JANUARY 14, 2016

7:00 P.M.

A Regular Meeting of the Chairman and Board of Trustees of the Village of Morrill, Nebraska was held on January 14, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. at the Village of Morrill Legion Hall. Notice of the meeting had been published according to law, in the Mitchell Index, a newspaper published and of general circulation in the Village. The notice stated the date, hour and place of the meeting, that the meeting would be open to the public, that anyone with a disability desiring reasonable accommodation to attend the meeting should contact the Village office, and that an agenda of the meeting kept continuously current was available for public inspection at the office of the Village; provided, however, the Village Board could modify the agenda at the meeting if it determined that an emergency so required. An agenda kept continuously current was available for public inspection at the Village office at all times from the date of publication of the notice to the time of the meeting. A similar notice, together with a copy of the agenda, was also delivered to each Board Member.

Chairman Tony Schuler presided and Village Clerk/Treasurer Janine Schmidt, recorded the proceedings. Chairman Schuler directed the public a copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Act, posted in the back of the room on the west wall for the public’s review. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. The following Board Members were present: Denise Sinner, Robert Betancur, Bill Schmidt,Tony Schuler, andJim Swenson. Absent: None. Also in attendance was Janine Schmidt, Village Clerk/Treasurer and Adam Hoesing, Village Attorney.

Moved by Board Member Sinner, seconded by Board Member Swenson, that:

  1. The Minutes of the December 08, 2015Regular Meeting be approved.
  2. The Minutes of the December 22, 2015 Special Meeting be approved.
  3. The Minutes of the January 05, 2016 Regular Meeting be approved.

YEAS: Swenson, Sinner, Betancur, Schmidt, Schuler. NAYS: None. ABSENT: None.

Moved by Board Member Sinner, seconded by Board Member Betancur, that:

1.The Treasurer’s Report be approved.

YEAS: Sinner, Betancur, Schmidt, Schuler, Swenson. NAYS: None. ABSENT: None.

Board Chairman Schuler asked if there were any changes to the agenda. There were none. Board Chairman Schuler asked if any citizens with business not scheduled on the agenda wished to include an item providing the Village Board determines the item requires emergency action. There were none.

Josh Guerue gave an update on the Leadership Group. The captains group is currently seeking out another project. They did work with residents during the community clean-up week and helped quite a few by cleaning up yards and hauling items to the dump. The girls’ basketball team and possibly the boys’ basketball team will be volunteering at Rendezvous Days helping sell water, etc. Josh brought up need for a community center in the Village of Morrill. Josh explained that with all of the groups needing time in the gym they are losing kids because they have had to schedule times on Wednesday nights and Sundays. Shane Homan also talked about the need for a community center and currently they only have 3 youth teams but felt if we had a community center we would be able to possibly draw more students from nearby towns.

Moved by Board Member Schmidt, seconded by Board Member Sinner, to:

  1. Sign the WNED Interlocal Agreement. The membership fee is $50.00 annually.

YEAS: Betancur, Swenson, Sinner, Schuler, Schmidt. NAYS: None. ABSENT: None.

Moved by Board Member Betancur, seconded by Board Member Schmidt, to:

  1. Approve M.C. Schaff to design and prepare the roofing projects to be bid.

YEAS: Betancur, Swenson, Sinner, Schuler, Schmidt. NAYS: None. ABSENT: None.

Moved by Board Member Schmidt, seconded by Board Member Betancur, to:

  1. Accept the design phase for Priority #1 to replace suction lines and install inflow line at the Swimming Pool and move forward with the bidding process.

YEAS: Betancur, Swenson, Sinner, Schuler, Schmidt. NAYS: None. ABSENT: None.

Don Dye from M.C. Schaff was unable to attend the meeting so the 1&6 Year Plan is tabled until February, 2016 meeting.

Pete Cawiezel presented his budget for the 2016 Rendezvous Days which is scheduled for July 2016. Discussion was held regarding the possibility of having a larger crowd this year due to an event happening in Mitchell the same day and the entertainment scheduled for the street dance. Chairman Schuler discussed having the area fenced in so no alcohol could leave the street dance and having the entrances/exits manned and having a police officer present.

Moved by Board Member Sinner, seconded by Board Chairman Schuler, to:

  1. Approve $5,000.00 of KENO funds donated to the Rendezvous Days.

YEAS: Betancur, Swenson, Sinner, Schuler, Schmidt. NAYS: None. ABSENT: None.

