Parish Clerk – Vickie Watts

| 07971 516916 | Gallant Hill Farm, Foxcote, Radstock, BA3 5YB

ON 14th November 2016 AT 7.30PM
Present in attendance: / Cllr Crowcombe (Vice Chair), Cllr David Van Dyk, and Cllr Alan Price.
Vickie Watts (Clerk) took the minutes. 6 members of the public attended.
1 / Declaration of interests and dispensations
There were none.
2 / Apologies for Absence
Cllr Grant Bolton, Cllr Jacqui Gallo, Cllr Karen Mitchell and PCSO Nicola Housley sent apologies which were accepted by the Chair.
3 / Agreement of Minutes for the Parish Council meeting which was held on 14th October 2016 and matters arising
All Councilor’s had received a copy of the minutes prior to the meeting. It was agreed that they were an accurate record of the meeting so were duly signed by the Chair.
Vote 3 For, 0 Against & 0 Abstained
All matters arising had been actioned or will be discussed under a later agenda item except for:
·  Cllr Crowcombe explained that Vita Play had provided replacement labels for the ones that have been removed from the new gym equipment. They have agreed to do this as often required but it was suggested that the Parish Council should source a metal or plastic version of the notice so that it can be erected next to the gym equipment to highlight that it is not for the use of children.
Cllr Price arrived at 19.38hrs
4.3 / Meeting Open to the Public
Mr Crowcombe explained that he had attended Speedwatch training recently where a new warning sign had been unveiled. Each sign costs £25 + VAT which includes the brackets. It is hoped that 2 signs will be provided free of charge but it was asked if the Parish Council might fund an additional 4 to be fitted to the repeater locations. It was agreed that the sample sign would be shown to Councillors at the next meeting and funding for the additional signs considered. Mr Crowcombe was pleased to announce that a new laser speed gun had been supplied to the Cranmore team free of charge.
Cllr Van Dyk agreed to write to All Hallows School to highlight the concerns of speeding within the village in hope that they will ask parents to drive carefully when passing through the village.
It was reported that the hedge on the corner of the junction of Piers Road and the road next to the Strode Inn has become overgrown and is therefore forcing pedestrians to walk in the highway. Alan will liaise to see if the landowner is able to cut back the hedge or is help needed?
John Reakes said that the Memorial Hall committee would like to apply for funding to repair the roof. Awards for All are currently offering a maximum of £10K per grant but it has been said that the maximum award will be raised to £20K next year. It was suggested that the Memorial Hall should first apply for the Hallmark award. There are 3 levels which can be achieved. The Clerk to download the application form from the CCS website and make an agenda item for the next meeting. / Ag
5.3 / PCSO, County & District Councilors Reports
PCSO report - PCSO Nicola Housley did not attend but emailed to say that on the 16/10 there was a report of criminal damage where some brakes were cut on one of the trains at the railway.
Lucy Bagnowiec emailed to say that she had been given a sideways move to the Wells rural beat so was no longer our beat manager. PC Heather Anderton who will start in a few months. Until then PC Greg Power is covering the whole of Shepton Mallet who will ensure a police report is submitted as normal.
County Cllr Report - County Cllr Ham did not attend and no report had been received.
District Councilor Report
District Cllr Van Dyk reported that Mendip District Council had highlighted the need to keep Councillors declaration of interests up to date. A copy of the email will be circulated to all Councillors. / DVD
6 / Planning
There were no applications to consider
7 / Planning updates
2016/2190/APP – Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 3 (joinery details), 4 (rainwater goods and external attachments), 5 (ext4ernal facing materials in respect of th4e walls and roof), 6 (sample panel of the natural stone and stonework on listed building consent 2014/2723/LBC.
