#NinerNationGives Social Media Guidelines
1. Do you like us? Like our page!
Invite your friends to “like” the UNC Charlotte University and UNC Charlotte Alumni pages. This will help you spread the word and keep your followers up to date with the latest information.
UNC Charlotte Facebook Page – facebook.com/UNCCharlotte
UNC Charlotte Alumni Facebook Page – facebook.com/49erAlumni
2. Update your profile picture and cover photo.
Download and use UNC Charlotte’s #NinerNationGives profile picture and cover photo.
3. Share Facebook updates and promote the giving page.
During the day of giving, update your status on Facebook throughout the day to help increase awareness, excitement, and motivation to give. Share updates from UNC Charlotte’s University and Alumni Facebook pages with our progress towards our goal. Use the hashtag #NinerNationGives.
4. Tell your UNC Charlotte story.
On your page, share what UNC Charlotte means to you and how UNC Charlotte has made a difference in your life. Remember – your postings are from your perspective as a graduate or friend of UNC Charlotte and you are representing the University.
· Do not post any information that is proprietary to UNC Charlotte or the Alumni Association that is not public or could be considered personal or sensitive
· Respect other people’s privacy and think before your post!
· Also - upload and share photos from your days on campus!
5. Be Conversational!
Ask questions, share relevant links, post pictures and stories that encourage alumni to interact with you and other UNC Charlotte alumni.
· Show them the difference they can make by supporting UNC Charlotte during #NinerNationGives
· Keep your posts brief and offer engagement – something for others to do or interact with or respond to
6. Tell everyone about your participation in #NinerNationGives. Let your friends and followers know how they can help and the impact their generosity will have. Be clear, consistent and accurate in the statements you make.
7. Join the “#NinerNationGives Ambassador Group” on Facebook. Through this group, ambassadors will receive updates and information leading up to and throughout #NinerNationGives.
8. During the Day of Giving, post frequently! Just because the giving day has arrived doesn’t mean your social media conversations are over; you’ve built up to this moment, now carry through with the excitement!
· Share frequent updates, thank donors, post encouraging words to continue to generate support.
· Monitor likes, comments, or shares in response to your post. Be sure to respond to any questions to your posts.
10. HAVE FUN!!! Your Ambassador Coordinator will send out sample posts as we draw closer to the big day. Until then, watch the UNC Charlotte and Alumni Association Facebook pages for #NinerNationGives videos, which you are encouraged to like, share, re-post!
1. Use #NinerNationGives #UNCC @unccharlotte @49erAlumni @Charlotte49ers when you tweet to tag the university, alumni association or athletics – you don’t have to use them all - try for 1-2 for each tweet.
2. Try to keep tweets shorter than 140 characters to leave room for retweets and photos.
3. Be conversational and excited.
4. Try to encourage action in a tweet, e.g. “Check out these photos from our #NinerNationGives @unccharlotte alumni event,” “Watch this new #NinerNationGives video” or “Meet the scholarship student who’s changing the way we think about engineering”
5. If you are tweeting from an event try to give a flavor of where you are, and of who is there, example “Fantastic view of the NYC from tonight’s #NinerNationGives alumni social venue…”, example “looks like just about every @unccharlotte grad in town is at this #NinerNationGives event…”