Russett Trophies

Year Description

36 HS Champs – boys basketball

41 Egypt Softball tourn - boys

42 Egypt Softball tourn high school boys

46 Johnston County basketball champs

Alton Rush, Dillard Scruggs, Lowell Easterwood,

Charles Ray Richardson, Holland Jester, Eugene Henry

Jim Smith – coach

46 Grade school basketball champs - girls

48 Milburn grade school tourn champs class A – girls

49 District champs class c basketball – boys

Roy O’Steen made 2 points for milburn but Russett won game

51 Mill Creek inv basketball 2nd place – 8th grade boys

51 Troy Inv basketball chmps - 8th grade boys

Mr. Portman forfeited the final game of Mill Creek tourn

Due to poor officiating – a couple of weeks later the Troy

Tourn had the same teams and same referee (Snake Norman)

Mr. Portman refused to forfeit and Russett won. Ravia Supt

Mr. Maxey presented the trophy and remarked about “Those

Come from behind Russett boys under adverse conditions”

51 Johnston county conf baseball champs - boys

51 District class c baseball champs - boys

Trophy does not have hardware identification because Ravia

Coach Overton James was the coordinator and claimed he

Lost the hardware, in reality he was mad because Russett beat

Ravia to take championship

52 Johnston County Baseball Champs - boys

52 Johnston County basketball – girls runner up

52 District champs – boys basketball

53 Johnston County basketball - boys runner up

53 Murray aggie inv tourn runner up - boys basketball

54 Johnston County baseball – boys co champs

54 Johnston County basketball – runner up – boys

55 Johnston County conference baseball co champs – boys

55 Johnston County tourn basketball champs – boys

55 Johnston County grade school basketball - girls

57 Johnston county tourn baseball runner up – boys

58 Johnston county conf champs – boys baseball

58 Johnston county conf 2nd place basketball - girls

59 Johnston County basketball – girls runner up

62 Basketball 2nd place – grade school girls

63 Mill Creek Inv – boys basketball – grade school after hs closed

63 Mill Creek Inv – girls grade school after high school closed

63 Dickson peewee basketball – 2nd place girls

64 B class boys basketball – boys – grade school

Note: When inventorying the trophies it was observer that several had

No written text whatsoever. Some of the writing may have faded over the

years and some did not look like there was ever any identification present.

Some of the trophies and other memoralia (sp) may have disappeared over

The years because storage was in an unsecured school building after closing

And the club women’s unsecured building behind the gym before being

Rescued by Wayne Easterwood. It is now in a locked church building at
