AnnualReview of [Child’s/Young person’s name]Education, Health and Care Plan

The education providershould complete this form, on at least an annual basis, in respect of every child or young person on roll for whom the local authority (LA) continues to maintain an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan.

Reviews must focus on the child or young person’s progress towards achieving the outcomes specified in the EHC Plan.

This Review Report will be considered to be an update of the plan. Amendments will only be made to the original plan where there are clearly evidenced significant changes in the child oryoung person’s learning needs or educational provision to meet need.

A copy of the education provider’s report should be sent out to parents/carers, the young person (post-16) and invited professionals, two weeks before the review date. Once held, the setting must prepare and send a report of the meeting to everyone invited within two weeks of the meeting.

Date of this review:
Date of last review:
Date of current EHC Plan:
Details of child/ young person
First names:
Date of birth: / Gender:
Contact phone number(s)
(only if young person is in post-16 education)
Is the child/young person a Child in Care? / Yes/No
If yes, please give details of the Social Worker with contact number and address.
Details of child/young person’s parents/guardians
Relationship to child/ young person: / Does this person have parental responsibility? / Yes/No
Relationship to child/ young person: / Does this person have parental responsibility? / Yes/No
Address of parents/ guardians:
Contact telephone numbers: / Home:
Contact email(s):

1.Education placement details

Name of educational placement:
Type of setting:
Date of child/young person’s admission:
Does the school receive Pupil Premium for this child? / Yes/No
School attendance: / Actual: / Exclusions (if any please list number of days):

2.People and services invited to this review meeting
(please add and delete as applicable)

Name / Role / Advice submitted for review meeting? / Attended review meeting
Yes/No / Address/contact details
Child/Young person
Headteacher/Principal/Class Teacher/ Tutor/TA
LA SEN Casework Officer
Advisory Teacher
Educational Psychologist
Social Worker/ Lead professional
Speech & Language Therapist
Occupational Therapist
Specialist Nurse Service
Virtual School (for CIC pupils only)

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3.Review of child/young person’s outcomes (EHC Plan Sections E to H2)

Which outcomes are being reviewed? / What resources have been used to help the child/ young person achieve his/her goals: Who has done what, when and how often / How much progress has been made? How has this been measured? / Has the outcome been met?
(Yes/No/Partially) / Comments
(if outcome is not achieved, please comment on child/young person’s progress and whether the outcome remains appropriate)

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4.Child/ Young person’s views, wishes and feelings (EHC PlanSection A)

What is important to the child/ young person? His/her aspirations and goals; what helps him/ her? what doesn’t help?

5.Child/ Young person’s strengths (EHC Plan Section A)

What is child/young person particularly good at? What are his/ her greatest achievements this year? What qualities do people admire about the child/young person

6.Parents’/ Carers’views (EHCPlan Section A)

Since the last review, how do the child’s/young person’s family feel he/she has progressed? What has helped and what are their hopes for the child’s/young person’s future.

7.Educational Needs (EHCPlan Section B)

Please comment on the current progress of the pupil/student, including details about their current learning needs, communication skills, social and emotional well being and progress towards independence.

Early Years assessments: age 0-4 years(please delete section if not applicable):

Foundation Stage Profile of current levels of attainment – Development Matters Levels and/or Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Profile results

EYFS aspect / Attainment at previous review
(Date) / Current Assessment
(Date) / Predicted level or age expectations / If current attainment is below age expectations please give detailed comments

School assessments: age 4-16 years (please delete section if not applicable):
Include P levels if working towards Level 1

Subject / Attainment at previous review
(Date) / Current assessment
(Date) / Has the progress met predictions? / Comments
eg please note if support was given; if current attainment is below predicted level, please give detailed comments.
Speaking and listening
Overall subject level
(Overall subject level)
Standard test results and/ or entry assessment for Reading, Spelling and Numeracy
Name of test: / Date of test: / Chronological age: / Result:

GCSE Courses

Subject/name of course / Level being studied / Current assessment / Predicted / Comments

Post-16 courses (please delete section if not applicable):

Subject/name ofcourse / Level being studied / Current assessment / Predicted / Comments

8.Health Needs (EHCPlan Section C)

Please comment on the current health needs of the child/ young person, including the involvement of Health professionals.

9.Social Care Needs (EHCPlan Section D)

Please comment on the current social care needs, including the involvement of Social Care professionals.

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10.New outcomes

New outcomes for child/ young person,following this review (including any retained from last review) / Actions:What will help child/ young person toachieve his/ her goals / Resources to be used:
Who will do what, when and how often
When will this be reviewed?
How will this be monitored and by whom?

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11.Personal budget (only applicable if a direct payment or third party arrangement)

Is the personal budget managed by direct payments or third party? / Yes/No
If yes, has a financial audit been undertaken? / Yes/No
If yes, please provide date of audit. / Date:

12.Transfer between phases of education

Transition year group / Preferred placement / Parents’/Guardians’ comments / Child/ Young person’scomments
Early years provider to school
Infant school to Junior school (if separate settings)
Primary school to Secondary school
Secondary school to a Post-16 setting or Apprenticeship
Post-16 setting to further college placement
Post-16 setting to Apprenticeship
Post-19 to ISP
Reference to transport will be added later

13.Preparing for adulthood

This section must be completed for those pupils in Year 9 and above but can be filled in at an earlier stage.

Issues to be considered as part of the review meeting / Details of any discussions / Has this information been included in the EHCPlan
What are the child’s/young person’s aspirations for when they leave education or training?
Has the child/young person had advice and support in order to achieve their aspirations?
What steps need to be taken to support the child/young person as they move towards independence?

14.Recommendations of the Annual Review

In line with the local authority’s exit criteria and the child’s/ young person’s progress, does the Education, Health and Care Plan need to: / Yes / No maintained, ie child/ young person still needs an EHC Plan to detail additional support required
2.have a reduction of provision ceased, ie the identified outcomes have been met and the child/young person’s needs can be met from the SEND support arrangements within the setting.
Has the child’s/ young person’s SEND difficulties changed so significantly that another full statutory assessment should be considered?
If the child/young person is currently in specialist provision – can the child/young person’s needs be met in a mainstream placement?

15.Are amendments required to the EHC Plan, due to evidenced SIGNIFICANT changes in need or provisionto meet need?

Recommendations of this EHC Plan review / Please tick
() / Please include any details of amendments either in this section, or make reference to an attached sheet or an attached annotated EHCPlan.
  1. Educational content:
Amendments are required to the content of the EHC Plan (this does not include requests for a change of provision or placement)
  1. Educational provision:
Request for a change in provision: Please include supporting evidence with this annual review report
  1. Educational placement:
Request for a change of placement: Please include supporting evidence with this annual review report
  1. Health Needs/ Provision:
Please include supporting evidence with this annual review report. Please note that any requested amendments will be forwarded to the Health Commissioner for agreement.
Dispute regarding health needs cannot be resolved via a SENDIST appeal.
  1. Social Care Needs/ Provision:
Please include supporting evidence with this annual review report. Please note that any requested amendments will be forwarded to the Social Care Departmentfor agreement.
Dispute regarding social care needs cannot be resolved via a SENDIST appeal.
  1. No amendments are required to the EHC Plan

16.Any differing recommendations

Does any person(s) attending this review not agree with the recommendations recorded?
If yes, please give details:


Child/Young person

Name (please print) / Signature / Date

Parents/ Carers

Name (please print) / Signature / Date

Author/Lead professional

Name (please print) / Signature / Date

Headteacher/ Principal

Name (please print) / Signature / Date

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