Grant No / Organisation / Project Title / Description / Grant offer of up to /
3151 / Albury City Council / Litter and Gross Pollutant Traps for Albury Stormwater Areas / Installation of three gross pollutant traps as a component of a wider stormwater management strategy including public education and awareness to prevent pollution from Albury entering the Murray River. / $264,000
3139 / Balranald Shire Council / Urban Stormwater Quality Control System for Balranald / Undertake a series of priority works identified within the Balranald Stormwater Management Plan including pollutant traps, education campaigns and the construction of wetlands to minimise the impact of stormwater flows on the Murrumbidgee River. / $200,000
3050 / Bankstown City Council / Cleanwater Carnivalle: 5 Unique Environmental Educational Games for the Community / Cleanwater Carnivalle aims to allow the interaction of the wider community to develop a better understanding of the issues and provide skills to determine appropriate actions, through 5 unique education tools / games. / $66,000
3133 / Bathurst City Council / Hector Park Wetland / Project involves the restoration of a local bushland area and the construction of a wetland area to improve the quality of stormwater flowing from the Bathurst CBD to the Macquarie River. / $220,000
3086 / Bega Valley Shire Council / Bega Valley Shire Community Watercare / The project aims to increase community awareness of stormwater related issues and to increase the involvement of the community in stormwater management planning and implementation actions, through the employment of a stormwater project officer. / $60,000
3115 / Bellingen Shire Council / The Resurrection of Cemetery Creek / Project will target school children to reduce the levels of pollutants entering stormwater creeks, and rehabilitate the riverbank environment at eight sites along three creeks in the Bellingen township using Bushcare, community groups and householders. / $48,275
3040 / Blacktown City Council / "Keep the Soil on the Site" for Consultants and Developers / The project will build on the successful "Keep the Soil on the Site" Stage 2 grant to educate councils, consultants, developers and the community about stormwater issues relating to major sub-divisions developments in the South Creek Catchment. / $180,000
3098 / Blacktown City Council / Stormwater Controls for Plumpton Market Town Shopping Centre and Carpark / Education and installation of four oil and grit pollutant traps at car parks within the Blacktown Council area. The project will target three hotspots to remove litter, oils, sediments and heavy metals minimising pollutants entering South Creek. / $480,820
3144 / Blacktown City Council / Improved Performance of Stormwater Management Systems in the Blacktown Area / Project will improve the performance of an existing stormwater quality improvement pond flowing to Eastern Creek and document the outcomes of the project for take-up at other sites in NSW. / $281,300
3168 / Bombala Council / Clean Up the Caveat Street Drain / The project will install three small gross pollutant traps, reduce erosion on local streets and work with the local community to reinforce stormwater messages to minimise the impact of the township of Bombala on the Snowy River. / $59,095
3102 / Bourke Shire Council / Bourke Stormwater Implementation Project / The project will complement a range of works being undertaken by Bourke Council, and include the installation of gross pollutant traps, and detention basin, and undertake a comprehensive stormwater education project. / $200,000
3071 / Byron Shire Council / Far North Coast Combined Councils: Industrial Areas Stormwater Auditing and Education Project / Tweed, Byron and Ballina Shire Councils will work together to conduct an audit and education campaign of all industrial areas within their boundaries to minimise emissions and discharges from these activities. / $287,500
3081 / Byron Shire Council / Belongil Creek Estuary - Installation of GPTs on Byron Industrial Estate Main Drain / The project involves the construction of a gross pollutant trap within the Byron Bay industrial estate, with a latter stage being the construction of a wetland system downstream to prevent nutrients entering the estuary. / $230,000
3047 / Camden Council / Lodges Road Gross Pollutant Traps / Installation of a two gross pollutant traps to prevent litter entering a wetland downstream. The project will include the raising community awareness and working with the local golf course to minimise the use of fertilisers impacting on the Nepean River. / $150,000
3037 / Campbelltown City Council / Upper Georges River Stormwater Management Project / The project will enhance the quality of stormwater from the suburbs of Airds and St Helens Park on the Upper Georges River through the installation of eight gross pollutant traps, revegetation of riverbanks, and community involvement and education. / $222,500
