June 2018

Welcome to the June edition of our quarterly newsletter. We hope you find this of interest and would appreciate any comments you may have. We would also welcome your suggestions for topics to include in future editions.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – 25th May 2018

This is a new law that determines how your personal data is processed and kept safe and the legal rights that you have in relation to your own data. The regulation applies from 25th May 2018, and will apply even after the UK leaves the EU. A leaflet giving brief details about the changes is available from the reception or can be found on our website in the news section. Our full Practice Privacy Notice can be found on our website www.shevington-surgery.co.uk under the Practice Policies section (number 17) for further information.

National Data Opt-out

The national data opt-out allows a patient to choose that they do not want their confidential patient information to be used for purposes beyond their individual care and treatment, such as planning and research. Further information regarding the data opt-out can be found via www.nhs.uk/your-nhs-data-matters. A leaflet is also available from the reception or can be downloaded from our practice website www.shevington-surgery.co.uk.

Updating your contact details

It is extremely important that we have up-to-date contact details for you. Please notify us of any changes to your name, address or contact numbers as soon as possible so that we can update your record.

Electronic prescriptions

Did you know that you can get your prescription sent electronically to the pharmacy of your choice? This prevents you having to call at the surgery to collect your prescription and most pharmacies also offer a delivery service for your convenience. If you would like your prescription to be sent electronically to the pharmacy of your choice please mention this to your pharmacist who will be able to add their nomination to your surgery record. This will ensure that all future prescriptions will be sent to them automatically.

Breast Screening

We have been notified by the local breast screening service that our patients aged between 50 – 70 will be invited to attend for screening around October – November this year. Selected women aged 47-49 and 71-73 may also be invited as part of the ongoing extension trial and for more information regarding this you should contact the Breast screening unit on 01942 774713 or e-mail: .

Your appointment letter from the South Lancashire Breast Screening Unit will give details of the date, time, where your screening will take place and a helpful information booklet.

We recommend that all of our female patients attend their breast screening appointment as diagnosing Breast Cancer earlier can save lives.

If you have any questions or require further information please contact the Breast Screening Unit on the telephone number or e-mail above.

Results of investigations and blood tests done in hospital (secondary care)

It is our practice policy that patients contacting us for results of investigations and blood tests requested and carried out by consultants in hospital (secondary care) will be referred back to the consultant to obtain the results. We are not always able to interpret the results or to give advice on what the next stages of treatment may be. It is the responsibility of the requesting clinician to report on and decide on further treatment if required. Our results staff are not allowed to download any results of investigations done in hospital via the ICE system and will advise you to contact the consultant’s secretary to obtain your results.

Wigan and Leigh Carers’ Centre

Wigan and Leigh Carers Centre support carers who look after a family member, neighbour or friend with an illness or disability. They are able to direct you to relevant services to help support you in your caring role and ensure that you have up to date information.

If you would like more information about Wigan and Leigh Carers’ Centre and the services they provide please call 01942 705959 or check their website: www.wiganandleighcarerscentre.org.uk. If you would like to register as a carer we have

Registration forms available at the surgery reception.

Electronic entrance doors

We have recently installed electronic entrance doors to improve access to the surgery.

There are two activation buttons outside the main entrance door, one on the left and one on the right hand side. There is an activation button in the foyer and there is an activation button on the inner entrance door to use when exiting from the surgery.