Delaware Homeland Security Terrorism Preparedness Working Group (DHSTPWG)

NIMS Sub-Committee Meeting

March 9, 2010

1.  Chairman Jim Cubbage, DVFA, convened the meeting at 2:08 p.m. in the TAC Room of the Delaware Emergency Management Agency. The following individuals were in attendance:

·  Jim Cubbage, DVFA, Chairman

·  Robert Newnam, DSFS

·  Robert Pflaumer, DEMA

·  Beth Moran, DEMA

·  Mercedes Rooks, DPH

·  Joe Wessels, DLLG

·  Joseph Papili, DSP

·  Jim Strickland, DEMA

·  Ron Hagan, DSP

Chairman Cubbage, DVFA, introduced and welcomed Mercedes Rooks, DPH who has replaced Nicole Quinn on the sub-committee.

Chairman Cubbage, DVFA, also introduced and welcomed Joe Wessels, DLLG, who has replaced Jim Weldin on the sub-committee.

Minutes from the October 13, 2009 meeting were reviewed and approved.

Approved (Newnam/Papili)

2.  Old Business

Resource Management:

Joe Wessels, DLLG, has replaced Jim Weldin on the RMAT Committee. Major Papili, DSP, briefed that the RMAT process has been slow but making headway and advised that he could provide meeting minutes. Bryant Baker is the project manager and will brief the progress at the next RMAT meeting scheduled for March 17, 2010 at the Office of the Secretary.

Incident Management Teams:

Robert Pflaumer, DEMA, provided copies of the After Action Reports (AAR’s) and the Improvement Plans (IP’s) for the IMT drills held May 5th and September 1st. Chairman Cubbage asked committee members to review the AAR’s and IP’s and advised that they will discuss any issues during the next NIMS Subcommittee meeting scheduled for June 8, 2010.

Robert Pflaumer, DEMA, briefed that the IMT had two meetings that established team break-out groups and team leaders. The main priority at this time is “Focused Recruiting” (i.e., IT Specialist, GIS Specialist).

Robert Pflaumer, DEMA, briefed that there are two new initiatives for the IMT; develop a secure website for IMT to use throughout the state during deployment and develop a team emblem.


The NIMS compliance and assistance visits have been completed for FY2009. The FY2010 NIMSCAST program will start in April/May timeframe. Robert Pflaumer, DEMA, briefed that the FY 2009 Clearing House has completed funding approval to hire a replacement State NIMS Coordinator. Pflaumer advised that hiring should be done by end of April to support the FY10 NIMSCAST.

3.  New Business

Robert Pflaumer, DEMA, briefed that the T&E Sub-Committee has approved of the proposed change to the Incident Management Teams Implementation Plan to eliminate the requirement that prospective IMT members must complete the S420 Command and General Staff course before they apply to the State IMT. IMT members will be scheduled and required to attend S420 after joining the IMT. Chairman Cubbage, DVFA, proposed a motion by the committee members for approval to be sent to DHSTP working group.

Approved (Hagan/Newnam)

Additional Information:

The committee will now meet three times a year. All in attendance agreed to reschedule meetings to the second Tuesday in October, March and June. The time will remain at 2:00pm. Chairman Cubbage advised that he would contact members for an emergency meeting if requested.

Next meeting: June 8, 2010 at 2:00p.m.

Meeting adjourned at 2:40 pm. (Newnam/Hagan)