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c/o Huntington Community Centre,

26, Strensall Road, Huntington,


Tel: 01904 470670


Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on Wednesday 3rd June 2015 in Huntington Community Centre at 7.15pm

PRESENT: / Councillor D. Jobling – Chairman, Councillor J. Willis, Councillor M. Duncanson, Councillor Gerald Shann, Councillor D. Atlay, Councillor A. Hawxby, Councillor R. Dean and Lorraine Frankland (Parish Clerk) – in attendance
APOLOGIES: / Councillor D. Geogheghan-Breen
CIRCULATION: / To all attendees, apologies and all other members of the Parish Council.
MINUTES PREPARED BY: / Lorraine Frankland
DATE (Draft): / 04/06/15

1.  To Note Apologies for Absence

Councillor D. Geogheghan-Breen offered her apologises due to annual leave

2.  To Note Declarations of Interest

i) To Approve Dispensation Requests:

No such requests made.

ii) To Note Declarations of Personal, Prejudicial or Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in any Items of Business on the Agenda

None declared

3.  To Elect a Chair for Huntington Parish Council Planning Sub-Committee

Councillor D. Jobling was nominated for the post of Chairman by Councillor J. Willis and seconded by Councillor M. Duncanson there were no other nominations and the nomination was approved unanimously.

4.  To Approve Minutes of Planning Committee meeting held 06/05/15

Minutes approved as a true and accurate record of said meeting signed and dated by Chairman.

5.  Planning Applications

The following applications received from City of York Council were considered and below are the comments of the Planning Committee which have been forwarded to the Planning Directorate.

Considered 03/06/15

CYC Reference / Address / Description
15/00956/ORC / 548 Huntington Road York YO32 9QA / Proposed change of use from offices to 3no. dwellings (use class C3) under Class O Part 3 Schedule 2 of Article 3 of The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015
Committee Comment: D We object on planning grounds
•  Huntington Parish Council, Planning Committee are extremely concerned that this proposed development will exasipate road safety on an already difficult section of road
•  Lack of parking – 3 residential parking spaces for 6-12 residents, vehicles could not access and egress in first gear, parking on the side of the road is likely to occur leading to obstruction of the footpath, standing area for bus passengers, the cycle path and other road users
•  The development would adversely affect highway safety or the convenience of road users. Traffic passing parked vehicles would have a reduced view of oncoming vehicles due to the brow of Mill Hill obstructing their view. Neighbouring properties would have their view of the road obstructed making accessing Huntington Road dangerous
•  Over-development of the site, unacceptably high density (6 double rooms with potential for up to 12 resident plus visiting guests) / overdevelopment of the site
•  The likely effect of the development on the residential amenity of neighbour’s adverse impact which the proposed development might have on the character of the neighbourhood
•  Not suitable for context, this will change the character of the area
•  A reduction of available family housing stock for local people
•  There appears to be no DDA provision within this development.
15/00798/OUTM / Land To The North Of Avon Drive Huntington York / Erection of 109no. dwellings
Committee Comment: C We do not object but wish to make comments or seek safeguards
•  Huntington Parish Council, Planning Committee are extremely concerned about the proposed location of the ‘Trim Trail’ within the proposed Public Park, due both pollution and proximity to the main A1237 (for Health and Safety reasons) Huntington Parish Council would not agree to adopt nor be responsible for the maintenance or management of any such or similar play equipment if the development is approved
•  The Proposal is likely to generate a significant increase in the amount of local traffic especially at peak times contributing to congestion and may in turn lead to highway safety issues at the junction of Avon Drive and Strensall Road
•  Huntington Parish Council, Planning Committee welcome the proposal for 30% affordable housing within the development, in light of their concerns about traffic congestion and traffic flow at the main junction to Avon Drive they would not like to see the density of any future detailed scheme (subject to the current outline applications approval) be increased and they would like assurances that at least 30% affordable housing remain on any detailed application
15/00950/FUL / Manor Farm Barn Huntington Road York YO32 9QA / Installation of window to side
Committee Comment: B We have no objections

Considered via email 01/06/15

CYC Reference / Address / Description
15/00961/FUL / 59 Brockfield Park Drive Huntington York
YO31 9EL / Dormers to front and rear
Committee Comment: B We have no objections

6.  CYC Decisions re: Planning Applications

CYC Reference / Address / Description / Decision
15/00032/FUL / 24 Southdown Road Huntington York
9RW / Rear dormer and increase in height of existing
roof / Refused
8 May 2015
15/00571/FUL / 7 Woodland Way Huntington York
YO32 9NX / Single storey front extension / Approved
13 May 2015
14/02045/FUL / Tesco Stores Huntington Road York YO31 9HP / Variation of condition 2 of permitted application
05/01816/FUL to extend opening times to 06.00 - 23.00 (Monday to Sunday incl Bank Holidays) / Refused
15 May 2015
14/02933/FULM / Huntington Stadium Jockey Lane Huntington
YO32 9JS / Erection of 8,000 seat Community Stadium,
leisure centre, multi-screen cinema, retail units, outdoor football pitches, community facilities and other ancillary uses, together with associated
vehicular access, car parking, public realm, and hard and soft landscaping following demolition of existing structures / Approved
21 May 2015
15/00564/FUL / West View 12 Strensall Road York
YO32 9RG / Two storey and single storey rear extension / Approved
26 May 2015

7.  Planning Enforcement Issues

None raised.

8.  To Consider any other Planning and Green Belt related Issues:

DJ confirmed that;

·  the next small grant (£5,700) has been approved but due to his annual leave the date for response has passed so this need clarifying

·  the questionnaires are being delivered in with the newsletters – response date is end July

·  A Towler the Neighbourhood Plan consultant is to be shown around the parish by DJ and anyone wishing to accompany them is welcome to attend.

9.  To confirm date and time of next meeting.

To be held on Wednesday 24th June 2015 at 7:15pm in Huntington Community Centre, 26 Strensall Road, Huntington, York YO32 9RH (pending the receipt of any planning applications).

Meeting closed at 8:15pm

Planning Committee Minutes – 03/06/15