked up by campus police as truant.

BEHAVIOR CODE – The following violations are causes for immediate removal:

  1. Threatening another student or school personnel
  2. Fighting with or assaulting another student or school personnel
  3. Vandalizing or stealing school property
  4. Using abusive or profane language
  5. Cheating
  6. Wearing clothes that disrupt the effective functioning of the class
  7. Attending school under the influence of alcohol or other drugs
  8. Breaking any federal, state, or local laws.

CHILDREN – Children are not permitted in the classroom.

FOOD/DRINKS – No food or drinks will be permitted in the classroom with the exception of potlucks on special occasions.

LOITERING – Loitering about any school is prohibited by law. (Penal Codes 653g and 627.2)

PARKING LOT – Students may park at their own risk. Any police report is the responsibility of the individual.

SMOKING – There is absolutely NO SMOKING anywhere on campus.

WEAPONS – Any person who brings or possesses a weapon of any kind on school grounds will be subject to arrest (Penal Code 626.9/626.10; Ed. Code 48900).

Student Responsibilities:

  1. Respect the right of others to study and learn
  2. Be on time for classes
  3. Respect school and classroom rules
  4. Cooperate with school personnel
  5. Be courteous to everyone
  6. Complete all class work, participate in class, meet deadlines, and attend the required minimum hours
  7. Respect public property
  8. Come to class with the necessary books and materials
  9. Dress appropriately and safely for school


  1. Bare feet, midriffs, or any clothing that disrupts the effective functioning of the class
  2. Electronic devices – Please - NO cell phones visible. Phones should be OFF (not on silence, not on vibrate).
  3. Music players can be utilized while working at computer stations or independently. If music is too loud, student repeatedly ignoring requests to lower the volume will lose this privilege.