Moved by Board Chairman Schuler, seconded by Board Member Sinner, to:

  1. Approve Valley Ambulance for Consulting Services for billing purposes with Sheep Creek Fire.

YEAS: Betancur, Swenson, Sinner, Schuler, Schmidt. NAYS: None. ABSENT: None.

Moved by Board Member Sinner, seconded by Board Member Swenson, that:

  1. The Board accept Office Ally as the Clearinghouse Agent for billing purposes with Sheep Creek Fire.

YEAS: Betancur, Swenson, Sinner, Schuler, Schmidt. NAYS: None. ABSENT: None.

Moved by Board Member Sinner, seconded by Board Member Swenson, that:

1.The Board adopt the 2016 Billing Fee Schedule using the minimum suggested amounts.

YEAS: Swenson, Sinner, Schuler, Betancur. NAYS: Schmidt. ABSENT: None.

Moved by Board Member Sinner, seconded by Board Member Betancur,to:

  1. Approve PoliceOne Academy as a training platform for the Police Department at a cost of $500.00.

YEAS: Betancur, Swenson, Sinner, Schmidt, Schuler. NAYS: None. ABSENT: None.

Chairman Schuler discussed the possibility of a Housing Study through the Western Nebraska Economic Development Group. The WNED had received a partial grant for this study and therefore felt it was beneficial for Morrill to have the study completed at a cost of $1.75 per capita.

Moved by Board Chairman Schuler, seconded by Board Member Schmidt,to:

  1. Agree to participate in the housing study with WNED at a cost of $1.75 per capita possibly using KENO funds to pay for the study.

YEAS: Swenson, Sinner, Schuler, Schmidt, Betancur. NAYS: None. ABSENT: None.

An opportunity for public comment was then provided. Several topics were discussed. Pete Cawiezel thanked the Village Board for sponsoring the Christmas Lighting Contest. Pete informed everyone that the winners were published in the Mitchell Index. Pete also informed the board that the Morrill Business Expo will be held, Sunday, March 20th from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Morrill American Legion. Chairman Schuler brought up the idea of having a summer yard project were people were recognized for clean and/or nice yards for the summer. Trustee Betancur expressed concern regarding the intersection of Center and Highway 26 for pedestrian crossing. Trustee Swenson commended our local rescue squad. Mr. Swenson said they called for an ambulance at 04:00 a.m. one morning and within seven minutes the squad had arrived. Clerk Schmidt informed the board that the premium for the employee health insurance was going to be going down 10% for the same plan constituting about an $18,000 a year savings.

Chief Josh Catlin gave a report for the Police Department. He stated that the call volumes had gone up for the month due to holidays, which was to be expected. He also discussed training and opportunities that were upcoming for the Police Department. Josh also thanked the board for their continuing support. Josh also discussed the possibility of having a call box and cameras installed at the police station and will be bringing back more information to the board.

Moved by Board Member Sinner, seconded by Board Chairman Schuler, that the following bills be approved:

State Collections & Disbursement Unit 323.08; Vision Care Direct 184.04; Adams Electric Services 3,162.32; CNA Surety 40.00; Culligan Water Conditioning 43.25; Nebraska Public Health Environmental Lab 105.00; Stuart C Irby Company 1,216.39; Torrington Disposal Service 9,604.00; Torrington Disposal Service 50.00; DHHS, Licensure Unit 345.00; Intralinks, Inc. 745.00; Janine Schmidt 197.43; Jon Needs 11.00; Off Broadway Business Products 451.32; One Call Concepts, Inc. 7.75; Scotts Bluff County Treasurer 905.28; Scottsbluff Screenprinting & Emb. LLC 950.00; Morrill Volunteer Fire Dept. R & R 2,555.00; Action Communications, Inc. 18.84; Action Communications, Inc. 120.50; Action Communications, Inc. 109.50; Action Communications, Inc. 109.50; Arbor Day Foundation 15.00; Ava Wilson 88.00; Horse Creek Tire 35.00; Menards 239.63; Mobius Communications Company 35.00; Morrill American Legion 100.00; Morrill Hardware 425.44; Morrill Supply 288.95; S & S Plumbing LLC 406.10; Scotts Bluff County Public Works Dept. 142.00; Simmons Olsen Law Firm, P.C. 2,494.65; Team Auto Center 49.50; Torrington Disposal Service 1,494.72; U-Save Mart 1,075.87; WESTCO 14.35; Western Nebraska Joint Water Board 4,452.50; Centurylink Communications Inc 25.78; Charter Communications - Library Acct 165.42; DL Foods 311.69; Farwest Line Specialties, LLC. 423.03; Home Depot Credit Services 55.80; Ideal Linen Supply 98.12; Janine Schmidt 108.30; John Deere Credit 44.13; Kriz Davis Company 2,598.24; Monument Prevention Coalition 690.75; Morrill Repair & Service 316.91; Nebraska Rural Water Association 150.00; Rustic Tavern 568.18; Village of Morrill Utility Deposit Acct 200.00; M.E.A.N. 75,496.91; Off Broadway Business Products 1,590.00; Simmons Olsen Law Firm, P.C. 800.00; SourceGas Inc. 603.51; Classic Car Wash 100.00; Galls Incorporated 60.00; Index 224.00; M.C. Schaff & Associates, Inc. 550.00; State Collections & Disbursement Unit 323.08; Centurylink Communications Inc 1.07; Isaiah Waite 30.00’ Madison Gifford 30.00; Makayla Madsen 30.00; Menards 416.90; Morrill Public Schools 10.00; Charter Communications - Village Office 235.40; Enviro Service, Inc. 18.00; Postmaster 357.00; S & S Plumbing LLC 15.00; SourceGas Inc. 60.35; SourceGas Inc. 28.10

