Meeting Minutes

August 25, 2008


Larry Sherwood Lori Uhryn Trish Rizko Doug Cox

Garry LaBine Vicky Sue Baron Devin Scherger Pat Pelz

Colleen Chorzempa Victor Wearden Jackie Preece Sherry Heigh

Shanley Foerster

CALL TO ORDER: 7:05 PM by Larry Sherwood



·  MOTION by Lori Uhryn to change the minutes of the June 1, 2008 meeting to “No motions were made that were seconded at this meeting” and “Requests made for player release were denied”.

·  Second by Vicky Sue Baron.

·  All in favour.

POSITIONS: Motion by Second by

Vice President Victor Wearden Vicky Sue Baron Trish Rizko

Ice Coordinator Vicky Sue Baron

Linda Herczeg Linda voted in by ballot vote

Concession Sherri Heigh

Jolene Watson Sherri voted in by ballot vote

Atom Coordinator Shanley Foerster Lori Uhryn Devin Scherger

Novice Coordinator Don Herczeg Lori Uhryn Doug Cox

Fundraising Vicci Letourneau Doug Cox Jackie Preece

**The positions of Bantam Coordinator and PeeWee Coordinator still need to be filled.**


·  Another registration night will be held on Wednesday, August 27 at 7:00 PM.

·  Current registration numbers are as follows:

- IP 15

- Tom Thumb 9

- Novice 25

- Atom 29 (10 trying for rep)

- PeeWee 21 ( 8 trying for rep)

- Bantam 20 (13 trying for rep)

- Midget 28 (17 trying for rep)

(15 could play in the 15 year old league)

·  Discussion was held regarding the $100.00 late registration penalty. One suggestion was that next year have an early registration discount rather than a late registration penalty. The amount was also questioned.

·  MOTION by Lori Uhryn that there is no waiving of late registration fees. Second by Vicky Sue Baron. Motion Carried.


·  Hockey Alberta ruled that the rules of the local hockey association (DMHA) must be followed, which means that for both boys to play on the same team they must both make the rep team at the higher level (PeeWee).

·  RECHL was suggested as an alternative.


·  DMHA has been given the March 24th game against Detroit (7:30 PM start). Anyone interested in working the 50/50 should contact Jackie Preece.


·  Ice Users’ Meeting is scheduled for September 2.

·  The tentative date for the ice to go in is September 13.


·  Possible dates are Sept. 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 & 21, November P.D. Days (21 – Black Gold, 28 – Parkland), February 5 & 6 (Teachers Convention for both School Divisions).

·  Perhaps offer power skating as well for players.

·  Will wait for specific dates from the Town of Devon.


·  8 to 10 players in DMHA are affected by carry over suspensions.

·  They cannot play exhibition games until the suspension has been served (must sit out league or sanctioned games to serve the suspension).


·  Evaluation sheets used by evaluators are being changed.

·  For the last 2 years the cost of using evaluators from the U of A has been $10,000.00 per year.

·  MOTION by Lori Uhryn that evaluations at the Bantam and Midget level consist of 4 ice slots, 2 used for skills evaluation, the other two for scrimmages. Evaluators will determine the top 50% after the 4 skates for rep try-outs. The cost of trying out for the rep team will be set at $80.00 per player and players must participate in at least one skate in order to be eligible for the rep team. Second by Garry LaBine. Motion Carried.

·  MOTION by Lori Uhryn that evaluations at the Novice, Atom and PeeWee level consist of 3 ice slots used for skills evaluation. Evaluators will determine the top 50% after the 3 skates for rep try-outs. The cost of trying out for the rep team will be set at $60.00 per player and players must participate in at least one skate in order to be eligible for the rep team. Coaches must then book two exhibition games to be played before final cuts can be made. Second by Garry LaBine. Motion Carried.

·  MOTION by Lori Uhryn that coaches be picked after evaluators have made their cuts and that the coach’s child must be ranked in the team’s designated number of players (not in the “+5”). Second by Garry LaBine. Motion Carried.

·  Priority for ice time will be given to the rep teams until rep try-outs are complete.

·  A shooting drill (break away) will be added to the skills evaluation to give goalies more puck handling opportunities.

·  Don Herczeg will run the on-ice program.


Victor Wearden (Vice-President):

·  Final report as Treasurer

·  Received money from the May casino - $18731.00 ($17000.00 from slot machines)

·  Casino Account has just over $20 000.00 that must be used for items such as equipment.

·  General Account - $20 000.00 ($8500.00 insurance cheque to Hockey Alberta will be coming out of this account)

·  Still have some GIC’s as well.

Jackie Preece (Treasurer/ Tom Thumb & IP Coordinator):

·  She has been asked what the fundraising money is used for. It has been used to help pay for shortfalls and to cover the costs associated with the dance.

Doug Cox (Level Director): nothing to report

Devin Scherger (Coach’s Coordinator):

·  Has only received about 6 coaching applications. (Trish has some)

·  Not planning any coaching clinics this year.

Lori Uhryn (Referee-in-Chief):

·  Received an e-mail from RAMP. Is there a cost for the referee scheduling service they provide?

Trish Rizko (Registrar):

·  If we take imports do we have to take the numbers? Yes.

Colleen Chorzempa (Secretary): nothing to report

Garry LaBine (Equipment Manager):

·  Still missing the jerseys from Glen Saville’s Midget team. Lori says to call Merv, the team manager.

·  Linda Herczeg borrowed jerseys for the Devon Days Parade, but hasn’t returned them yet.

·  Need to set an amount to spend on goalie equipment. $800.00 should outfit the younger players with about $1600.00 to outfit the older players.

Vicky Sue Baron (Referee Assignor):

·  Referee clinics will be set up for either September 27 & 28 or October 18 & 19. Just waiting to hear back on availability.

·  The Referee-in-Chiefs for Leduc, Beaumont, Calmar and Thorsby will be holding a meeting to discuss sharing referees between the towns.

·  Talking to both 16/60 and Central Cities about rules they have set for refereeing games that are impossible to meet.

Sherri Heigh (Kitchen Coordinator):

·  Will wait for final registration numbers before determining the number of kitchen shifts per player.

Pat Pelz (16/60 and Central Cities Rep): nothing to report

Shanley Foerster (Atom Coordinator): nothing to report

MEETING ADJOURNED AT 9:20 PM. (MOTION by Lori Uhryn Second by Garry LaBine)