
8.1 War Erupts Powerpoint Notes


FORT SUMTER – a federal located in the harbor of Charleston, South Carolina. South attacked the fort on April 12, 1861 to officially the Civil War. Lincoln calls out troops to put down the uprising.

Virginia decides to go with the. Virginia is a key state because of , large population and home of great leaders.

ROBERT E LEE – general in charge of troops during the Civil War

BORDER STATES – states that are located between the Union and the Confederacy

BORDER STATES: , Maryland, , Missouri

Kentucky is a key state because it contains so many key to be used for transportation. President Lincoln is a great leader. His leadership is an advantage for the .


Union has a huge advantage over the South in terms of and resources. Union also has a huge advantage in , railroad miles and ______shipyards. UNION PLAN – destroy the South’s ______so they are forced to end the war. ANACONDA PLAN – the Union plan to shut off all Southern ______and ruin their ______.BLOCKADE – when armed forces prevent the transportation of or ______into or out of an area.Union also wants to the Confederate capital city – , Virginia


1. good2. only has to fight a war 3. fighting to defend their and

South wants war to last as long as possible – force the Union to eventually give up.

KING COTTON – cotton becomes the major product of the South and basis of the economy. South tries to force and to help with their war effort by refusing to send cotton–plan doesn’t work

FIRST BATTLE OF BULLRUN – major battle of the Civil War, fought near – was a victory

GENERAL STONEWALL JACKSON rallies the Southern troops to victory. The Confederate win in this battle stuns the Union. The Union had thought they would win the war in a of weeks.

8.2 Life in the Army

A majority of the soldiers were between and years old. Nearly were farmers. African Americans wanted to . They were allowed to at the start of the war. Eventually the allowed African Americans to join the ______. In total, about 2 ______men served for the Union army and about ____million for the Confederate army.

Why did men join army?

Soldiers lived in and moved often. Training followed strict schedule – awake at , drills and chores at camp. Union army was usually uniformed in . Confederate army was usuall uniformed in .


Both sides had problems getting proper ______. Camps were often ______and soldiers had poor personal ______.People were not yet aware that was spread through .


Weapons of war had advanced much since the ______War.

RIFLE – gun with a grooved that causes a bullet to spin through the air. MINIE BALL – bullet with a hollow base, further and more ______than a musket.


IRONCLADS – warships covered in ______plates to protect it. A major ______ironclad was the VIRGINIA (MERRIMAC). A major ______ironclad was the USS MONITOR. Their famous battle ends in a tie after hours of hitting each other.

After the first ______years of fighting neither side had gained a decisive .

8.3CIVIL WARNo End In Sight

Lincoln had trouble finding a good and aggressive general to led the Union troops ULYSSES S GRANT – Union general fighting in the and winning battles. February 1862 – Union captures Fort Henry and opens the Mississippi River as a route.

A huge battle takes place at – it is a Union victory. Union soldiers are wounded along with Confederate soldiers.

April 1862 – Union captures and soon controls most of the River, cutting the South in .

CAVALRY – soldiers on


– June/July 1862 – Confederate victory in that prevents the Union from attacking . Lee feels confident and decides to invade the .

8.4CIVIL WARWar and SocietyPowerpoint Notes


– an executive order given by President Lincoln the all slaves in the Confederate states. Did free any slaves but helped war effort.

By the end of the war 180,000 African American soldiers had served in the army.

54th MASSACHUSETTS REGIMENT – one of the first all ____Union regiments

By the end of 1863 the confederate army had lost % of its men.

People in both the andwere questioning why the war was being fought.

COPPERHEADS – in the North who want to end the war and make peace with the .

CONSCRIPTION – a draft, requiring people to serve in the military.

Both the Union and Confederacy have a .

Supply and shortages occur in both the North and South. Inflation hits the South – during the war prices go up %.

In 1861, the national government establishes an INCOME to pay for the war. In 1862 the government issues a new type of money – called because of its color. Slaves begin to more in the South – refuse to

, break things on purpose. Advancing Union troops free slaves.

also help the war effort in many ways – relief agencies, nurses, , factory workers.

CLARA BARTON – during the Civil War, helped with supplies, later started American Cross

Each side took ______of war. Many POW’s died in ______because of no ______, poor ______, ______, overcrowding.

ANDERSONVILLEConfederate POW camp in built to house 10,000 but at one point had 33,000. Around soldiers died in POW camps.

8.5CIVIL WARNorth Wins

Lee’s troops met the Union at GETTYSBURG in Pennsylvania – July 1863. Union troops against Confederate troops.

Pickett’s Charge

Southern General George Pickett tried to his men across a wheat field and are down by Union soldiers. wins the Battle of Gettysburg. Union has _____,000 soldiers dead and wounded and South has ,000.


The day after Gettysburg, General Grant led the Union to a at VICKSBURG along the .Union ______the city and out the people until they are forced to give up. The victory at Vicksburg gives the Union total control over the River. Union now has the momentum.Lincoln places General in charge of the entire army.


Union General WILLIAM TECUMSEH SHERMAN drives an army through the to further divide the Confederacy.Union wants to break the South’s will with this MARCH TO THE SEA through .

