Greene County Board of Commissioners
July Monthly Meeting
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JULY 2014
Chairman Bullard led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Call to Order: Chairman Bullard called the Work Session to order at 5:00 p.m.
Roll Call: Commissioners Torbert, Welsh, Rhodes, Britt, and Chairman Bullard were present.
Chairman’s Comments: Chairman Bullard announced that there was very good news from new school rankings on, and he introduced Lake Oconee Academy CEO Otho Tucker to provide further information. Mr. Tucker proceeded to explain the methodology of in evaluating schools’ performance relative to each other. Lake Oconee Academy (LOA) was ranked the top school in Georgia due to its standardized test scores, outperforming well-renowned magnet schools in metro Atlanta, Columbus, and elsewhere. Tucker noted that over 70 percent of kids actually exceeded expectations on the tests. He thanked his staff for their efforts to educate students to such a high standard. He also noted that LOA has expanded to another class, resulting in new families moving to the area, increased consumer spending, new jobs in the school itself, and greater tax revenues. Chairman Bullard applauded the efforts of Lake Oconee Academy and went on to re-iterate that the model at LOA is part of a larger effort and desire to improve all Greene County schools. Chairman Bullard complimented the new Courthouse picture hanging in the Commissioners’ meeting room.
Minutes: The Minutes from the June 2014 Regular Monthly Meeting, and the June 2, 2014 Called Meeting were discussed. The Chairman inquired with the Commissioners to determine if any corrections were necessary. No corrections were noted. Commissioner Torbert motioned to approve the minutes from the June Regular Monthly Meeting, and the June 2, 2014 Called Meeting. Commissioner Welsh seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Business Items:
Resolution Relating to House Bill 60 (“Safe Carry Protection Act”): The Commissioners received information from the County Attorney regarding House Bill 60 which became effective July 1, 2014. One of the provisions that became law is the requirement to allow individuals with concealed carry permits to bring weapons into county buildings unless those buildings are screened. To insulate the Commissioners from any liability that could theoretically arise form a concealed carry permit holder causing harm (intentionally or inadvertently), the County Attorney recommended that the Commissioners adopt a resolution addressing House Bill 60. Commissioner Britt motioned to adopt Resolution Number 2014.7.14 continuing in force the current security arrangements for the County Administrative Building and other County-owned buildings in response to the “Safe Carry Protection Act” enacted as House Bill 60, and to waive the reading of the Resolution. Commissioner Welsh seconded. Motioned carried unanimously.
Budget Adjustments – EMS: The Commissioners received information that a budget adjustment has been identified that requires Board consideration. The budget amendment involves adjustments necessary to account for revenue and expenses associated with grant revenue received to purchase trauma equipment for EMS. Commissioner Welsh motioned to approve the necessary budget adjustments to account for the revenue and expenses associated with the grant received from the Georgia Association of Emergency Medical Services. Commissioner Britt seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Executive Session: None
Adjournment: Chairman Bullard adjourned the meeting at 5:16 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sylvia V. Hill, County Clerk
The above minutes were adopted and approved this day 14th day of August, 2014.
Ed Bullard, Chairman Gerald Torbert, Vice-Chairman
Marion Rhodes, Commissioner Bob Welsh, Commissioner
Jimmy Britt, Commissioner