1.Name, current academic rank, and tenure status.
Soon M. Chung, Professor, Tenured
2. Date of original appointment to this faculty, followed by dates and ranks of advancement.
Sep. 2003 – PresentProfessor
Sep. 1996 – August 2003Associate Professor
1989 – August 1996Assistant Professor
3.Degrees with fields, institutions and dates.
Degree / Field / Institution / DatePh.D / Computer Engineering / SyracuseUniversity / 1990
M.S / Electrical Engineering / Korea Adv. Inst. of Sci. & Tech. / 1981
B.S. / Electronics Engineering / SeoulNationalUniversity / 1979
4.Other related experience including teaching, industrial, governmental, etc. (Where, when, description and scope of duties):
- 06/03-09/03: Taught a class on Advanced Topics in Database Systems at the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) in Dayton, Ohio.
- 03/98-06/98: Visiting Professor at the Information and Communications University (ICU) in Korea, and lectured an one-semester Operating System class.
- 03/81-06/84: Lead Engineer in the Daewoo Engineering Company in Seoul, Korea. Designed a computer traffic control system of a train line. Developed a software system for estimating the air pollution. Developed and taught courses on programming languages and microcomputer systems. Designed instrumentation and control systems for chemical and power plants.
5.Consulting, patents, etc. n/a
6.State(s) in which registered. n/a
7.Principal publications during the last five years in chronological order.
- J. D. Holt and S. M. Chung, “Multipass Algorithms for Mining Association Rules in Text Databases,” Knowledge and Information Systems, Vol. 3, No. 2, Springer-Verlag, 2001, pp. 168--183.
- J. D. Holt and S. M. Chung, “Mining Association Rules Using Inverted Hashing and Pruning,” Information Processing Letters, Vol. 83, No. 4, Elsevier Science, 2002, pp. 211--220.
- S. Campbell and S. M. Chung, “Scheduling and Optimization of the Delivery of Multimedia Streams Using Query Scripts,” Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 18, No. 1, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002, pp. 5--30.
- S. M. Chung and A. Chatterjee, “An Adaptive Parallel Distributive Join Algorithm on a Cluster of Workstations,” The Journal of Supercomputing, Vol. 21, No. 1, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002, pp. 5--35.
- H. Kim, Y. Cho, S. Jin, and S. M. Chung, “Advanced Public Key Infrastructure for Internet Security,” Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science, Marcel Dekker, Inc., 2003.
- S. M. Chung and A. L. Pereira, “Timed Petri Net Representation of SMIL,” IEEE Multimedia, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2005, pp. 64-72.
- S. M. Chung and M. Mangamuri, “Mining Association Rules on NCR Teradata System,” to appear in Encyclopedia of Data Warehousing and Mining, 2005.
- S. M. Chung and M. Mangamuri, “Mining Association Rules from the Star Schema on a Parallel NCR Teradata Database System,” to appear in the Proc. of Int'l Conf. on Information Technology: coding and Computing -- ITCC 2005, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2005.
8.Scientific, professional, and honor societies of which you are a member.
9.Honors and awards.
Who’s Who in Engineering Education, 2002.
Who’s Who in America, 2002
10.Institutional and professional service in the last five years.
Department Steering committee, Department Graduate Studies committee.
11.Professional development activities (Grants, talks, conferences attended, sabbaticals, software development, etc.) in the last five years.
- Principal Investigator: “Work-Centered Software System,” AFRL/DAGSI Research Fellowship, 7/1/05—6/30/06, Funding $50.619.
- Principal Investigator: “Development of Parallel Data Mining Algorithms for Text and Formatted Databases,” Wright Brothers Institute (WBI)/Secure Knowledge Management (SKM), 6/2/03—9/30/05, Funding $145,878.
- NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) panelist, 2004-2005.
- Program committee of the ACM SIGMM Multimedia Biometrics Methods and Applications Workshop, 2003.
- Session chair on Intelligent Information Retrieval at the 14th IEEE Int'l Conference on Tools with AI – ICTAI 2002, 2002.
- Program committee of the 11th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management – CIKM 2002, 2002.
- Session chair on Parallel Systems at the 8th Int'l Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems – ICPADS 2001.
- Program committee of the 8th Int'l Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems – ICPADS 2001, 2001.
12.If you do not have a formal degree in computer science, describe any course work you may have taken, or other ways in which you have achieved competence in computer science.
13.Courses taught this (2004-05) and last (2003-04) academic year, term-by-term.
Qtr/Year / Course Number / Course Title / QtrHours / No. of
Spring 2005 / CEG 720 / Computer Architecture I / 4 / 17
CS 801 / Advanced Topics in Database Systems / 4 / 13
Winter 2005 / CEG 701 / Database Systems & Design / 4 / 12
CEG 820 / Computer Architecture II / 4 / 7
Fall 2004 / CEG 405 / Intro to Data Base Mgmt. Systems / 4 / 20
CEG 720 / Computer Architecture I / 4 / 24
Spring 2004 / CEG 720 / Computer Architecture I / 4 / 18
CEG 801 / Advanced Topics in Database Systems / 4 / 16
Winter 2004 / CS 701 / Database Systems & Design / 4 / 17
CEG 820 / Computer Architecture II / 4 / 6
Fall 2003 / CS 405 / Intro to Data Base Mgmt. Systems / 4 / 24
CEG 720 / Computer Architecture I / 4 / 15
14.Other assigned duties performed during the academic year, with average hours per week. Indicate which, if any, carry extra compensation. If you are course coordinator for courses taught by other than full-time faculty, please indicate here which courses.
15.Number of students for which you serve as academic advisor: 18in our dual advising system
16.Estimate the percentage of your time devoted to scholarly and/or research activities: 30%. Please give a brief description of your major research and scholarly activities:
Development of data mining algorithms, a Data Grid system, and a XML server
17.State what percentage of full-time you work: 100%. Percentage of this time allocated to the computer science program being evaluated: 60%.