Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care

Early Education and Out of School Time (EEOST) Grant FY18



Organization Eligibility (if any of the following do not apply, the organization is ineligible for
EEOST consideration):

☐ The applicant organization is a tax-exempt non-profit corporation, as defined by M.G.L. c. 180 or
an organization in which a non-profit corporation has a controlling interest.

☐ At least 25% of the slots in the facility shall serve low-income families who are eligible for a
public subsidy.

☐ Full-time, full-year care (ECE Program) / or school year wrap-around care during summer
(OST Program.)

Documents to be reviewed:

☐ Reviewed Guidelines

☐ Reviewed Regulations

Documents to be submitted:

☐ Attached Four Full Copies of the Pre-Application and Attachments


Please indicate that the pre-application includes each of the following required documents; if the pre-application is missing any of the attachments, it will be ineligible for EEOST consideration.

Please label attachments as named and submit in the following order.

Required Documents:

☐ Attached 1. Articles of Incorporation and By Laws

☐ Attached 2. 501(c)3 letter issued by the IRS
☐ Attached 3. Most recent audited financial statements, or accountant’s financial review, if organization budget is less than $500,000.

☐ Attached 4. If the prior fiscal year does not yet have an audit, please attach draft audit or internal unaudited statements for the most recent fiscal year in addition to the most recent audit.

Organization Fiscal Year

End Date: Then Provide:

6/30 FY16 Audit + Internal, Unaudited statements for 7/1/16-6/30/17
if FY17 audit not available.

9/30 FY16 Audit + Internal statements 10/1/16-9/30/17, if FY17 audit
not available

12/31 FY16 Audit

☐ Attached 5. For the current fiscal year, provide the year-to-date internal, unaudited balance sheet and profit/loss statements. If the childcare program is part of larger program within the organization, submit the YTD financials for both the childcare entity and consolidated organization.

6. At least one of the following Site Control Documents:

☐ Attached Copy of Lease

☐ Attached Copy of Purchase and Sale

☐ Attached Copy of Deed

☐ Attached Copy of Option to Purchase

☐ Attached Copy of Site Control Agreement with Public Agency

Additional Documents:

☐ Attached If the child care program is part of a larger program, please attach the audited and year-
to-date financials for both the child care entity and the consolidated organization.

For Partnerships:

☐ Attached Memorandum of Understanding/Partnership Agreement, or explanation of financial
and business relationship between two agencies

Please attach the following documents for the partner agency:

☐ Attached 1. Articles of Incorporation and By Laws

☐ Attached ☐ N/A 2. 501(c)3 letter issued by the IRS

☐ Attached 3. Most recent audited financial statements, or accountant’s financial review,
if organization budget is less than $500,000.

☐ Attached 4. If the prior fiscal year does not yet have an audit, please attach draft audit or internal unaudited statements for the most recent fiscal year in addition to the most recent audit.

Organization Fiscal Year

End Date: Then Provide:

6/30 FY16 Audit + Internal, Unaudited statements for 7/1/16-6/30/17
if FY17 audit not available.

9/30 FY16 Audit + Internal statements 10/1/16-9/30/17, if FY17 audit
not available

12/31 FY16 Audit

☐ Attached 5. For the current fiscal year, provide the year-to-date internal, unaudited balance sheet and profit/loss statements. If the childcare program is part of larger program within the organization, submit the YTD financials for both the childcare entity and consolidated organization.

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