Tōji: the Establishment of

Esoteric Buddhism in Japan

Brief Chronology

767 Saichō born near Kyoto.

774 Birth of Kūkai in Sanuki province on the island of Shikoku.

791 Kkai goes to Nara to study in a Confucian "university;" he becomes interested in Buddhism.

794 The Heian capital in founded.

796 Tōji is founded.

804 Kūkai and Saichō leave for China. Kūkai is intending to stay for twenty years. He reaches the Chinese capital of Changan later that year.

805 Saichō returns to Japan. Kūkai becomes the disciple of the aged Esoteric master Huiguo (746805) who proclaims Kūkai his successor.

806 Kūkai returns to Japan with many esoteric texts, sutras, and ritual implements.

809 Emperor Saga ascends to the throne. Kūkai receives permission to return to Kyoto.

810 Kūkai performs Esoteric rituals to protect the nation at the Takao Mountain Monastery and is appointed Intendent of Tōdaiji.

812 Ordinations at Takaosanji (Later known as Jingoji).

816 Kūkai is granted permission to open a private Esoteric sanctuary on Mt. Kōya (the Kongōbuji) in Kii province.

822 Saichō dies. Kūkai constructs a Shingon seminary at Tōdaiji.

823 Tōji is presented to Kūkai by Emperor Saga (r.809-823).

825 Construction on the Lecture Hall at Tōji is begun. (Approximate date of the Takao Mandala).

835 Kūkai is taken ill on Mt. Kōya in the first month of the year and dies two months later. The Leture Hall at Tōji is completed; however, the statues have yet to be carved.

836 Approximate date of the Nyoirin Kannon from Kanshinji, Osaka prefecture.

839 The statues in the Lecture Hall are completed.


80 Probable date for the Mandalas of the Two Worlds from Tōji.

TANTRISM or Esoteric Buddhism, the Thunderbold Vehicle, vajrayana

Tantra, literally "loom, model, system, framework."

The Five Buddhas

Including Mahavairocana (the Great Illuminator; Jap.

Dainichi) and the Buddhas of the Four Directions.

The Five Bright Kings (Skt. Vidyaraja; Jap. Myōō)

Including the Immovable One (Skt. Acala; Jap. Fudō) and

the Eater of Death (Skt. Yamantaka; Jap. Daiitoku)

Important Works

Statues of the Five Bodhisattvas. Lecture Hall, Tōji.

Statues of the Five Bright Kings. Lecture Hall, Tōji.

Statues of the Four Divine Kings. Lecture Hall, Tōji.

Statues of Bonten and Taishakuten. Lecture Hall, Tōji.

Important Terms

Enryakuji Kūkai (also known as Kōbō Daishi, 774835)

mandala mantra

Mt. Hiei Mt. Kōya

mudra Saichō (767822)

Shingon sect sutra

tahōtō Tendai sect