Union destroys everything for a mile long stretch that is miles wide. Lincoln is re-elected President in 1864 for his term.______meets ______in Virginia and defeats the South.The Union soldiers were gracious in .

Confederate soldiers were given and allowed to go .The war that had lasted long years was finally over.

8.6CIVIL WARLegacy of the War

Lincoln wanted to heal the nation and make it again.

Civil War was by the in American history.

TOTAL DEAD: 620,000 Union dead______Confederate dead______

In addition – 270,000 Union soldiers and 260,000 Confederate soldiers were

Almost % of the population served in the war – a total of million men.

If same % of the population served today we would have an army of million men.War had high economic cost for both sides. Combined the North and South had spent times what the government had spent in the previous years.

War cost in 1865: __Billion dollarsWar cost in 2012: 7 ______dollars


13th AMENDMENT was passed in 1865 to officially end and make it illegal in the United States. of slaves were freed as a result of the war.


is assassinated watching a play at Ford’s Theater, 5 days after the surrender.

JOHN WILKES BOOTH assassinated President Lincoln. At first ______, but was later ______.Lincoln was the United States president to be assassinated. The size of the government grew after the war. begins to replace as the nation’s major economic activity. South is badly damaged – lost nearly __% of livestock and 50% of ______machinery. ______tracks gone, factories are ______. Before the war the South had ___% of the nation’s wealth – after the war only ___%

10.1RECONSTRUCTION Rebuilding the South

RECONSTRUCTION – the process the U.S. used to the Confederate States to the . Period usually referred to as 1865 to 1877.

FREEDMEN’S BUREAU – assisted former by setting up , hospitals and distributing and in the South.

ANDREW JOHNSON becomes when Lincoln is assassinated. He was Lincoln’s ______President. Johnson planned to carry on plans for ______. He believed the President would play a ______role in reconstructing the country.

AMNESTY – official ______, offered to most white Southerners.Some in the south the new government and refuse to ratify the ___th Amendment BLACK CODES – laws that ______the freedom of former slaves. Blacks couldn’t carry ______or meet in large ______. RADICIAL REPUBLICANS – were ______that pushed for ____and ______citizenship of African Americans.


1. All persons ______in the U.S. were ______

2. All citizens entitled to ______rights regardless of ______

_____AMENDMENT – states that all citizens had _____protection under the ____

To re-enter the Union states must:

1. Give the right to vote to ______2. Ratify the ___th Amendment

President ______fights many of the reforms the Congress passed – he thought they were too ______. IMPEACHED – to be formally accused of ______conduct while in office. He was ______– found _____guilty – by ____ vote.


Many African Americans left and started to . They were in search of lost ______members, economic opportunities and more ______.

Ex-slaves could now legally ______and family ties strengthened. Most ______went to school to learn to read and write. Adults and children flocked to ______’s Schools. Many ______charities funded these schools.

CONTRACT SYSTEM – a person that did ____ own land could contract to work the land for someone else who ______it. Without their own property, many ex-slaves returned to work on ______. They were paid for their ______.

Ex-slaves could now ______the best contracts for ____. Very ____ wages were paid – some were cheated out of wages and benefits. The drawbacks to this system made many turn to sharecropping.

SHARECROPPING – a worker ______a plot of land to farm.

The landowner provided the ______, ______and ______. Sharecroppers bought food and clothes on ______at the landowner’s ______, owning a lot of money at harvest time. Often a farmer had to use one year’s harvest to pay the previous year’s bill.Many sharecroppers were caught in a cycle of _____, they often _____ more than they _____each year. African Americans faced ______and ______racism in the South.Officially, slaves were given their ______but in many regards things were still difficult in terms of living their lives.

KKK – KU KLUX KLAN – a secret group with goals to restore Democratic control and keep ______slaves ______. The KKK ______African Americans, ______homes and ______people. Klansman scared people away from voting, Democrats increasing their power.

10.3END of RECONSTRUCTION Powerpoint Notes

ULYSSES S GRANT is a ______, elected president in _____. Despite attacks by the KKK, over ____,000 African Americans voting in the South.

15th AMENDMENT – states citizens cannot be stopped from ______based on ______. Women were still not given the right to vote.

President Grant did not choose his ______well. He chose friends and family members to fill positions they were not ______. Some of his friends in cabinet positions took ______and caused ______. The Republican Party started to split and was no longer strong and unified.

PANIC OF 1873 – some ______made bad ______and had to close. Led to ECONOMIC DEPRESSION – a time of _____business activity and h___unemployment

Lasted 5 years, many businesses ______and people lose ______. The Republicans are blamed and the Democrats begin to win more elections.

The 1876 Election is very close’ Tilden is ______Hayes is the ______

Election is so close that ______sides declare they are the ______. Hayes is eventually named ______as the result of a compromise.


1. ______troops are removed from the ______2. Loans for Southern ______

3. Federal funds for ______projects in the South

4. Hayes would appoint a Democrat to a ______position

5. Democrats would respect the ______of African Americans

Reconstruction government ______. Democrats regain control/power in Congress


1. ______for African Americans still ______achieved

2. Some rights are gained for African Americans – __th and __th Amendments

3. African American ______and ______grew

African Americans still faced ______and ______