Furnace and Minard

Primary Schools

33rdEdition Newsletter December 2015

Netta’s Coffee Morning at Minard

The children at Minard entertained the residents of Minard when they attended their monthly get together in the village hall. The children read out the poems they had written in Scots, told stories and had everyone joining in the Scots version of the ‘Hokey Cokey’. All said it had been a lovely surprise and hoped the children would visit them again soon.

Christmas Craft Fayre

The children’s


We had a busy and successful morning despite the dreadful weather! A grateful thanks to the Crafters who displayed their wonderful goods, to the locals and parents who visited and to the children and staff for all their hard work preparing for the Fayre and the work they did on the day. A total of £307 was raised and will be split between the schools.

Road Safety Calendar Competition

Congratulations to Jeremi at Minard and to Marie at Furnace for achieving Highly Commended certificates in the annual Road Safety Calendar competition, which is run by the council’s road department. There were over 1,700 entries so it was quite an achievement, well done!

The McTivity

On Wednesday the 16th the children gave two performances of their Christmas show, ‘The McTivity’ (the Nativity story told in Scots) to a packed out Minard village hall. After a lot of hard work, (with music from MsChapple and drama from Mrs Goodwin and Mrs Baird) it all came together extremely well. Well done everyone.

Christmas lunch and party

The Christmas lunch and party was held in Minard village hall on the 18th of December. The children and staffenjoyed a lovely buffet lunch prepared by Miss Rhona, who was helped by Mrs Sweeney. After clearing away the lunch the party started with lots of traditional party games before Santa arrived to hand out presents!

The Party!

All were happy with their presents from Santa!

Cinema Visit

On Monday the 21st we had a lovely outing to Oban Cinema. We watched the new Pixar movie ‘The Good Dinosaur’, while munching on popcorn! The film was excellent with a good mix of emotions (the staff were all reaching for their hankies at the end!). Afterwards we had lunch at the ‘Weatherspoons’ restaurant at the pier. The meal was very good but those who had ordered the hot dog got an extra surprise when it arrived, it was huge!!

The Lunch!

Busy with the puzzle The giant hot dog!!

sheet before lunch

Carol Service

Our Carol Service is being held in Minard Church on Tuesday the 22nd at 1p.m. with both schools joining in. There will be teas and mince pies in Minard School afterwards. All very welcome.

Dates for your Diary


6th – Re-open – both schools at Furnace - P.E. in the morning

11th – Mid-Argyll pupil council meeting in the Campus in the morning

14th –P7’s medicals in the morning at both schools

Knit and Natter at Minard from 2.15p.m. All Welcome

21st – Beetle Drive at Furnace from 2-3p.m.

All Welcome

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!