Cold Harbour Farm, Withy Wood Lane, Cranmore
Approved by MDC
2016/2025/FUL - South Hill House, West Cranmore, Shepton Mallet, BA4 4QS AND
2016/2026/LBC - South Hill House, West Cranmore, Shepton Mallet BA4 4QS
- Removal of two Velux windows - Construction of two dormer windows
- Insertion of three conservation roof lights - Realignment of three existing roof lights
- Removal & replacement windows with new timber casement windows - Reconfigure internal partitions
- Removal replacement of internal floor finishes - Removal and replacement of internal doors
- Removal & replacement of external doors - Removal and replacement of internal partitions
- Insertion of new partitions to first floor with clear glazing units to exposed truss frames
- Removal of two external soil vent pipes and replacement with internally placed air imminence valves
- Replacement of plastic rainwater goods with cast iron
Mendip District Council approved both applications with conditions
8.3 / Finance
Financial statement
The Clerk had emailed the financial statement prior to the meeting. All Councilor’s agreed that it was accurate and should be signed by the Chair.
Agree Bank Reconciliation
This had been completed and will be checked at the end of the meeting by Cllr Crowcombe.
Discuss and agree precept 2017/18
The Clerk produced a spreadsheet showing the first draft of the proposed precept for yet year 2017/18. It was agreed that all Councillors should consider the figures in preparation for the December meeting. / Ag
8.6 / Payments:
The following cheques were read out for payment:
Clerks salary October (Inc back pay £12.65 & HMRC payment)
£164.13 plus Clerks expenses for October £32.40
Shepton Mallet Landscape Ltd:
Parish Grasscutting £1644.00
Cemetery Grasscutting £ 720.00
Grant Thornton – External Audit / £ 196.53
£ 180.00
It was agreed that all cheques should be signed. The cheques were signed by Cllr Van Dyk and Cllr Crowcombe.
Vote 3 in favour; 0 against and 0 abstained
The Clerk confirmed that the donation of £900 from Jill’s Close towards the play equipment had been received and paid into the bank.
9 / Sports field – Discuss tenancy agreement and new fence
It was agreed that a separate meeting would be held in the New year. / Ag
10 / Update on potential purchase of field adjacent to Jill’s Close & funding options.
Cllr Van Dyk said that the landowner has now instructed Killen’s to deal with the sale. Some residents have expressed an interest in purchasing land to the rear of their properties. Cllr Van Dyk will continue to progress the negotiations. / DVD
11 / Update on Neighbourhood watch
Agenda item for next month. / Ag
12 / Christmas Tree field – discuss and agree action
Agenda item for next month / Ag
13 / Agree dates for 2017
The dates were agreed for 2017 and will be displayed on the website and notice boards.
It was suggested that the Village Agent be invited to the 2017 Annual meeting of the Parish / VW
14 / Highway Issues (Inc SIDS, Speeding & outstanding requests, etc…)
SIDS – The new SID posts have been ordered. Cllr Van Dyk said that the SID team are planning to have a trial run next week to ensure that everything is in place ready to go live.
The Clerk will ask County Cllr Ham to collect the salt for the Parish on the 3rd December from the Glastonbury depot. / DVD
15 / Councilor Reports (Community group, Footpaths; Speed Watch; SALC; Quarry)
Community Group – Cllr Van Dyk explained that he had taken over as Chair for the Community Group in light of Cllr Bolton standing down. He reported that the Halloween party was a success and that the senior gifts have been purchased and wrapped ready for Christmas.
SALC – The Area meeting will take place on the 15th December.
Quarry Liaison meeting – Wainwrights will be re-submitting the application soon. It was suggested that a meeting be held with other relevant Parish Councillors to hear the facts and then report back to each Council.
16 / Meetings Attended / To be Attended
There were none. / ALL
17 / Correspondence
NHS health checks – Clerk to ask if this could be completed at the April APM.
Information has been received from Stephen Lake of the Elections team at MDC regarding the requested Community Governance review. The information has been emailed to all Councillors who were asked to read ready for discussion at the December meeting.
The Clerk confirmed that the monthly report for Jill’s Close had been received and did not raise any concerns.
A plaque had been received from Mendip District Council to be erected on the new play equipment to show that it was funded by the Legacy grant. Cllr Crowcombe to arrange for it to be installed. / VW
18 / Date & Time of Next Meeting
Monday 12th December 2016 – Working party meeting to discuss the sports field & the field adjacent to Jill’s close starting at 7.00pm
Monday 12th December 2016 – Parish Council meeting 7.30pm
Monday 9th January 2017 – Parish Council meeting 7.30pm / Ag
The meeting ended at 9pm