Tagging 2016!!!
Attached, there is a list of dates and times available for tagging. This list will be posted on the bulletin board next to the office upstairs. We will strive to have an updated list on the SJASSC website as well. If you want to sign up for a tagging time outside of our rink hours, you can email Rachel (r text506-651-1273).Also notify Rachel if you cannot make your tagging time.
Generally want TWO skaters per time slot, and request that at least one parent stay on site.
We recommend you wear some of your SJASSC clothing.
If you are the first one tagging for the day, you will need to make arrangements to pick up theTagging Kitahead of time (while at the rink).
Last person tagging for the day is responsible to bring the kit/money back on next skating day (if group 3 then would greatly appreciate you dropping it off on Tuesday orThursdaypractice). We will have a couple Tagging Kits made up.
NEW FOR TAGGING!! During your tagging session, we encourage skaters to sellticketson our “Gift Card Tree”.
Which reminds me, everyone, bring in a $10 gift card to add to our tree!!!
We will have tickets and pens in the Tagging Kits. We will also have a tree cutout for you to use as a prop.
Money from ticket sales can go directly into your tagging bucket.
Feel free to bring anything else with you to attract “clients”. For example, I know some kids bring a tin of mints to offer people! This part is up to you.
It is also not too late for people tosign up for our Learn to Skate program(Groups 4+5). There are some pamphlets in the Tagging Kits as well. Feel free to approach parents with younger children about this opportunity.
Hoping that these ideas and suggestions will assist you in having a great tagging session.