Brave New World Vocabulary - Chapters 14 – 15

Below are the sentences in which the vocabulary words appear in the text. Define them and then study the definitions to be ready for a quiz on these words this Friday.

You DO NOT need to turn in your work. You DO NOT need to put this in your notebook.

1. At the foot of every bed, confronting its moribund occupant, was a television box.

2. At forty-four, Linda seemed, by contrast, a monster of flaccid and distorted senility.

3. . . . --but sublime, but significant, but desperately important precisely because of the

imminence of that which made them so fearful.

4. . . . it was as if he had had a pailful of ordure thrown in his face.

5. You might decondition.

6. The nurse stood irresolute, looking now at the kneeling figure by the bed . . . and now . . . at the twins who had stopped their hunting of the zipper . . . .

7. Linda had been a slave, Linda had died; others should live in freedom, and the world be made beautiful. A reparation, a duty. And suddenly it was luminously clear to the Savage what he must do . . . .

8. Mewling and puking, he added, exasperated by their bestial stupidity. . . .

9. The insults bounced off their carapace of the thick stupidity. . . .

Brave New World Vocabulary - Chapters 16 – 18

Same instructions as above.

1. "But as I make the laws here, I can also break them. With impunity, Mr Marx," he added.

2. "Nice tame animals, anyhow," the Controller murmured parenthetically.

3. The deep voice thrillingly vibrated: the gesticulating hand implied all space and the onrush of the irresistible machine.

4. But you've got to stick to one set of postulates.

5. . . . pointed their luminous fingers . . . solemnly towards the plumbless mysteries of heaven.

6. It was as though, stumbling upon himself from the outside, he had suddenly caught himself out, taken himself flagrantly at fault.

7. Noiseless on his pneumatic shoes, the man came up behind him.

8. "I beg your pardon," said the reporter, with genuine compunction.