3038 / Campbelltown City Council / Redfern and Bunbury Curren Creek Catchment Stormwater Improvement Program / The project will address the pollution of Redfern Creek by removing litter from the system, preventing erosion of the stream banks and raising awareness and "community ownership" of Redfern Creek and its natural values. / $218,300
3153 / Coffs Harbour City Council / "Caring for our Creeks" Stormwater Education Strategy for Coffs Harbour's Urban Waterways / Employment of a project officer to coordinate existing educational material covering seven catchments in the Coffs Harbour Area, with particular reference to auditing and the "pet-pooh" to minimise pet waste entering waterways. / $56,220
3156 / Coffs Harbour City Council / Environmental Auditing Project: Addressing the Urban Waterways of Coffs Harbour / The project will undertake industrial audits in six industrial areas in four catchments through Coffs Harbour to improve industry workplace practices and promote environmentally responsible awareness in relation to stormwater and pollution. / $28,740
3160 / Coffs Harbour City Council / Northern Beaches Integrated Stormwater Quality Enhancement Strategy / Installation of gross pollutant traps and restoration of riverbank vegetation to prevent pollution from Coffs Harbour CBD, Sawtell and the Northern Beaches Catchments entering regionally significant wetlands and the Solitary Islands Marine Park / $202,570
3152 / Corowa Shire Council / South Corowa Stormwater Pollution Control Management Project / Installation of four gross pollutant traps and a wetland to reduce the impact of urban stormwater on the Murray River, and enhance local wildlife habitats. / $145,000
3003 / Crookwell Shire Council / Crookwell and Gunning Shires - Transforming Stormwater Attitudes / Auditing of commercial premises and assistance to improve operations and minimise the environmental impact of these operations, coupled with a community and school education program to protect the Lachlan River. / $48,706
3030 / Drummoyne Council / St Georges Crescent Catchment Oil/Grit Separator Project / Installation of an oil and grit pollutant trap to minimise the impact of runoff from Victoria Road on Sydney Harbour. / $385,000
3031 / Drummoyne Council / Barnwell Park Golf Course Stormwater Reuse Project / Construction of a sand filtration unit to treat stormwater, before storage and reuse within the local golf course. Project will include community education and training of golf course staff to reduce the use of fertilisers on the course. / $325,000
3094 / Dubbo City Council / Community Education Program: Stormwater Pollution Reduction / Preparation of a five year integrated program for stormwater quality improvement relating to education in the Dubbo area and implement the first year of the program. / $51,150
3095 / Dubbo City Council / Stormwater Education Program: Property Owners/Occupiers / Conduct an education campaign for an identified commercial hot-spot, the Cobra Street Catchment and install a gross pollutant trap to prevent gross pollutants entering the Macquarie River / $186,900
3096 / Dubbo City Council / Stormwater Education: Street Theatre / The project will involve the use of street theatre to get the message of stormwater pollution across to all members of the community, including 15 schools in the Dubbo district, shopping centres, stormwater open days and local shows. / $50,200
3084 / Dungog Shire Council / Rocla Cleansall Unit and Educational Program / Undertake community education and installation of a Cleansall Unit to reduce litter flowing into Myall Creek. / $85,150
3002 / Eurobodalla Shire Council / Narooma CBD: Stormwater Quality Management Scheme / Education and installation to two gross pollutant traps in Narooma to prevent litter from entering Wagonga Inlet, Eurobodalla. / $102,000
3093 / Fairfield City Council / Community Stormwater Education and Training Project for the Prospect Creek Catchment / The project has four main focuses to reduce the impact of stormwater pollution in Prospect Creek, including: education of residents, auditing of industries, education of builders and training of councils operation staff. / $200,000
3065 / Gosford City Council / Woy Woy Stormwater Infiltration Project / Investigation of existing stormwater infiltration devices to prevent pollution entering the Gosford District groundwater, monitor their effectiveness and ensure the transfer of the lessons learnt to other councils in NSW. / $160,000
3066 / Gosford City Council / Use Your Brain Not the Drain - Stormwater Education Project for Small Businesses in the Gosford District / Undertake a stormwater education project targeting small businesses in the commercial sectors of Gosford, Terrigal, East Gosford, Woy Woy and Umina. / $55,000
3067 / Gosford City Council / Integrated Industrial Catchment Management Program for Narara, Erina and Kincumber Creeks / Education and installation of two oil and grit pollutant traps at industrial areas within the Gosford Council area. The project will target hotspots to remove litter, oils, sediments and heavy metals before entering beaches on the Central Coast. / $300,000
