DPAC MINUTES FOR April 13, 2015

7:00 p.m. Van Bien Training and Development Centre


DPAC Executive:Sarah Holland (Chair), Gillian Burnett (Recorder),Chris Finke, Steve Shannon, Dennis Fudge, Darlene Campbell, Rob Woodsl

Partner Groups:Karen Wong, CUPE; Dan Watt, PGPVPA; Tina Cousins, PGDTA

School Reps:Candice Bate – Buckhorn; Jaqueline Dockray – Ecole College Heights Elementary; Chris Finke – DP Todd; Darlene Campbell – Duchess Park; Christine Taylor – Edgewood; Steve Shannon – Kelly Road; Shauna Connor – Lac Des Bois; Gillian Burnett – Nukko Lake; Charleen Henya – Nusdeh Yoh; Michelle Rolfes – PGSS; Ryan Clarke & Kim Pryschlak – Quinson; Dennis Fudge – Spruceland; Rob Woods – Malispina

1.Call to Order, Secretary

Call for volunteer to record the meeting and prepare minutes. Gillian Burnett from Nukko Lake volunteers.

2.Adoption of Agenda and Minutes

Adopted as presented

3.PAC Networking – Introductions and discussion about an Elementary school’s eligibility for a VP


a)DSAC (Robin Keahey, Hayley Jakubowski) – Not in attendance

b)CUPE (Karen Wong) – Spoke about the upcoming open forum at CNC (see attached poster), replacement workers for CUPE staff not always available and staff are coming to work sick as a result. 61 CUPE presidents are asking trustees not to conform to provincial governments request for cuts to education. If they ALL agree, they might achieve change.

c)PGDTA (Tina Cousins) –Echoed Karen Wong from CUPE in support and need of upcoming open forum on education at CNC. People need to start talking about what is needed. Noted the upcoming Spring Fling with Keynote Sean Smith

d)PGPVPA (Dan Watt) – Spoke about the Leadership Standards, 4 principles: Moral Stewardship, Instructional Leadership, Relational Leadership and Organizational Leadership

e)PEA (Nicole Harris) – Not in attendance

f)Superintendent (Brian Pepper) – Unable to attend

g)Trustee (Brenda Hooker) – Unable to attend

5.Officer and Committee Reports

a)Executive Board Report (Sarah Holland) – see attached

b)Treasurer’s Report (Chris Finke) – see attached.

c)BCCPAC Report (Dennis Fudge) – There is more up to date information about the AGM and spring conference on the website. Resolutions are out and available on the website. Resolution Meeting for DPAC coming up. BCCPAC has developed some new reference material and it will be available soon. Have been talking about holding Zone Conferences rathr than a Fall Conference.

6.PAC and Parent Assistance

a)Grant Requests –2 coming forward – see attached


To provide $300 worth of grant money to Quinson PAC for a Parent/Caregiver Resource Centre


DPAC would like a report from Quinson on their resource centre at some future point in time.


To approve $300 worth of grant money to Lac des Bois PAC for Parent Speaker Night with Sean Smith.


b)Gary Anaka – September 24th evening presentation & available to schools during the day. Sarah has sent Principal’s an e-mail regarding this opportunity. Need to arrange publicity and event location – Teenage Brain for parents & students in grade 8-12.

c)Fall Conference planning – Committee to meet

7.Advising School District

a)Education Services Committee Report (Steve) – See attached

b)Education Programs and Planning Committee Report (Chris, Darlene) –See attached

c)Policy and Governance (Sarah/Dennis) – See attached

d)Ad Hoc Technology Committee (Steve) – Se Ed Services report

e)Expanded Committee of the Whole –Add to website to seek feedback. DPAC submission to provide input that we want a new process.

f)Suggestions for School Board Report –None at this time

8.Other Business

a)BCCPAC Conference – Dennis, Donna and Charleen have expressed interest in attending.


To pay expenses & registration for 2015 Spring BCCPAC AGM & Conference for Dennis, Donna and Charleen.


b)Proxies – requested from members in attendance.

ACTION – Send out e-mail requesting proxies from PACs not in attendance

9.Agenda items for next meeting – none at this time

10.Adjournment - Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 11th, at 7:00 pm Van Bien Training and Development Centre.

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