Stuart C Irby Company274.86; Village of Morrill Utility Deposit Acct 200.00; Wal-Mart712.11; SafetyLine Consultants, Inc 26.30; Torrington Disposal Service 9,511.00; Verizon Wireless 183.28; Village of Morrill 2,500.00; Altec Industries, Inc. 215.00; Ava Wilson 72.00; Charter Communications - Library Acct 59.98; Charter Communication - Fire Dept Acct. 105.44; Clifton J Muller 148.38; Galls Incorporated 99.98; Janine Schmidt 96.03; Morrill Public Schools 10.00; Nevada State Treasurer 10.00; Platte Valley National Bank Morrill 130,803.59; RCI 250.00; Railroad Management Company III, LLC 176.86; Scott Struempler 58.50; Scotts Bluff County Court 281.73; Spic & Span Cleaners 2,793.00; Star-Herald 156.00; State Collections & Disbursement Unit 323.08; Storey Kenworthy/ Matt Parrott 207.78; Stuart C Irby Company 401.12; DEMCO 423.42; Blue Cross/ Blue Shield 14,631.03; Dearborn National Insurance Company 110.08; S & S Plumbing LLC 873.41; Simon Contractors 166.49

Vision Care Direct 184.04; Action Communications, Inc.19.05; American Legal Publishing Corporation 250.00; Bluff's Sanitary Supply, Inc. 160.30; Centurylink Communications Inc 29.62; Charter Communications - Village Office 129.96; Clifton J Muller 13.99; Culligan Water Conditioning 102.25;l DL Foods 539.34; Home Depot Credit Services 199.31; Horse Creek Tire 835.22; Index 330.00; Kriz Davis Company 1,105.30; LexisNexis 72.51; Menards 419.00; Mobius Communications Company 35.00; Morrill American Legion 100.00; Morrill Hardware 616.04; Morrill Supply 113.07; Nebraska Safety & Fire Equipment Inc 215.00; Off Broadway Business Products 329.15; One Call Concepts, Inc. 7.75; SOCS 2,200.00; Sandberg Implement Inc. 1,091.03; SourceGas Inc. 1,281.20; Torrington Disposal Service 50.00; U-Save Mart 1,502.32; Vistabeam 39.95; WESTCO 16.57; Western Nebraska Joint Water Board 4,443.00; 12/04 Payroll 17728.32; 12/04 941 Taxes 6404.32; 12/18 Payroll 18310.49; 12/18 941 Taxes 6632.61; 12/23 Payroll 1969.8; 12/23 941 Taxes 260.4; 12/31 Payroll 18250.74; 12/31 941 Taxes 6873.56.

YEAS: Sinner, Schuler, Swenson, Schmidt, Betancur. NAYS: None. ABSENT: None.

Motion was made by Board Member Swenson, seconded by Board Chairman Schuler, to adjourn.

YEAS: Schmidt, Betancur, Swenson, Schuler, Sinner. NAYS: None. ABSENT: None.

The meeting was thereafter adjourned at 8:46P.M.

/s/ Janine Schmidt/s/ John A. Schuler

Janine SchmidtJohn (Tony) A Schuler

Village Clerk/TreasurerChairman, Board of Trustees
