

  1. During the Vietnam War, which side did the U.S. fight on – N. Vietnam or S. Vietnam?______
  1. The U.S. was fighting in Vietnam to stop the spread of ______
  1. Who was the leader of N. Vietnam?______
  1. Who was the leader of S. Vietnam?______
  1. The fear that if one country falls to communism, surrounding countries will also

fall is called ______

  1. This resolution authorized the President (LBJ) to take all necessary measures to fight any threat against the United States in the Vietnam War.______
  1. List the 5 Presidents who served during the Vietnam Conflict
  1. A jellied gasoline that was dropped in large canisters that exploded on impact was used in the Vietnam War ______
  1. A herbicide meant to kill plant life was also used during the Vietnam War ______
  1. These people supported the war effort______
  1. These people opposed the war; they wanted troops to come home ______
  1. Where was the 1968 Democratic National Convention held? ______
  1. What was it called when the United States decided to pull out of Vietnam and let the South Vietnamese troops assume more combat responsibilities______
  1. The National Guard opened fire at this University and killed 4 students ______
  1. This massacre happened when the United States opened fire in this village killing innocent civilians______
  1. This study was conducted and published publicly. It revealed that Presidents involved in the Vietnam War lied to both the American public and to Congress about information during the war.______
  1. A protest movement by American youth that arose in the late 1960s and faded during the late 1970s. According to some, young people in the United States were forming a culture of their own, opposed to the culture of Middle America.______
  1. The theory of political, social, and economic equality of men and women ______
  1. This woman helped establish the NOW (National Organization of Women).______
  1. He was a famous activist who fought for Latino rights______
  1. What does AIM stand for?______
  1. What does the EPA stand for?______
  1. What scandal was Nixon involved in?______
  1. What did Nixon do before he could be impeached?______
  1. Who took over as President after Nixon?______
  1. Who became President in 1976?______
  1. Those who preach on television, ______, became popular in the 1970s.
  1. In 1979, the U.S. Embassy in this country was invaded by radical students______
  1. In 1980, this President was elected ______
  1. An economic policy was named after the above president. It stated that if taxes are reduced, people will work more and have more money to spend, causing the economy to grow. The government then would collect more taxes. What was this called?______
  1. George H.W. Bush was president during which war?______
  1. The official end to the Cold War was recognized when a wall came down in which city?______
  1. Who won the 1992 presidential election?______
  1. T/F The above president was impeached?______
  1. What does NAFTA stand for?______
  1. What does NATO stand for?______
  1. The 2000 election was very controversial. Who were the two people running for president?______
  1. What are WMDs?______
  1. Who was thought to have WMDs?______
  1. Who is the President now?______
  1. Who is our Vice President?______
  1. Which two countries are we fighting wars in now?______