The Board of Commissioners for the Housing Authority of the City of Pekin met on Tuesday, November 14, 2006in the boardroom of the Housing Authority’s general office at 1901 Broadway in Pekin, Illinois.The meeting was called to order at5:31 P.M. by the Chairman Karl Jordan with roll call taken and those present as follows:
PRESENT:Commissioner Robert Small, CommissionerDave Volz,Commissioner Shirley Moore, CommissionerAnn Trumpy,and Chairman Karl Jordan
ALSO PRESENT:Executive Director Dennis Green
Board Attorney Angela Madison
The first order of business was the approval of the minutes of the October 10, 2006Regular Meeting.
MOTION:By CommissionerRobert Small, Second by Commissioner Ann Trumpy, to approve the minutes of the October 10, 2006meeting. Roll call vote as follows:
AYES:Commissioner Robert Small, CommissionerDave Volz, Commissioner Shirley Moore, CommissionerAnn Trumpy, and Chairman Karl Jordan
The Chairman thencalled for a motion to approve thebills for payment for the Public Housing program in the amount of $65,688.46as amended.
MOTION: By Commissioner Robert Small, Second by Commissioner Dave Volz to approve the bills for paymentfor the public housing program in the amount of $65,688.46.
AYES:Commissioner Robert Small, CommissionerDave Volz, Commissioner Shirley Moore, CommissionerAnn Trumpy, and Chairman Karl Jordan
A motion was next requested to approve the Green Valley Apartments bills for payment in the amount of$2,666.05 as amended.
MOTION:By Commissioner Dave Volz, Second by Commissioner Robert Smallto approveGreen Valley Apartments bills for payment in the amount of $2,666.05 as amended.
AYES:Commissioner Robert Small, CommissionerDave Volz, Commissioner Shirley Moore, CommissionerAnn Trumpy, and Chairman Karl Jordan
The Chairman then requested a motion to approve the bills for payment for the Meadow View Apartments in the amount of $4,089.06 as amended.
MOTION: By Commissioner Ann Trumpy, Second by Commissioner Shirley Moore to approve the bills for payment for the Meadow View Apartments in the amount of $4,089.06 as amended.
AYES:Commissioner Robert Small, CommissionerDave Volz, Commissioner Shirley Moore, CommissionerAnn Trumpy, and Chairman Karl Jordan
Executive DirectorDennis Green reviewed his report of the financial statements for Public Housing for the period ending September 30, 2006. He reported that tenant rents for the month of September were $30,492 versus $27,580 budgeted. Year-to-date rental income of $261,550 was $13,330 more than expected. Total Operating Income was $68,452.40 for the month and $602,423.42 year-to-date. Operating expenses are below budget except for Protective Services and General Expense line items. Total Operating Expenses were $56,459.80 for the month, $9,756.03 less than planned, and $534,471.14 year-to-date, $59,851.36 below budget. Extra Ordinary Expenses year-to-date have been $6,713.72, resulting in Total Operating Expenditures of $58,301.98 for the month and $541,184.86 year-to-date. A motion was made by CommissionerRobert Small, with a second by CommissionerAnn Trumpy to receive and file the financial reports forPublic Housing forSeptember 2006. Motion carried.
Dennis Green next reviewed his report of the financial statements for the Green Valley Apartments for the period ending September 30, 2006. He reported that Dwelling Rent amounted to $966.00 for the month and $8,426.00 year-to-date, exceeding the budget by $132.67 and $926.00 respectively. Rental Assistance was on budget for the month. The year-to-date amount of $31,417.00 is $1,415.75 less than expected. Total income amounted to $4,634.40 for the month and $40,966.91 year-to-date. Both are very close to budget. Total Operating Expenses for the month were $2,749.85 and $25,948.01 year-to-date, which is below budget by $590.40 and $4,114.24 respectively. Maintenance, Utilities, and Administration Expenses were all below budget. Taxes and Insurance were higher than expected. Operations resulted in a net positive cash flow of $1,884.55 for the month and $15,018.90 for the year. A motion was made by CommissionerAnn Trumpy, with a second by CommissionerRobert Small to receive and file the financial reports for Green Valley Apartments for September 2006. Motion carried.
Dennis Green then reviewed his report of the financial statements for the Meadow View Apartmentsfor the period ending September 31, 2006. Dwelling rent was $859.00 for the month and $3,831.00 year-to-date, both well below budget. Rental Assistance was $2,271.00 for the month and $12,985.00 year-to-date. Total Income of $3,219.63 was below budget by $414.37 for the month and $1,054.15 for the 5-month period. Total operating expenses were $2,732.43 for the month, $544.54 less than planned. Year-to-date expenses were $10,371.71, which is $567.74 below budget. Maintenance Expenses were below budget. Utilities and Administration expenses were over budget. Operations resulted in net revenue of $487.20 for the month and $6,744.14 for the year. A motion was made by CommissionerDave Volz, with a second by CommissionerShirley Mooreto receive and file the financial reports for Meadow View Apartmentsfor September 2006. Motion carried.
