Combined Operations Committee Training – July 11, 2005



Monday – July 11, 2005 § 8:30 A.M.

1000 Building – Board Room


John Backes, Jennifer Bacon, John Bonner, Beverly Brandt, Ken Burrus, Cathy Chun,

Dorothy Cirelli, Ruth Clark, Colleen Cooper Ferguson, Rosemary Dunne, Joyce Fagel,

Michele Foley, Kerry Fondren, Jone Garcia, Ann Garnsey-Harter, Norma Goldstein,

Paulette Graham, Mark Hankins, Phyllis Harris, Carol Henderson, Carla Hogan, Susan Hoyne,

Caryl Jacobs, Jim James, Mariko Kakiuchi, Gary Kalbfleisch, Kristi Kallander,

Mary Kelemen, Mari Kosin, Lee Lambert, Nancy Lamus, Mike Lanigan, Victoria Lauber, John Lederer, Gillian Lewis, Chris Linebarger, Berta Lloyd, Barb Loney, Chris Melton, Darlene Miller, Donna Miller-Parker, Holly Moore, Jeff Omalanz-Hood, Samira Pardanani, Lynette Peters, Kae Peterson, Lillie Plummer, Rebecca Rhodes, Andrea Rye, Thalia Saplad, Scott Saunders, Don Schultz, Steve Seki, Debra Sherman, Gavin Smith, Randy Stegmeier, Zakiya Stewart, Terry Taylor, Yvonne Terrell-Powell, Nancy Teske, Kim Thompson, Susana Villamarin, Joanne Warner, Holly Woodmansee, Meenoo Yashar, Lori Yonemitsu,

Robin Young, Judy Yu

OFFICE SUPPLY ONLINE ORDERING – Mary Kelemen with Dan Marcus from Corporate Express

Handout(s): State of Washington Current Contract Information

State of Washington Current Contract Information (Contract Title: On-line Office Supplies) distributed. According to the information, “This contract is awarded to a single contractor for the as needed purchase of Office Supplies, Equipment and Related Purchase Services, for delivery throughout the State of Washington. A web-site will be established to provide access to these items.” The contractor: Corporate Express. This is currently the mandatory contract for state agencies with the exception of higher education. However, it is very likely that this will eventually become a mandatory contract for higher education as well.

Currently, orders for office supplies at Shoreline Community College go through the Bookstore and then, to Corporate Express. If it is decided to proceed with ordering office supplies per the terms of the contract, orders will be made directly to Corporate Express via fax, phone or online ( The Bookstore will serve as a delivery point.

Dan Marcus, Account Executive - Corporate Express indicated that via this route, the college will be getting the state contracted price for office supplies which should equate to substantial savings. He also stated that 90% of the colleges in the state made their office supply purchases through the contract with Corporate Express.

Dan logged onto the site and provided an overview. Due to Corporate Express being a state contractor since 1995, the college’s programs and account numbers are already on the system. Dan noted that this information will be updated per the college’s, divisions’, departments’ determination. From the NOTES section on the handout, “In Registration, clients may establish a single authorized order placement individual, or develop a list Once registered Clients may view or purchase at the Washington State On-line Office Supply website where contract pricing is displayed.”

A number of questions came forth:

- What about defective products—returns?

(Dan: When there is a problem with one of their items, contact Corporate Express’ Customer Service Department.)

- What if Corporate Express does not have an item or items that we need in its inventory?

(If an item is not available via Corporate Express, it can be special ordered through Corporate Express.)

- How reliable are remanufactured toners?

(Holly Woodmansee added that two printers in Budget and Purchasing are utilizing remanufactured toners and there have been no problems with these toners.)

-When does this go into effect and what about training?

(Holly Woodmansee said that if the decision made is to order supplies via the Corporate Express eway system, the hope is to have things in place by September 1st with training provided by Corporate Express for persons authorized to place orders.)

Several inquired as to whether online ordering of office supplies with Corporate Express is a “have to” or “should do.” Is it this a state mandate or, is this something that has been internally determined as the direction in purchasing office supplies?

Lee indicated that the topic of online ordering via Corporate Express be taken to the President’s Leadership Team for a more thorough discussion.


Handout(s): Salary Principles

Exempt staff is set to receive a 3.2% COLA—effective September 2005.

