50 GROSSMANS ROAD, TORQUAY 3228 Tel: (03) 5261 4246 Fax: (03) 5261 6221

Website: www.sttorquay.catholic.edu.au

6th November 2013

Dear Parents and Carers,

On Wednesday 20th November, all 5/6 students will be participating in an excursion to the Geelong Waterfront, and then the Geelong Police Blue Light Disco. The students will firstly explore our Waterfront starting at Cunningham Pier and then participate in the Blue Light Disco at Geelong West Town Hall, with other schools.

9:00am Depart school.

9:30am Arrive at Geelong Waterfront

10.50 Depart Waterfront & travel to Geelong West Town Hall

11:10am Blue Light Disco begins

2:00pm Depart Geelong West Town Hall

2.30pm Arrive back at St. Therese

All students will need to make sure they are in casual clothes and will need to bring the following items:

Ø  A jacket

Ø  Morning tea

Ø  Drink

Ø  Packed lunch – in a disposable bag

Ø  Hat

Glow Stix ($1 to $2), bottled water ($1) and small chocolates (.50c) will be on sale. We would advise that students bring no more than $5.

If you require any more information please do not hesitate to contact myself on

We are looking forward to what we believe will be a very rewarding experience for all those involved.

Please fill in the form below and return to your homeroom teacher by Friday 16th November.

Kind regards

5/6 Learning Community Teachers



Geelong Waterfront & Blue Light Disco on Wednesday 20th November,2013

NAME: ______HOMEROOM: ______

I give my child …………………………..…………………….…….. permission to participate in the Waterfront and Blue Light Disco excursion and to travel by bus for this purpose.

In the event of any illness of accident to ……………………..…………………., I authorise the obtaining on my behalf of such medical assistance as he/she may reasonably require. I accept all operative, blood transfusion and/or anaesthetic risks involved and the responsibility for payment of all expenses incurred.

Name …………………………………..……….…. Signed……………………………………………….. Date……………..………..
