ALIVE-O5 Term 1
Lesson Title / What am I trying to do? / Why? / Song / Story/Poem / Prayertime / DVD / To be learned...
1.Beginning Again, Amen / To help the children
- to see the connection between endings and beginnings in their own lives;
- to know that God is with us in all our endings and beginnings. / So that they
- will focus on the school year as a beginning;
- might be more open to the presence of God in all their beginnings this year. /
  • Beginnings and Endings
  • Sign of the Cross Chant
/ Poem: Beginnings and Endings /
  • Sign of the Cross
  • Morning Prayer
  • Night Prayer
  • God be with us in our endings
  • God be with us in our beginnings
/ Whom do we honour when we make the sign of the cross?
We honour God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the Blessed Trinity.
2.Where Have We Come From? / To help the children to explore and honour memories of the past: personal and communal, sacred and secular. / So that they may
- develop a sense of their own story and tradition as a place where God has been with them;
- see a connection between this and the Christian story and tradition;
- grow in awareness and trust that God will be with them in the future. / Christ is my Light / Bible Stories recalled:
  • Jesus goes to Jerusalem (adapted) The boy Jesus in the temple,
Lk 2:41-50
  • The Parable of the Sower, (adapted),Mt 13:4-10
  • The woman at the well (adapted)
Jesus and the Samaritan woman Jn 4: 7-14
  • The Lost Sheep, Lk 15:3-7
  • Follow me (adapted)
Jesus calls four fishermen,
Mt 4:18-22, Mk 1:16-20, Lk 5:1-11,
  • Micah’s Story (adapted)
Jesus feeds a great crowd, Lk 9:10-16
  • Sarah’s Recovery (adapted)
Jesus heals many people, Lk 4:38-39
  • Jairus Rejoices (adapted)
Jairus’ daughter, Mk 5:22-24, 35-43
Poem: Remember /
  • Prayer service
  • God is with us all our days. Blessed be God for ever
  • The arm of God be about us. The light of Christ guide us. The strength of the Holy Spirit support us
  • Meditation p. 17
  • Glory to God! Thanks be to God.

3.Where Are We Now? / To help the children
- be aware of the call of Jesus in the present moment for the coming year;
- to explore the meaning of that call. / So that the class might continue to be a place where God’s kingdom can emerge. / The Spirit of God is Upon Us / The Baptism of Jesus(adapted)
Mk 1:9-11, /
  • Prayer Movement
  • Our Father/An Phaidir
  • Meditation p.30
  • May God bless us to…
Prayer movement
4.Beginning Again in Baptism / To offer the children the opportunity to revisit the liturgy of Baptism. / So that they can come to a deeper awareness of its significance in Christian living. /
  • My Shepherd is the Lord
  • Song of Baptism
  • The Twelve Tribes
  • Prepare! Prepare!
The Baptism of Jesus (adapted)
Mk 1:9-11,
  • The Sower (Matthew 13:3-9)
  • Baptism Ritual
  • Repeat Baptismal Promises
  • Glory be to the Father/Glóir don Athair
Powerpoint / What happened to us in the sacrament of Baptism?
We became followers of Jesus and members of the Church.
What did we receive in the sacrament of Baptism?
We received the Holy Spirit.
5.What’s the Story?(1):
The Centurion’s Story
Poster / To help the children to participate, through the media of drama and poetry, in the story of the healing of the centurion’s servant. / So that they will begin to understand the work of Jesus as the coming of God’s kingdom. / What’s the Story? / The Centurion’s Servant,
Mt 8:5-10, Lk 7:1-10,
Poem: The Centurion’s Story /
  • 7 Prayertimes including intercession for those who are sick
  • Lord I am not worthy…
/ Powerpoint
6.Christianity Comes to Our Country
Poster / To offer the children an opportunity to explore something of their Celtic heritage. / So that their living of that Christianity today may be enriched. /
  • Gather Round
  • Time and Time and Time Again
  • Christianity Comes To Ireland
  • Oisín and Tír na nÓg
/ Extracts from St. Patrick’s Breastplate /
Unit 3 seg 1
Spread of Christianity
7.Christianity Comes to Our Country (2) / -To develop the children’s knowledge of the historical origins of Christianity in Ireland
-To develop their image of a Christian God of love
-To offer them a new experience of an old form of prayer. / So that they may grow in appreciation of the richness of their Celtic Christian heritage. / Bless the Lord / Poem: Oisín and St Patrick /
Unit 3 seg 2
Monasteries today
8.What’s the Story? (2)
The Sea of Galilee
Poster / To offer the children an opportunity to participate, through the media of drama and song, in the story of the calming of the storm on the Sea of Galilee. / So that they will begin to understand the presence and work of Jesus as the coming of God’s kingdom. /
  • What’s the Story?
  • Song of the Sea of Galilee.
/ The Calming of the Storm(adapted)
Mk 4:35-41, Mt 8:23-27, Lk 8: 22-25 / 7 Prayertimes including Gospel Reading Prayertime /
9.Mary Wonders- Who is the One who is Coming?
Poster / To offer the children the opportunity to explore in Advent the identity of Jesus, the One who is coming. / So as to deepen their understanding of Jesus and the Advent season. /
  • Advent Hymn
  • Ave Maria
/ The Annunciation to Mary
Lk 1:26-38,
Who is the One who is Coming? (adapted) / Ave Maria Dance /
10.John the Baptist Wonders- Who is the One who is Coming?
Poster / To help the children to explore the identity of the One who is coming by means of dialogue with John the Baptist in the wilderness. / So as to deepen the children’s understanding of the Advent of Jesus, the One who is to come / Wilderness / John the Baptist Tells the People to Get Ready (adapted)
The Preaching of John theBaptist,
Mk 1: 1-8 /
  • Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy
  • Ár n Athair
  • ‘Sé do bheatha a Mhuire
/ Powerpoint
11.Joseph Wonders- Who is the One who is Coming? / To offer the children an opportunity to explore in Advent, the identity of Jesus, the One who is coming. / - To reinforce their sense of Advent as a time when we prepare for and celebrate the One who is coming;
- So as to deepen their understanding of Jesus the baby and Jesus the adult, the One who was sent by God. /
  • This is the Moment
  • Mary’s Lullaby
  • Silent Night
/ Joseph and the Angel: A Good Dream(adapted)
The Escape to Egypt, Mt 2:13-15 /