2016 Pre-Employment Transition Services Survey
YTP Summer Academy
School: / Date:Please complete this survey as thoroughly as you can. If you have questions about this survey please contact your TA and they can assist you in completing this document. This information will be used as the foundation to develop enhanced transition services that will prepare youth with disabilities for the working world.
1. List school activities in the area of job exploration counseling.· These activities can take place in a class room, at a resource center like a career center or through school based technology (CIS, Naviance, or other online resources).
2. List school activities in the area of work-based learning experiences.
· These experiences may include in-school or after school opportunities, or experience outside the traditional school setting (including internships), that is provided in an integrated environment to the maximum extent possible.
3. List school activities in the area of counseling on opportunities for enrollment in comprehensive transition, apprenticeships, Community College Pathways Programs, on the job training opportunities,or postsecondary educational programs at institutions of higher education.
4. List school activities in the area of workplace readiness training to develop social skills and independent living.
5. List of classes where self advocacy skills are taught and practiced in your school.
2016 Pre-Employment Transition Services Survey
Are there plans for future transition related programs, services or classes in the school district that are not yet available? (These may be firm plans or aspirational plans for the future).
How can your Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor support your school in developing stronger transition services? (E.g.: Regular visits, Co-Teach classes)
Please list the roles of the individuals that were interviewed for this survey.
p Sped-Teacher
p Gen-Edu. Teacher
p Para-Professional
p Counselor
p Case Manager
p Building Administrator
p Superintendent
p Sped. Director
p Other:______
p Other:______
p Other:______
p Other:______