Detect. Define. Decide.

The LPRC’s mission is to support member success by conducting problem deterrence, detection, definition, and handling R&D for both local and enterprise-level leaders.

The LPRC’s LP Innovation Working Group is working to support the strategic and tactical needs of member leaders via the LPRC UF Innovation Lab, as well as in local and corporate environments. Part of this effort is the Security Operations Center Lab or SOCLab. The SOCLab is a combination of an actual SOC in the LPRC Innovation Lab, as well as those in select member participants’ headquarters.

The SOCLab Team will include LPRC staff, retailer and solution members, and other needed participants, all working to establish a learning flow process to propose, trial, refine and disseminate SOC enhancement lessons-learned.

Below is an initial SOCLab current and needed tools matrix:

Threats / Detection Tools / Definition Tools / Decision Tools
Active Crime / Tweet Deck- Twitter Feed
Digital Stakeout
Cable News (2)
CrimeDex Incident Feed
Social Sent
Incident Alarms
Nextdoor Neighbors
Call Ctr/Email threats
Soteria Intelligence
SmartTraveler App- State Dept
Indyme incident alert suite
Breaking News + app
Burglar/fire alarm alerts
DHS / Tweet Deck- Twitter Feed
BriefCam Forensic Video
P.O.S. Exception Data
Alto Transport
EAS Analytics
Remote CCTV Feeds
IBM- I2/SPSS/Cognos
IBM- IOC Software
ATAC/RAIDS/ROCS Visualization
Voyager Analytics
Crime Mapping- ESRI
Digital Police Scanner
Periscope, Meerkat, Stre.m
Facebook Safe and LIVE
Alarm Data
Local TVStation Monitoring
Deep/Dark Web Analytics
Predpol (Predictive Policing)
Incident Reporting Software
Google Earth
CrimeStat; CrimeLinkage
Traffic cam remote access
Youtube live / Leader/Employee Rosters and Contact Info
Relevant Emergency Agency Contact Lists
Building Blueprints/Camera Layouts and Access
Interactive Area Maps
Emergency Governmental/Contractor Contact Lists
LiveSafe, Everbridge, Global Alert Link, or SendWord Now; Punch Alert
Civil Disorder
Natural/Health Disaster / Weather Channel
Outbreaks Near Me
CDC Travel Health / Network News
Weather Channel; NOAA;
Local TV Monitoring
Red Cross App

SOCLab Research Questions:

  • What to collect?
  • How to collect?
  • How to validate initial information?
  • How to display- locally and distributed?
  • What technologies are needed?
  • How to analyze and define? Battle track?
  • Who + How to staff? – Training? Ongoing Preparation?
  • How to present options to decision-makers?
  • How to decide- initial, later refresh?
  • How to communicate with local and distant team members and others?
  • How to lead and execute during crises?

SOCLab Next Steps:

  • Select Initial SOCLab Board of Advisors- Retailers, LE, Solutions, consultants, Other
  • Recruit SOCLab Sponsors to acquireneeded tools/technologies and SOCLab tech
  • Set SOCLab R&D Agenda
  • Establish SOCLab Team Process- Priorities, Webinars, Visits, Frequency, other

Initial Notes for Action:

  • Action Templates- Active attack, crime in progress, civil disorder, approaching storm, health threat
  • Communication Templates- corporate, field team, governmental agencies
  • Critical Thinking Development
  • Judgement Skills
  • Communicator Issues

High-Impact Decision Insights/Training Webinars/Video Clips:

  • Experienced LP/AP/LEexecutives (case studies- active shooter, storms, riots, etc.)
  • Emergency Medicine Physicians (how to quickly, accurately, diagnose and make the call; refresh for)
  • Academics (decision-making science for practical tips)

Other Notes:

  • Deep/Dark Web- Allen Atamer
  • Detect + “Battle Track” Define + Decide Table-top exercises
  • Rapid Response Team: Emergency Deployment Kit/Portable Virtual SOC
  • Heavy duty laptop/charger
  • Portable scanner/printer
  • Backup Smartphone/battery chargers
  • Satellite Phone, batteries
  • Camera/lens
  • Police scanner – digital
  • Drone/Controller iPad/multiple batteries
  • DHS Fusion Centers-
  • DHS- National Operations Center Counterterrorism Desk-

SOCLab Team:

  1. Lucas McDonald, Walmart
  2. Tom Meehan, Bloomingdales
  3. Hendrik van der Meulen, Voyager Analytics
  4. Garret King, Jason James, CCI/Protection 1
  5. Lincoln LeFebvre, The Home Depot
  6. Clayton Brown, Reconasense
  7. Tony Zwart, Target
  8. Brian Peters, Target
  9. Jason Bailey, Target
  10. Josh Allen, Walmart
  11. Katie Jurkas, Rite-Aid
  12. Michelle Jones, Rite-Aid