No one was present from the public to address the Board.
Old Business
A.Update on the Henderson-Weir Apartments in Mackinaw, Illinois. The Executive Director reported that he delivered the signed Option to Purchase the Henderson-Weir Apartments to the offices of the Henderson-Weir Agency on November 1st. He reported that Mike Weir indicated in a previous discussion that he would have the staff deliver the document to their attorney, Mark McGrath, as he will be in Florida.
The Executive Directoralso explained that the USDA offered the Housing Authority the opportunity to submit a Capital Plan for remodeling of the Henderson-Weir Apartments during this round of funding. He presented to the Board a proposed plan with an estimated cost of $82,000 to address property needs in the event that the property is acquired.
MOTION: By Commissioner Robert Small, Second by Commissioner Dave Volz to approve Resolution No. 1231Capital Plan for the Henderson-Weir Apartments in Mackinaw, Illinois in the amount of $82,000.
AYES:Commissioner Robert Small, CommissionerDave Volz, Commissioner Shirley Moore, CommissionerAnn Trumpy, and Chairman Karl Jordan
B.Review Executive Director’s Salary. The Executive Director provided the Board with wage data relative to his salary for 2007 as requested at a prior meeting. Data from the U.S. Department of Labor was provided along with a salary schedule and review of the previous year’s operation and current condition of the agency. The Chairman asked if there were any questions or comments concerning the Executive Director’s salary for 2007. Hearing none, he moved to the next item.
New Business- None
Chairman Jordan then addressed the Consent Agenda asking if there were any items to be pulled for discussion. Item No. 5 was pulled for discussion.
The Chairman requested a motion to approve Item Nos.1-4, 6, & 7of the consent agenda.
MOTION:By Commissioner Robert Small, Second by Commissioner Dave Volz to approve Consent Agenda Item Nos. 1-4, 6, & 7. Roll call vote taken as follows:
AYES:Commissioner Robert Small, CommissionerDave Volz, Commissioner Shirley Moore, CommissionerAnn Trumpy, and Chairman Karl Jordan
Items approved by Consent are:
- Resolution No. 1226 – Request for Payment No. 2, Partial, to Mid-Illinois Companies in the amount of $32,283.90 for Exterior Painting at the Park Ridge Estatesunder CFP Grant IL06P044 501-04, Account No. 1460 Dwelling Structures.
- Resolution No. 1227 – Request for Payment No. 1, Partial, to Barton Carroll’s in the amount of $13,414.00 for New Ranges at the Golden Arms Apartmentsunder CFP Grant IL06P044 501-04, Account No. 1465.1 Dwelling Equipment.
- Resolution No. 1228 – Authorization to Dispose of Ranges from the Golden Arms Apartments.
- Resolution No. 1229 – Award Two-Year Contract for Snow Removal to BD Home Repair in the amount of $320 per occurrence for the 2006-2007 and 2007-2008 seasons.
- Receive and file the vacancy report as of October 31, 2006for Public Housing for the month of October.
- Receive and file the Executive Director’s report for November.
Item No. 5 - Resolution No. 1230 – Approval of Revisions to the By-Laws to Comply with Amendments to the Open Meetings Act for Meeting Participation by Commissioners via Telephone. Board Attorney, Angela Madison, discussed a proposed amendment to the Housing Authority’s by-laws to address changes to the Open Meetings Act which take effect January 1, 2007. The proposed amendment concerned Article III –Meetings section of the by-laws. The amendment to the by-laws addresses the establishment of a quorum physically present before business can be conducted. It includes a statement that a Commissioner attending by phone will not be counted to establish a quorum but will be counted in the vote of any action taken. It also states that no more than two Board members may participate in a meeting by phone at one time.
MOTION:By Commissioner Ann Trumpy, Second by Commissioner Robert Small to approve Resolution No. 1230 – Approval of Revisions to the By-Laws to Comply with Amendments to the Open Meetings Act for Meeting Participation by Commissioners via Telephone as amended. Roll call vote taken as follows:
AYES:Commissioner Robert Small, CommissionerDave Volz, Commissioner Shirley Moore, CommissionerAnn Trumpy, and Chairman Karl Jordan
Having completed all business for the evening, the Chairman called for a motion to adjourn. A motion was made by Commissioner Ann Trumpy, seconded by Commissioner Dave Volzto adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 6:09P.M.
Karl Jordan, Chairman
Dennis D. Green,Secretary/Treasurer
November 14, 2006