3140 / Goulburn City Council / Sediment and Gross Pollutant Traps for Constructed Wetland on Middle Arm Road / Installation of five gross pollutant traps and construct a wetland on Middle Arm Road to improve the biodiversity of the area and improve stormwater flows to Sydney's drinking supply. Comprehensive education will ensure that the works are sustainable. / $150,000
3069 / Grafton City Council / Construct Wetlands to Improve Water Quality in Urban Creeks in Grafton and South Grafton / The project will improve the water quality from the Township of Grafton by utilising wetlands to reduce pollutant loads. Further benefits will be generated by restoration of local habitat and biodiversity. / $212,500
3131 / Great Lakes Council / Installation of Litter Baskets, Stencilling of Drains, Advertisement Campaign & Employment of Stormwater Education Officer / Project involves the installation of litter baskets, employment of a stormwater education officer and kerb stencilling throughout the CBD areas of Great Lakes Council including Forster, Hawks Nest, Tea Gardens, and Tuncurry. / $162,000
3132 / Great Lakes Council / Development of Constructed Wetland in South Forster Catchment / Construction of a wetland in the South Forster Catchment to reduce the impact of nutrients on the local waterways. The wetland will be complemented by community education, water sensitive urban design and Council awareness of stormwater issues. / $260,000
3015 / Greater Taree City Council / Greater Taree Stormwater Management Implementation Project / Install three gross pollutant traps and employ a project officer to co-ordinate community education, auditing and council training to minimise the impact of stormwater from Taree, Wingham, Cundletown, Old Bar and Harrington on the Manning River. / $205,490
3043 / Gunnedah Shire Council / Water Use and the Environment Education Program / The aim of this project is to educate as a wise a representation of the community living in the urban areas of Gunnedah Shire as to the most practicable and effective mechanisms of improving stormwater quality before it enters the Namoi River. / $62,500
3170 / Hastings Council / Building on Education in Port Macquarie Industrial Area / Installation of three oil and grit traps within industrial sites in the Hastings Council area, in Port Macquarie. The project will target hotspots to remove litter, oils, sediments and heavy metals and undertake an evaluation of the technologies. / $600,000
3042 / Hawkesbury City Council / Stormwater Pollution Reduction Program for the Auto-Service Sector in the LGAs of Hawkesbury, Penrith and Blue Mountains / Two project officers will be employed to undertake audits of auto-service industries throughout Penrith, Blue Mountains and Hawkesbury LGAs, to improve their practices and minimise the impact on the Hawkesbury Nepean River. / $193,800
3005 / Holroyd City Council / A'Becketts Creek Water Quality Pond / The construction of a boom and sediment pond, revegetation of the banks of A'Becketts Creek, coupled with water quality sampling and publicity. / $282,000
3129 / Hume Shire Council / Howlong Stormwater Management Strategy / Installation of gross pollutant traps and construction of wetlands to treat urban stormwater from Howlong and restoration of Four Mile Creek, coupled with a focused community education campaign. / $233,000
3092 / Kempsey Shire Council / Crescent Head Community Stormwater Management Plan / Undertake a range of actions to develop a community education program to manage dogs, review the usage of chemicals and car washing, install stormwater pits in Crescent Head, and review Council stormwater related operations. / $163,500
3112 / Kogarah Municipal Council / Kogarah Stormwater Awareness and Action Project: Innovative Strategies to Reduce Stormwater Pollution at the Source / Development and implementation of a community education program to raise community awareness of stormwater pollution issues and cause positive behaviour changes in the Kogarah Municipality. / $184,000
3021 / Ku-ring-gai Municipal Council / Moores Creek Stormwater Treatment and Restoration Project / Project will install a sediment basin and gross pollutant trap, and undertake creek restoration to minimise the impact of gross pollutants, organic matter and sediments on downstream bushland and Middle Harbour. / $165,030
3022 / Ku-ring-gai Municipal Council / Stormwater Treatment and Creek Restoration at Turramurra Memorial Oval / Undertake riverbank restoration and education combined with the installation of a gross pollutant trap, to minimise the impact of gross pollutants, organic matter and sediments on Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park. / $226,774
3123 / Lake Macquarie City Council / The Lake Macquarie Adopt a Stormwater Quality Improvement Device (SQID) Project / The project aims to increase community awareness of stormwater pollution issues, causes and solutions in the Lake Macquarie Catchment. The project will engage existing and new community based groups in the monitoring of gross pollutant traps in the City. / $59,910