Science Lesson Planning Template
5 E Learning Cycle Model
Context Issues of the Lesson
Unit or Lesson Title: / Batteries IncludedGrade Level / 4
Topic/Theme/Nature of the Investigation: / Electricity and circuits
NGSS Performance Expectation(s)
Next Generation Science Standards / 4-PS3-2 Make observations to provide evidence that energy can be transferred from place to place by sound, light, heat, and electric currents.
NGSS Dimension 1 component
(Scientific and Engineering Practices)
Dimension 1 / 1. Asking Questions (for science) and Defining Problems (for engineering)
2. Developing and Using Models
3. Planning and Carrying out Investigations
NGSS Dimension 2 component
(Crosscutting Concepts)
Dimension 2 / 4. Systems and system models
5. Energy and matter: flows, cycles, and conservation
6. Structure and function
NGSS Dimension 3 component
(Disciplinary Core Ideas)
Dimension 3 / PS 3: Energy
Duration: / 5-6 class periods
Planning Stages Within the 5-E Inquiry Model
· to convey the context of the lesson(s)/unit by conveying an important Key Question
· to engage students in investigations that reveal their thinking to themselves and the teacher
· to record the initial ideas of students
· to engage their interest
What is the teacher doing? What are the students doing?
PURPOSE: The students will find out how circuits work and how to build them.
· The teacher will give each group of 2 an energy ball. Students will be asked to determine what is inside of the ball and what they think the ball does. Students should explore the ball, and make predictions about the inside of the ball. Students will draw a model of what they think inside of the energy ball looks like.
Activities (list) / Driving Question
Energy ball before and after activity model / How do electrical circuits work?
Student Communication Product: (written report, oral presentation, poster, etc.)
(consider showing “Models” of student products to help student identify characteristics of quality)
Students will explain their models and what they think the energy ball looks like in the inside. They will also tell what they think is the purpose of the energy balls. The students will explore the energy balls and make their predictions. The teacher will open up an energy ball for students to observe. They will use the energy ball sheet to draw their before opening and after opening model of what the energy ball looks like.
· to answer the Key Question through student explanations
· to provide students with relevant vocabulary, formal definitions and explanations of concepts
The students will learn how to make a circuit.
Content Media: (written material, video, teacher lecture, technology)
The teacher will give background lecture about how many devices like flashlights, MP3 players and cellphones are powered by batteries. The teacher will explain to students how circuits work. The teacher will read the story “Electrical Circuits” to the students. The teacher will give each group copper wire, flashlight bulb, and masking tape. Teacher will ask students if they can light the bulb with batteries. The students will make predictions and try light the bulbs. The teacher will give the groups batteries and ask can they light the bulbs. Students will make predictions and test them. The teacher will ask students if they have 2 batteries with the lights be more bright. The students will test their predictions.
Differentiated Instruction: Advanced students will be asked to make the bulbs light a different way. Students that need more help will work with an advanced partner to help with making circuit and they will have instructions on how to put their circuit together
Student Communication Product: (assessment, unit test, written report, oral presentation, poster, etc.)
Students will draw a model of how they think circuits work. Students will also draw a model of what the inside of the toy looks like.
· to extend students' conceptual understanding through application or practice in new settings
Students will take apart old battery operated toys to see what makes them work. Students will complete the Toy Take Apart Lab.
Content Media: (written material, video, teacher lecture, technology)
The teacher will read “Too Many Toys” to the class. Students and class will discuss book.
Extending/Application Questions for Whole/Small Group Discourse:
Student Communication Product (assessment): (unit test, written report, oral presentation, poster, etc.)
Skill/Reasoning Learning Objectives / Assessment Instrument
Use data to construct a reasonable explanation / The Battery and Bulb Cutout sheet
Knowledge Learning Objectives / Assessment Instrument
Develop descriptions, explanations, predictions, and models using evidence. / The energy ball model before and after opening the ball
The Toy take apart lab
Lesson Planning Template - - The 5 E’s
©2016 Wayne County RESA. Batteries Included - Grade 4 (Y. Mallory). Retrieved from