How does this foundational principle resonate with what is currently happening in your school, your teaching practice?

1.What is your understanding of mastery learning?

2.What first steps must be made so that students and teachers embrace the real challenges that accompanies the shift to mastery learning?

3.How is/can mastery learning impact instruction and teacher practice?

What shifts in thinking would need to happen for this foundational principle to be realized in your school, your practice?



How does this foundational principle resonate with what is currently happening in your school, your teaching practice?

1.What is your understanding of Rigorous and Relevant Curriculum?

2.How will this initiative help move us closer to those ideals?

3.In what ways are/can students engaged in their learning experiences? How are they able to demonstrate their learning?

What shifts in thinking would need to happen for this foundational principle to be realized in your school, your practice?



How does this foundational principle resonate with what is currently happening in your school, your teaching practice?

1.What is your understanding of personalization?

2.What does personalization look like in my school? How do we want personalization to look like in our school?

What shifts in thinking would need to happen for this foundational principle to be realized in your school, your practice?



How does this foundational principle resonate with what is currently happening in your school, your teaching practice?

1.What is your understanding of flexible learning environments?

2.What are some ideas you have to help the shift towards flexible learning environments in your school?

3.How can/are teachers empowered to decide how best to structure time to teach students?

What shifts in thinking would need to happen for this foundational principle to be realized in your school, your practice?


Educator Roles and Professional Responsibilities

How does this foundational principle resonate with what is currently happening in your school, your teaching practice?

1.What shifts need to be made so that professional development is embedded in and arises from the daily work of your teachers and contributes to a collaborative learning culture?

2.How do you envision your new role?

3.How do we involve our stakeholders in this conversation?

What shifts in thinking would need to happen for this foundational principle to be realized in your school, your practice?