Several exempt personnel will not be obtaining salary increases. Principles utilized in determining exempt salaries for 2005 – 2006:

·  Furthest behind salary range should be brought within the range

·  Look at the last salary increase date

·  Identify individuals that have received an increase in the last year

·  Grant funded positions – want to increase if grant will allow

·  Above the salary range

·  Salary Range

·  Similar positions should be paid similarly

·  Merit

·  Positions that have changed

·  Market Considerations

Lee stated that:

Allocation received from the legislature: $143,00000

Deducted (from $143,00000) for benefit expenses: approximately $23,00000

Available for COLAs (as determined by the state): $90,00000

For recruitment and retention purposes: $ remaining


The Collective Bargaining Agreement By And Between The State Of Washington and Washington Federation Of State Employees Higher Education (WFSE Higher Ed) went into effect on July 1, 2005.

Lee stated that everyone should have gone through the Classified Contract (General Contract) Training. A number of persons have not yet participated in this training. The Human Resources Office will arrange one more session related to training on the general contract. More article specific training (hours of work, overtime, discipline, performance evaluations, etc.) will happen in the fall.

Performance evaluations are to be completed. Ruth added that when a supervisor has a number of employees that started at the college during the same month, these employees’ performance evaluations are to be staggered. (The college and the union agreed to this.) Lee noted that supervisors should check with Ruth in setting up a performance evaluation schedule if she/he has several employees that started at the college during the same month.

Ruth mentioned that there is going to be a new performance evaluation tool—the PDP (Performance Development Plan). Trainings in relation to the PDP will occur, hopefully in September. In the meantime, supervisors should continue to use the EDPP (Employee Development and Performance Plan).

Lee, Ruth: The classification system is changing and to determine if individuals are correctly classified, an analysis of jobs (secretarial, office, IT series) is taking place. Emails went out from either Jamie Smith or Pam Ziegler related to this. Training for those who have received emails related to classifications: July and September.

Lee: The relationship with DOP (Department of Personnel) is going to change. When there were technical questions, the college contacted the DOP. Per the new collective bargaining agreement, the college has to become the technical expert. Regarding items related to the agreement (contract), please interface with the Human Resources Office.

Ruth would be glad to come in and speak with staff regarding the contract—let the Human Resources Office know specifically, the type of training needed.



Regarding the Manager Development and Performance Plan (MDPP), Lee mentioned that a subgroup of the Operations Committee is going to work on a tool to replace the MDPP, bringing information to the committee for feedback. Lee added that work from the Climate Task Force and the Strategic Planning Committee will have an effect on the tool.

Operations Committee Meetings, Outcomes

John (Backes) mentioned that when the Operations Committee meets, there is “a lot of salary in the room” and from this framework, asked the group for their input regarding Operations Committee meetings.

-Should we meet regularly?

-What are outcomes for this meeting (other than training)?

-1-2 status meeting(s) per quarter? What is happening with the strategic plan, for example?

John mentioned that he hopes that the committee can be a venue to determine what to do in relation to a grievance process and that if this type of discussion were to transpire in Operations Committee meetings, that “what we agreed to do,” should be reflected in the meeting summaries. He added that we do need to have a plan and items, worked through in a programmatic way—there are things that are happening at the college (internally and externally).

Donna likes having a specific day designated for the meetings (first Monday of the month, for example). She also would like to see an agreed upon calendar of topics and the names of those making the presentations.

There was a consensus that “the communication piece is very important” and that “these meetings work if we communicate things across the board by taking the information back to our areas. We have a responsibility to take things back…to talk to others.”

Thalia would like to continue to look at the ways we communicate, with a commitment to communicate from all areas. Darlene and Caryl reminded the group to utilize listservs and DAAG to pass on information. Judy suggested, “When doing a presentation in a meeting, send 1-2 paragraphs to PIO.”

Darlene suggested that Operations Committee members generate “I need to know, “I need to be trained about” lists. (Lee said that ideas for trainings be sent to Pam Dusenberry, Training and Development Officer.)

Holly (Woodmansee) would like to see presentations from other departments as a part of Operations Committee meetings as she would like to know what is going on across campus.

Mariko asked questions that she feels would contribute to determining outcomes for the committee:

-What is our vision as a group?

-As a whole college, what is our vision?

-What are we striving for, overall?

-What is our overall purpose for existing?

Opening Week

Norma is in the midst of collecting information on Opening Week (September 22nd – September 28th) related activities. Send information on major events, departmental meetings, division meetings, etc. that are scheduled to happen during Opening Week to Norma.

Classified Staff

Raises for classified staff will be reflected on the July 25th paycheck.

Lee stated that classified staff be allowed to continue to participate in the Wellness Program component (using ½ of lunch period to attend “sponsored event” sessions through Intramurals; must attend at least 2 sessions per week and no more than 3 per week).


10:05 A.M.

Submitted by Lori Y. Yonemitsu

Draft: July 20, 2005

Final: July 26, 2005