Name: / NHI / M/F / GP Name:
Practice Name:
Address: / Practice Stamp:
Employment Status: / NZMC#:
Preferred Contact Ph: / Referral Date:
Is there a language difficulty?  / Yes / No
Language Preferred: / Primary Diagnosis:
Kessler Score
<20 / Not appropriate for this service
>35 / Patient may be too acute for this service. Consider Secondary Mental Health services or discuss with PHO Mental Health Navigator
Ideation to Harm Others: / Yes / No / History of Anti-Social Behaviour: / Yes / No
  • None Expressed
  • No

  • Homicidal Ideas*
  • Arrested for antisocial behaviours

  • Intrusive thoughts – no ideation
  • Assaultative behaviour

  • Thoughts to damage property*
  • Damage to property

History of Risk to Self: / Yes / No /
  • Domestic violence

  • No
  • Owns/interest in weapons

  • Self-harm, eg cutting
  • Poor anger management

  • Suicide attempt – high lethality
/ Current Risk to Self: / Yes / No
  • Suicide attempt – low lethality
  • None expressed

  • Neglect of essential self-care
  • Suicidal ideas – has a plan*

  • Puts self in high risk situations
  • Suicidal ideas – no intent

*Patient is too acute for this service. Please refer to the appropriate Secondary Mental Health Service /
  • Self-harm, eg cutting*

  • High risk behaviours

Lives Alone: / Yes / Alcohol Abuse: / No / Gambling: / No / Family Hx of Suicide:
No / Binge Drinker / Occasional* / Isolated or lacks intimacy
No fixed abode / Heavy Drinker / Addiction* / *Please refer to Gamblers Anonymous to address addiction issue before referring to M2M
Drug Abuse: / No / Recent Loss: / No
Benzodiazepines* / Death of loved one
IV user* / Bankruptcy
Marijuana* / Relationship Breakup
Methamphetamine* / Loss of Job
Other illicit* / Estranged from family
Other prescription* / Sexual Abuse: / No
If yes: ETOH/Drug brief advice given: / Adult Past
*Please refer to CADS to address drug abuse before referring to M2M / Adult Recent
Patient is likely to be eligible for ACC funding for sexual abuse counselling. Please pursue this before referring to M2M
Past Mental Health History:
(Attach notes if needed) / Long Term Medication: / Long Term Conditions:
Clinical Summary/Reason for Referral:
PHO Navigator / “Beating the Blues” / Manage by GP / PHO Psychiatric Assessment*
*Please also attach a formal referral letter

Patient consents to referral:
NB: A contact daytime telephone number is required. Please ensure patient is aware a message may be left asking them to call the PHO.
Name and signature of Referrer / Invoice to: Auckland PHOM2M Options