*Please do not send your student home on the bus if the bus did not pick your student up that morning.

*Student transportation will include but may not be limited to these routes:

Bus #1

Morning and Evening Route

CR 390

CR 640

CR 670

Town Route

Bus #2

Morning Route

Bus #2 will have designated stops on Hwy 20, all the way to the Maysville Store.

First Stop:

Mt. Herman Church sign by Hwy 20 at 7:00 a.m.

Second Stop:

Trails End Store on Hwy 20 at 7:10 a.m.

Third Stop:

Maysville Store at 7:20 a.m. We will leave the store at 7:25 a.m. We will head back to Jay and pick up our students that always get picked up on Hwy 20 at the regular time.


Evening Route

First Stop:

Mt. Herman Church sign around 3:50 p.m.

Second Stop:

Trails End Store around 4:00 p.m.

Third Stop:

Maysville Store around 4:10 p.m. and head back to Jay and make regular stops.

Bus #3

Students that live on E. 370 Rd. will meet at the Oak Hill Church.

The stops that are on S. 700 Rd. and E. 360 Rd. will meet the bus at E. 360 Rd. and Hwy 43 just south of the Southwest City, MO line.

Students that live off of E. 430 Rd. S. 667 Rd. and E. 425 will meet the bus at the Colcord/Keithly Rd.-- S. 660 (Depending which is closer to intersection from which they live: S. 660 Rd. and E. 425 Rd. or S. 660 Rd. and E. 430 Rd.)

Bus #5

Children in town on Second Street, same time, same stops (a.m. and p.m.)

Children at Trailer Park across from the Elementary, same time, same stops (a.m. and p.m.)

All children on dirt roads will come to Hwy 660 or Colcord/Keithly Rd.

First Stop:

S. 660 and E. 445 Rd.

6:55 a.m and 4:05 p.m.

Second Stop:

Green dumpsters on 660 Rd. (Colcord/Keithly)

6:55 a.m. and 4:07 p.m.

Third Stop:

660 Rd. and 450 Rd. (The intersection of 660 Rd. Colcord/Keithly Rd. and 450 Rd. Piney Rd.)

7:05 a.m. and 4:17 p.m.

We will turn around and head back to Hwy 20 and have one more stop right before Hwy 20 at 660 Rd. and E. 417 Rd.

7:25 a.m and 4:00 p.m.

Bus #6

First Stop:

School District to Lakemont Shores Club House (540 Rd.)

Second Stop:

Sonny Buzzard corner (555 Rd.)

Hwy 20/28 to regular stops.


14th St. to Cherokee St. then to School.

Bus #7

7:15 380 W, 127 Hwy and 591 Rd., Fairgrounds

7:20 Deerlick,(if possible) E. 390 Rd., Annie Acres 622 Rd. Countryside Estates

7:30 Starr-Scott Edition meet driver at 59 Hwy.

7:35 Industrial Park, Melton St, Monroe Ave

7:45 Price St.

7:50 Head Start

8:00 Elementary

Bus #8

Hwy 20 South to Ross Acres

Back to Hwy 10/59

North into Jay looping behind Homeland

To School District

Bus #9

Students living in the Oak-Hill Piney area will need to meet the bus at the green dumpsters (7:20 a.m and depart at 7:30 a.m.)

Return to Jay on Hwy 20 to complete town route

Cherokee Housing on 12th street approximately 7:50

Return to School District

Bus #10

Eucha turn off, south to S. 432 Rd.

West to Eucha Fire Station and Old Eucha Store

North on S. 559 Rd. to Hwy 20

Town route to school district

Bus #11

6th St. by Football Field

Dial over to 4th St.

Wieses Trading Post

Town Route

Bus #12

Topsy Church Hwy 20

Students on Hwy 28

Return to School District

Sunny Wood Edition Student bus stop will be either entrance

Will not go through Sunny Wood Edition

Bus # 15

CR 358 (7:00 a.m.)

CR 538 (7:10 a.m.)

Hwy 28 from Gray’s Corner to Hwy 20 West (7:15 a.m.)

Lindley’s St. (7:35 a.m)

Bus # 16

Hwy E. 20 to S. 680

Turn left to E. 400 Rd.

Turn left to S. 670 Rd.

Tony’s Corner turn around

East on 400 Rd. to S. 700 Rd.

Turn left to E. 390 Rd. to Hwy 43

North on Hwy 43 to E. 370 Rd.

Turn left to Oak Chapel Church turn around

Back track to Hwy 43

Turn right to E. 390 Rd.

Turn right to S. 680 Rd.

Turn right at next intersection turn around at end of road

Back track to E. 670

South to Hwy 20

Bus #17

P.J.’s Corner- Disney (7:00 a.m.)

Baptist Church- Disney (7:03 a.m.)

Assist with students at Sunny Wood Entrance

Cover all stops along Hwy 28 (7:35 a.m.)

Trading Post Hwy 28/Hwy 20

Cover stops on Hwy 20 to school district